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Facebook - Love it or Leave it?



Just curious people's opinions of Facebook and if people are planning on leaving it?



I like it, but I've pretty much stripped down my FB page to my name, so people can contact me.



Frankie Williamson

I had to get rid of mine a long time ago. Work related issues.




I'm still a student so I can use Facebook to its full extent, it's handy for keeping in touch with people and seeing how they're doing.

I'd imagine I'll have to scale back significantly when I find a full time job though.


Wasabi Poptart

I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It's an easy way for me to keep in touch with my friends and family. It's been great as far as letting my parents keep up with what's going on with my kids in video and pictures. On the other hand, I have a bunch of "friends" on there that are people I knew in high school and only accepted the friend requests because of our reunion last year. There are some I'm glad I got to catch up with and a couple I didn't hang out with in school, but now that we're adults we've got more in common. Then there are the majority that I regret ever adding.




So far I have not killed my FB page but I have been tempted to several times. As of right now I have all my security setting set to the highest I can and only listed my basic info (name and birthday)




Some day I'll stop playing Mafia Wars and then I'll prune my friends list down to actual friends. Then I'll use it more. Right now I only go there to MW and maybe a game of Bejeweled (that makare always fucks up) and then I leave.




4WFG uses it for posting product annoucements, showing previews of products, a weekly journal I'm in the rotation for, etc. Not to mention networking with a lot of other Third Party Publishers. Just in terms of being a small fry RPG writer, it's somewhat necessary, or at least helpful. Plus it's the easiest way to keep in touch with some relatives and friends. Now, if I could stop playing their Mafia games, that'd be great...




Love it. I only have about 50 contacts or so, for you know, real friends and family. Unlike some dumb people who leave it open to everyone to read and add everyone they remember (aka 500+ contacts). People blame Facebook for what? You're the ones who leave your privacy settings wide open. Don't complain for being a noob.



Some day I'll stop playing Mafia Wars and then I'll prune my friends list down to actual friends. Then I'll use it more. Right now I only go there to MW and maybe a game of Bejeweled (that makare always fucks up) and then I leave.

You say these things to hurt me :(

I love my facebook for keeping up with what my friends are doing. I dont see why I would get rid of it.




I like FB back when it was just for folks in school. When it went global (so to speak), it went downhill. I don't really use it all that often anymore. I only use it to stay in touch with some old friends. I've got a buddy in Iraq now, and i chat with him on FB. My wife is quite active on it, but she has a ton of friends.

As long as I had email addresses/contact info from my friends, I could ditch FB w/o a thought.




Some day I'll stop playing Mafia Wars and then I'll prune my friends list down to actual friends. Then I'll use it more. Right now I only go there to MW and maybe a game of Bejeweled (that makare always fucks up) and then I leave.

You say these things to hurt me :(

I love my facebook for keeping up with what my friends are doing. I dont see why I would get rid of it.[/QUOTE]

For those of you not in the "know", makare will try and use the Facebook chat function to talk with me from time to time. Almost every time she does I'm playing Bejeweled. Now, the Facebook chat sucks donkey balls. When someone enters a note it basically freezes your whole screen and won't let you do anything else until you go to the chat window and acknowledge it. And since Bejeweled is a timed game with a minute duration...well...you can see how the chat messes up your game.

I actually think she's hired by a certain David Chien to stop me from playing because he knows I'd fuck his high scores up!

(I'd have said Ross hired her, but Ross is a fucking Bejeweled GOD! I can't touch his scores on my best days. I think he cheats.)



Some day I'll stop playing Mafia Wars and then I'll prune my friends list down to actual friends. Then I'll use it more. Right now I only go there to MW and maybe a game of Bejeweled (that makare always fucks up) and then I leave.

You say these things to hurt me :(

I love my facebook for keeping up with what my friends are doing. I dont see why I would get rid of it.[/QUOTE]

For those of you not in the "know", makare will try and use the Facebook chat function to talk with me from time to time. Almost every time she does I'm playing Bejeweled. Now, the Facebook chat sucks donkey balls. When someone enters a note it basically freezes your whole screen and won't let you do anything else until you go to the chat window and acknowledge it. And since Bejeweled is a timed game with a minute duration...well...you can see how the chat messes up your game.

I actually think she's hired by a certain David Chien to stop me from playing because he knows I'd fuck his high scores up!

