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New to this forum, at the reccommendation of Gusto :) Who is the Riker to my Picard :heart: (yea that's right Kevin, you're only #2)
Hmmm not much about me, I am a pretty laid back person. Go to U of W, double major anthro/geog and a minor in HRM (because I actually do have a death wish).
Obviously a trekkie. But who isn't!




Number One! I order you to take a number two!



Yea, that may be the best picture ever. But I don't think Beavis has as much swankiness as picard has




Nice ta meet ya!

Is Gusto an Evolutionary groupie or are you a Gustophile?



Gusto will deny it, but deep down, he's an Evolutionary groupie. See, I'm the captain :cool:




You're bald?



haha, I haven't seen that episode in YEARS, but I love it.




I'll admit it. And it's not even that deep down.



You're bald?
Good point, but no. Being a girl it would be awkward to be bald, I actually have long dark hair. Gusto is the only person I know down with TNG, so all my jokes go to him. Plus I don't know if he could handle being Picard, I mean he's more of a Riker.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

I'll admit it. And it's not even that deep down.
Did part of your soul just die when you did? haha



New to this forum, at the reccommendation of Gusto :) Who is the Riker to my Picard :heart: (yea that's right Kevin, you're only #2)
Hmmm not much about me, I am a pretty laid back person. Go to U of W, double major anthro/geog and a minor in HRM (because I actually do have a death wish).
Obviously a trekkie. But who isn't!
That would make him #1 not #2 >.>[/quote]

I meant he's #2 to me, haha. We joke. Basically our days consist of inappropriate jokes.
Yes, Riker was hot with a beard




Hello, Ev! :D Glad to meet ya.




Riker was hot stuff when he finally got the beard.

he was gettin' a lil' pudgy there though at the end. Seemed like he needed to stop with the transporter and maybe take a jefferies tube ifyaknowwhatimean



Obviously a trekkie. But who isn't!
Er, well...me. Kinda.

I really liked the NEW movie. And my own webcomic is at least partially intended as what Star Trek woulda been had I been in charge...that aspect of the plot is kicking into gear right about nowish, in fact.

But I could never really get into Trek. Sumfin' about it kinna rubbed me the wrong way. It's hard to define, exactly...but...


Fun Size

Fun Size

It's the sheer machismo that is William Shatner. Not everyone can withstand the awesomeness of the Shat.




Welcome, welcome, too tired to make a pun involving coctails or snacks...

So how'd ya meet El Gusto?



Welcome aboard. :)



Obviously a trekkie. But who isn't!
Er, well...me. Kinda.

I really liked the NEW movie. And my own webcomic is at least partially intended as what Star Trek woulda been had I been in charge...that aspect of the plot is kicking into gear right about nowish, in fact.

But I could never really get into Trek. Sumfin' about it kinna rubbed me the wrong way. It's hard to define, exactly...but...[/QUOTE]
That's cool, as long as you have something you get out of it! The new one was so awesome, Chris Pine is great eye candy.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

Hello, Ev! :D Glad to meet ya.
Hey Cajun, Gusto has told me about you! (not in a bad way)

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

Welcome, welcome, too tired to make a pun involving coctails or snacks...

So how'd ya meet El Gusto?
I know him because I've worked with him for a looooooong time. I get to harass him a lot. Good times. Tired? I hear you there... thank god my semester is over.



The Utopian perfect world vibe?
No, I dig that; my sci-fi tastes are kinna old-school.

The lack of a story line? (TOS, TNG and in part VOY).
Naw, I was mostly okay with that too. I do like a show with continuity, but there are also times I actually long for something episodic. Balance between the two makes me happy.

I already gathered you're more of a fan of Babylon 5 type scifi, right? Which was good no doubt.
Babylon 5 kicks booty.

The new Trek movie really is awesome.
And it solved a lot of what I didn't like about the original. Maybe not everything, but enough that I actually--*gasp*--went out and got a copy of it on DVD. (There are some folks who know my true opinions about Star Trek who would find that fact shocking, frankly.)

Nah, it wasn't really any of the above. I have something of a laundry list of complaints:
- Ship designs don't float my ducky
- Forehead-ridges, nose-knobblies, and neck spots do NOT make someone an alien
- Neither do pointy ears
- Aliens too much like archetypes; only Klingon or Vulcan is more or less interchangeable with any other
- The Prime Directive can bite me
- I want "Star Wars"-style fighters, dammit
- "Babylon 5" had 'em too, yanno
- I'd like to see how civilians live a bit more often
- Technobabble
- Shatner

...well, I could go on, but I don't want to insult people who like the show. Not too badly, anyway.
I've often said that there were two ways I'd give Star Trek another try:
First, if they'd follow a civilian ship around instead of Starfleet. Think Han Solo or "Firefly" in the Star Trek universe. Maybe they bump into Starfleet from time to time, but it's an independent vessel doing its own thing.
Second, maybe we're still following a Starfleet vessel like the Enterprise, but as captain...cast Andrew Dice Clay. And when the first officer comes into the ready room, he's got his feet up on the desk with a beer in one hand, a comic book in the other, and he's watching football on the viewscreen. I got you Tennyson and Earl Grey tea right here. Nyaa! :D

...JJ Abrams found a third way I hadn't considered; I may actually be a convert thanks to that movie. But still.

That's cool, as long as you have something you get out of it! The new one was so awesome, Chris Pine is great eye candy.
Not really my type...but Uhura was kind of a babe. ;)




I think they gave a ton of hand-waving arguments why fighters were pointless in the Trek Universe.

As far as aliens go, there's actually an in-universe explanation for the similarity of races, and even why the non-human races tend toward a single personality, too. But really, rumply heads are no less non-alien that 6 legs and furry or elephant nosed. Or legs at all. Or even operating on the same physical principles. At least they tried in a few episodes. (Like the crystalline and energy-based beings).

I'm not much of a Trekkie or Trekker. I like them, but I'm no apologist. But I did like the inclusion of real science and the exploration of social and ethical issues thinly veiled by sci-fi.



I think they gave a ton of hand-waving arguments why fighters were pointless in the Trek Universe.
Heh. I seem to remember some folks on a sci-fi board did some calculations given the various tech manuals that exist out there and they discovered that if Star Wars and Star Trek ever fought, the Warsies would go through the Trekkies like tissue paper; a single X-wing could make mincemeat of the Enterprise, never mind what a whole Star Destroyer could do...

As far as aliens go, there's actually an in-universe explanation for the similarity of races, and even why the non-human races tend toward a single personality, too.
I saw the episode that explained the similarity, but I don't recall why they go toward a single personality.
Not that it matters, really; an explanation doesn't change how I feel about watching it, doesn't make me want nuance any less.

But really, rumply heads are no less non-alien that 6 legs and furry or elephant nosed. Or legs at all. Or even operating on the same physical principles. At least they tried in a few episodes. (Like the crystalline and energy-based beings).
But they are, actually.
Here, check this out; it's called , and it's a really cool documentary about what aliens would probably be like given certain conditions on other planets. It's kind of old, but it's really cool, regardless.
Fact of the matter is that just being a biped or a quadroped isn't all that likely, never mind looking as close to human as a Klingon.
