Eugene Kapersky, go smurf yourself.

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He may sell the top-selling anti-virus package, but he's dead wrong here. Not only does he demand an end to internet anonymity, but anyone wanting to use the internet should be required to have their own personal internet license. As in every keystroke, every mouse click, is traceable back to you. Not just a computer lab or internet cafe, but right to your doorstep. Applications like Tor would be banned outright.

"Papers, please" much?

He doesn't believe the great unwashed should ever have been allowed on the internet. It was created for academics and the military, and it should have stayed that way. Letting the rest of us in was a massive mistake.

Really, my first (and second) thought on reading these articles was, "well fuck you, pal". You would side with the dictators, despots, and others who would silence those who shine a light on their abuses and misdeeds. You would expose those who would speak out, knowing full well that exposure means death.

Really, fuck you, Kapersky.

Kitty Sinatra

Dude's Russian. He grew up in a police state. I wouldn't expect him to understand freedom.


Dude, leave off on using "he's Russian" as an excuse for his behavior.

Kitty Sinatra

Look at the second sentence, babe. It explains why the first is relevant.


It doesn't excuse your comment. It would be the same as looking at a criminal who's black and saying "He's black. His ancestors were enslaved. I wouldn't expect him to respect the law."

Kitty Sinatra

Well yeah. Dude's British. He grew up before it became a police state. I'd expect him to like his freedom.

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