(I'd have said Ross hired her, but Ross is a fucking Bejeweled GOD! I can't touch his scores on my best days. I think he cheats.)[/QUOTE]

if i'm hired i need to get paid here soon




Some things about it annoy me; and most of it has to do with me having to prune my buddy list. When I first got on, I simply tried to find as many old classmates as possible to see how they were doing. Some of these people I'd like to keep, but some I just don't care about and will probably never see again. I have a lot of people on ignore, either because they update their statuses too often or because they post annoying messages for their boyfriends to see and feel bad about like, "*SIGH* I wish that some people had more consideration for my feelings. He's just making me question things, ya know?...." (aaaaargh)

I love it for giving me an easy way to communicate with my friends out of the country and know when my brother's performing. Plus, if friends of mine don't have AIM or gmail chat, they are almost certainly on facebook and can chat with me there.



Dave acts like he doesnt want me to facebook chat him but then he dresses all sexy. He wants the chat. I can tell.




I spend maybe 5 minutes on Facebook every few days, and only when I get a message in my email that I received a friend request or an invite to a function. Mostly I just ignore it though.




Really, the little games and apps are the only things that are difficult for me to tolerate. I've deleted people who ignored my request to stop inviting me to stuff.




Facebook has gotten me laid. It stays.



I try to be respectful of people not wanting to get app invites. The only one I really invited people for was that sesame street feel machine.. lol. I like that one. I asked before I invited anyone though and moss was a good enough sport to let me invite him as the last person I needed.




Which only proves that Mossy rules.




I basically have FB to keep in touch with my family, since they all live 2000 miles away. I mean, I still talk to my parents on the phone, but most of my other relatives I would honestly never talk to if I didn't have them as FB friends.




Having moved around so much, Facebook helps me keep in touch with folks from all over the world whom I would normally have lost touch with. I can say I've got contacts in the UN, and it's not exaggerating! *grins*

But yeah, my page is in dire need of pruning... went a little crazy with the apps a while back... *hangs head in shame*



wow, I can't believe it's been a whole YEAR since I got addicted to FB.. last summer I was a Farmtown growing freak, even eventually got both farms going.. but right after the harvest decorations came out... I just got bored with it and that game.. then I upgraded my work computer so it would play CafeTown without lagging... and an all new dualcore with 4 gigs of ram DIDN'T HELP.. so then I gave up on those games altogether.

But yeah, other than keeping up with friends through FB, I don't use it nearly as much as I once did.. I have my settings set pretty strict..but I'm wondering if I want to get away from it.




Facebook is for suckers. I'm too cool for that. :cool:




Love it. I only have about 50 contacts or so, for you know, real friends and family. Unlike some dumb people who leave it open to everyone to read and add everyone they remember (aka 500+ contacts). People blame Facebook for what? You're the ones who leave your privacy settings wide open. Don't complain for being a noob.
Same here. I'll only add people who I can hold a conversation with.



I love facebook. Before I share an account with my wife, but later I discover facebook games. Yea many are time consuming, but it can get boring at works so that help me pass the time :)



I vow that the day my mom or dad figure out how to log into facebook and try to friend me is the day I leave it forever.




Parts of it annoys me but other parts have been invaluable.




The Latin word "virus" is a mass noun, so there's no Latin plural to borrow, as is the case with "formula" and "formulae". So, the correct plural of "virus" follows the normal English rules: "viruses". Viri (short initial i) is the closest Latin word, which means men.

:latin grammar nazi:




I do however rather enjoy failbook.


Occasional Poster

I vow that the day my mom or dad figure out how to log into facebook and try to friend me is the day I leave it forever.
I hear you.

One of my aunts has an account and has friended all us youngsters in the family. My dad's comment after I explained what FaceBook was: "Isn't your aunt a little old for that shit?"




I do however rather enjoy failbook.
I love that site so much.

My folks friended me on facebook. My dad absolutely loves it. It's actually fun to communicate with him that way.




Both my parents are on Facebook but thankfully both are wise enough to not even request to friend me. We keep our facebook circles apart and we're all happy.



I have both my parents and my extended family on facebook. Never have any trouble with it.




I do however rather enjoy failbook.
I love that site so much.

My folks friended me on facebook. My dad absolutely loves it. It's actually fun to communicate with him that way.[/QUOTE]









I see no reason to leave Facebook. If I really wanted to be a private person, I would never have made a profile. Honestly, I don't see the big deal about the privacy issue. If you don't want people to know stuff, don't put it out there for people to see. 10 seconds of research should net you enough information on what setting will allow who to see what.





The comments on this are funnier than the facebook post.

xasp42 says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:16 am

wait… which country was this person travelling to, i wonder?

stackmonster says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:31 am

The States.
PC says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:56 am

thats a continent…
Srsly? says:
June 7, 2010 at 7:01 am

Yes, that’s right. The United States is a continent and America is the country. Thus Canada is a country in the States.
rikii says:
June 7, 2010 at 7:08 am

A continent? The States refers to the United States of America, which is a country. North-America is a continent.
poloport says:
June 7, 2010 at 10:07 am

Actually north-america is not a continent. It’s a part of the American continent




i deactivated about 1 month ago.

this thing pissed me off too much.




