EvE online does it again

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Staff member
So they just broke another record. Well actually 2. January 15th or so they hit 55k something people online at the same time, new record for largest concurrent population in an MMO I believe.

But there is a much much much more interesting record. Goonswarm, Something Awful's EvE online alliance, and one of the biggest and most powerful in the game, was just disbanded by their CEO who then looted the company coffers for everything he could. In game that means 1.5 trillion isk. Of course that means nothing, but how about this:

1.5 tril isk sold at standard rates to chinese RTM vendors would theorhetically net ~40-50k$. In real money.

Oh yeah, and for anyone who is wondering, what he did would be considered by CCP (the producers) to be the game working as intended.

So have fun with your battlegrounds. Someone just ripped off 50k in a game.

PS. Here's the really trippy part. This exact same thing happened 1 year ago to the day to Band of Brothers, and the director moved to Goonswarm after plundering and destroying them.....

Edit: There is a more detailed writeup on my site, (or just google it, no fuck that, go to my site)


Yea I can totally see that happening. I mean the CEO does have that kind of power. 1.5 Trillion isk. that can be very temping.


Yah a lot of players logging in to find their support gone, meanwhile my villain group is getting together later this month for a chili picnic. Oooooh I feel so envious, wait, no not really.
And because we are villains, this is chili with beans, and meat, no habaneros cause we actually want to taste it.


Staff member
I did some more investigation, and I find the dates highly suspicious. I haven't found the exact date for the BoB disband, but it looks like it was beween feb 2nd 2009 and feb 4 2009. The date for the Goonswarm disband was feb 3rd, 2010. Events like these are so wholly rare that the chance the dates are a coincidence is highly unlikely. I don't know enough about the CEO to wonder if there was any chance his decisions were the end result of manipulation by a third party. And maybe I am being REALLY paranoid and/or looking too deep into things, but I read the CEOs resig letter and saw this:

"Isystematically removed all of the member corps from Goonswarm except for Tolon (supercap corp) and GHSC (The alliance wallet corp), to which I had control over withalts"

That acronym GHSC is held by another corp, arguably the most famous espionage/sabatoge group of all time in any MMO. So, allowing myself to be a massive conspiracy nut, here we go:

1) The 2 most powerful/well known alliances were destroyed on the same day +/- 1 day 1 year appart.
2) The waterfall of money/assets ends at a corp called GHSC (I know it doesn't stand for Guiding Hand Social Club, but the point stands)
3) The guiding hand social club has not pulled off a major operation since the big one in 06 (or 05?). Moreover their player activity on the killboards somewhat indicates reduced activity in the last 2 months.

Conclusion. This was all done by the Guiding Hand Social Club in a many many year operation. Of course this is just crazy speculation, but would that it were true....


first i ever heard of eveonline was a write up in pc gamer years ago when the guiding had social club was part of a long term infiltration of another corp ending in a huge space battle to kill the other corp's ceo as part of a contract hit.
i tried getting into eve myself but was never able to devote the needed time or energy but i still love reading these stories.
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