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Epic Beard Man




This is apparently turning into an internet sensation very quickly. At least over at 4chan, of course.

Epic Beard Man's response interview:

And Michael's response:

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think it was Epic Beard Man who started the argument. Seems like he's got a history of this (being the same guy that got tazed at a baseball game last year). Of course, they're both idiots when it comes down to it. YouTube's apparently exploded with racist comments from both sides.

The whole thing is insane, but goddamn, the internet finds the weirdest things to hook onto.


Rob King

Rob King

If 4chan endorses it, I don't feel like it's something I can watch without getting angry at, or saddened by. Can you give the quick rundown? What happened?




Basically, two guys on a bus get into a huge argument with a lot of racial comments from both sides. The old guy's apparently a Vietnam vetern. Black guy throws a shot at him but the vet beats him down, leaving him beaten and bloody. Vet walks away, screaming like a madman. Both guys are interviewed about a week after, since it's become such an apparent sensation, given their own sides of the story. Even the girl who filmed it all posts an apology video. All three sides don't seem entirely right, honestly given the evidence presented.

It's honestly a very fascinating situation, not just the incident, but the reactions from everyone and the sides of the story that both parties are telling. Epic Beard Man claims he saw a knife and Michael denies it. But...I don't know...there's a part in the vid where he starts to walk away and I swear I can see a long piece of metal in his hands. But then, EBM also has a history of this kind of crap.


^This does a better job.




Aaaand now I'm tempted to try something like this in tonight's Changeling: The Lost game.




There's no side in the right and side in the wrong, it's just hilarious. And regardless of how much provocation he had received, the young guy is the one that got physical first. There's this marvellous thing called "being the better man and walking away" that he should've mastered.




Beard man is also completely bonkers. Seriously watch any interview where he talks about himself. Dude is whacked.




There's no side in the right and side in the wrong, it's just hilarious. And regardless of how much provocation he had received, the young guy is the one that got physical first. There's this marvellous thing called "being the better man and walking away" that he should've mastered.
Yeah, I agree. The only thing I would point out was Michael said he was intoxicated.

Two idiots on a bus.



"The young folks, they don't remember what that means. I remember though. I was there."

Nearly broke my heart.




There's no side in the right and side in the wrong, it's just hilarious. And regardless of how much provocation he had received, the young guy is the one that got physical first. There's this marvellous thing called "being the better man and walking away" that he should've mastered.
Yeah, I agree. The only thing I would point out was Michael said he was intoxicated.

Two idiots on a bus.[/QUOTE]
Michael was intoxicated and, as pointed out above, EBM is a bit mentally unstable at best.

That said, let us now laugh with memetic images of dubious taste!




Nothing that hasn't really been said, except this whole event is like those videos of a lion attacking a zebra then being attacked by a lion then the croc being attacked by a rhino. It's random, violent, and absurd.




The old guy's remembrances are a little off. "He jacked me in the face like three times!" No, no he didn't. He barely landed a pussy little love tap to your ribs. And to that you went WARRLGARRBL and beat him down like it was a prize fight. And that's after asking a black man how much he'd charge to shine your shoes. Classy.

The black guy wasn't exactly the innocent victim because we DON'T know what really happened before the video started. But people need to stop treating this old guy as some sort of hero.




Anyone who doesn't honestly think this guy is insane--which I'm sure 4chan does (but you know how they love the ch-aos)--is really, really misguided in their appraisal of the situation.




Regardless of who's right (which is likely no one), the young guy ought to have known better than to hit a dude with guns like that. What did he think was going to happen?




Young? He's 50!!!! Older than ME!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I just read about this this morning on "Know your meme"




Young? He's 50!!!! Older than ME!
The black dude is over 50? Looks younger than that. Anyway, I watched the grainy gif, where there's not much detail.


Philosopher B.

Honestly, the Michael guy comes across as a much more rational human being post-bus-situation, but that bearded guy is hilariously off his conk. I can just imagine 'You gonna get a Vietnam now mother' on a T-shirt; in fact, it's probably been done already.




Why am not surprised that this is from Oakland? There are some high class individuals in and around O-town. But, sadly, this could be from just about any major city mass transit in the U.S.








When you mess with a dude whose T-shirt says "I am a motherfucker" and is wearing a fanny-pack on the bus - not to mention has a foot in height and 50 lbs on you - you better be able to end the fight quick.

They're both wrong, they're both idiots, and did that bitch steal the dude's bag? Oh, and the camera woman was egging things on, too. That didn't help.
