Entertain me you fools!!

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I'm sitting here finally done with my work week. My children are contently playing in the other room. I have housework I could/should be working on but don't feel up to it. I may or may not have homework I could be working on but don't even feel like checking right now. I have business dissolution paperwork to draw up because my ex-girlfriend and I can't even be friends and therefore definitely not business partners anymore but I'm giving that situation a couple of days to cool off before I venture into that arena again. I have a statement I need to write in order to get my truck out of police impound but want to consult with a lawyer before I submit anything. I'm tired from work it has been a really long week for very little pay. I don't have any video games to play nor desire to anyhow. The only books I have sitting around I really don't feel like reading.
So I'm sitting here with either nothing to do nor the drive to find something to entertain myself. So I come to Halforums and we seem to be in the middle of a very quiet period of time. Come on people, post, entertain, yell scream insult laugh tease (I'm looking at you who teases with the rep and if I thought you were half serious at be teasing right back :blush:) or in some other way entertain forum!!

tl;dr version:
Entertain me your fools!! :p

Element 117

I keep mistaking you for SeriousJay.

which just means I think you have me on your ignore list.

Which is awesome.

Then I sidetrack into sexual shower fantasies about Ame. And then nothing matters, except the new levels of pleasure that redefine happiness leaving the rest of the universe doused in gray.
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