I see no reason to leave Facebook. If I really wanted to be a private person, I would never have made a profile. Honestly, I don't see the big deal about the privacy issue. If you don't want people to know stuff, don't put it out there for people to see. 10 seconds of research should net you enough information on what setting will allow who to see what.
The one thing that bothers me about having my parents and older relatives as friends is that they all bitch about the privacy issues that have been brought up, but none think to simply leave facebook. They claim it's not an important part of their lives but can't bear to part with this horrible monster that's robbing them of their privacy.



I have never posted anything that I would worry about other people seeing, you know, since it's a social network. What is the concern people have about privacy issues because I am obviously missing something.




I have never posted anything that I would worry about other people seeing, you know, since it's a social network. What is the concern people have about privacy issues because I am obviously missing something.
There's been a lot of concern about the privacy settings and the personalized ads or something. I don't know... I never had any problem hiding information I didn't want seen.




Well, sometimes the information you think will be ok to share blows up.....on your face. Ify'knowwhatImean.



Turbo, you so funny.




Facebook can be fun with forumites too!




We as forumites have certainly had better.

I can't cite any examples right now but Allen and I often embarrass Seej in front of her parents.




Not eeeverything has to be a competition, Kevin. :blue:




Not eeeverything has to be a competition, Kevin. :blue:
Says the loser. :p

(just kidding Fernando I love yooooooou)




Not eeeverything has to be a competition, Kevin. :blue:
You're only saying that 'cause you're losing.


gusto got it first




I dont interact much with the forumites I have friended on facebook unless they are also on irc.




And you say you're not a clique :(



I dont think that makes us a clique I still dont talk to them much on facebook. No one from the forum really responds to my facebook things. Nothing I can do about that.




Hmmm, I should probably add you guys later on, now that I know who you are.




Facebook can be fun with forumites too!

Hahaaa, that made work go by a little more quickly!

What Gusto says is also true. :facepalm: She doesn't know what to make of you two sometimes.




Too many Leslie Boudreaux.... Found Calleja, tho. *grins*


Wasabi Poptart

There is also a Halforums group on FB.




There is also a Halforums group on FB.

That makes it too real for me. I can click on the members list and see everyone's real name and real picture. It means you're all real!



I just can't take it.




I hate that guy.




There is also a Halforums group on FB.

That makes it too real for me. I can click on the members list and see everyone's real name and real picture. It means you're all real!



I just can't take it.[/QUOTE]

Mine's just a picture of Mickey Mouse that I took, you have to dig to find a picture of me on there.




*chuckles* My department is in the middle of trying to stop our guys from putting any allusions to who we work for on any kind of social networking site. We can't even use the department's name, logo or anything like that.

My facebook page is something like an F-U to that policy, at least in the photos section. I'm not trying to hide anything, because I have nothing to hide.




because I have nothing to hide.
It's in my experience that people who casually say this DO have something to hide. :p




Uhm... I am not a crook? I did not inhale? I did not have- waitasecond...... I plead the FIIIIIIIIFTH!




Do suspects really do shout that in real life, OC?




No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.




One thing I can't talk about just yet that's come together for 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming is essentially because of Facebook.




No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.

wait, but why would that be necessary? Was that to clear up that people were invoking that right or...something else that I'm not seeing? And what happens if someone just doesn't say anything? Does that get counted as something?




No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.

wait, but why would that be necessary? Was that to clear up that people were invoking that right or...something else that I'm not seeing? And what happens if someone just doesn't say anything? Does that get counted as something?
Because before, it was kind of vague. If an arrestee didn't say anything, it was just generally ASSUMED, but never put into legal precedent that if they kept their mouth shut, they were invoking their right to not self-incriminate. However, this got put to the test by some detectives who kept asking questions of a silent suspect until he confessed to a murder.

Once it hit the Supreme Court, they ruled that a subject has to SPECIFICALLY invoke the right to remain silent. Otherwise, they're allowed to be treated as hostile and questioned until evidence comes forth like manna from the heavens.

But as soon as they say that they want to see a lawyer or that they want to remain silent, then it has been invoked, and questioning MUST cease at that point. The only way it can continue is if they decide later that they wish to waive their rights, usually heavily documented.




Or because they're gonna turn in a bigger fish in exchange for a lesser sentence, right? RIGHT!? TV DOESN'T LIE ON EVERYTHING, RIGHT?!




It does happen, quite often. Then the dumbasses get out and go right back to what they were doing before. Tards.
