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Facebook SNAFU's





Philosopher B.

Nice stuff. Especially liked 'Following in Mom's Footsteps'.





I'm gonna set everything to the highest privacy setting ever. And then remove my Facebook account. And then burn my computer.




Permanently invited to "The-Love-Cave-Between-My-Legs". that one killed me.




Am I the only one who considers it weird to be facebook friends with your parents/aunts/uncles, kinda strange?



If my parents could grasp the concept of the URL bar and tabs, then I might have something to worry about.




Hahahahahaha, oh Facebook.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


Am I the only one who considers it weird to be facebook friends with your parents/aunts/uncles, kinda strange?[/QUOTE]

I do, but I have some aunts and uncles in it. I'm trying to figure out how to take them off it without looking like an ass.


Rob King

Rob King

My aunts, uncles, cousins, and parents are all on my Facebook. Maybe I've just got a good family, but nothing I do or say in real life, I feel, could really make things strange.

I'm more concerned about the people who show up in my feed and I can't remember ever meeting them ... ever. It's fine for the few Halforums people I've gotten around to adding, but when I can't figure out how I'm connected to a person I get confused.




My family is on my facebook too. I don't ever type anything embarrassing so its cool.

However, the same family also follows the husband....and he makes very strange posts.

My favorite was something like...:

"Currently on my nightstand there is a baby bottle, a bottle of lube, condoms and a 1970's Flash Action figure. I think my life is in a strange place."

The responses were..interesting.





Wasabi Poptart

I'm friends with my mom and a few of my cousins on FB. If I lived near them I probably wouldn't bother.



My aunts, uncles, cousins, and parents are all on my Facebook. Maybe I've just got a good family, but nothing I do or say in real life, I feel, could really make things strange.

I'm more concerned about the people who show up in my feed and I can't remember ever meeting them ... ever. It's fine for the few Halforums people I've gotten around to adding, but when I can't figure out how I'm connected to a person I get confused.

I get along with my family too, it's just I act a certain way around my parents, aunts, uncles I guess. I dunno. I like to keep family stuff separate from my social stuff for some reason.


Rob King

Rob King

I get along with my family too, it's just I act a certain way around my parents, aunts, uncles I guess. I dunno. I like to keep family stuff separate from my social stuff for some reason.
Right, and that makes sense. I guess the only way I act differently between people is that I don't curse so much in front of people who take offense (like my mother), or make dirty jokes around people who don't like it. That said, even the people I censor myself around know that I both laugh at and make dick jokes, or that I do occasionally swear like a sailor. Which I guess is why I can get away being facebook friends with my mother.




I'm gonna set everything to the highest privacy setting ever. And then remove my Facebook account. And then burn my computer.
This is why I don't use facebook.


Philosopher B.

I'm not on Facebook, but I'd never friend my parents in a gazillion years. Would definitely have my siblings on there, though.

Edit: Except TwoBit, he kind of sucks. :p




I'm Facebook friends with my brother, but would never friend my parents. There's just some stuff you don't want them to know.



Am I the only one who considers it weird to be facebook friends with your parents/aunts/uncles, kinda strange?
Naw, it's a little weird. Fortunately, I have only one family member on board--my cousin Adam--but even so...I can empathize with it feeling like parental supervision has gone 24/7 even after one hits age thirty-mumble. :)

And, heh..."You spelled congratulations wrong." Pure comedy gold! :)



The trouble is, when your parents decide they want to use facebook, and they send you a friend request, you can't exactly deny them.




My entire goddamn family has facebook. My GRANDMOTHER has one.

I don't go on facebook nearly as much anymore.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

The trouble is, when your parents decide they want to use facebook, and they send you a friend request, you can't exactly deny them.
Well, my mom understood that I didn't want her as a facebook friend (and thus her facebook account died, but still). It's my italian family who doesn't seem to understand I like (most of) them to be a country away.




My ma and sis are on facebook, and I have no problems. My mom is barely on there. Nor my sis.




The trouble is, when your parents decide they want to use facebook, and they send you a friend request, you can't exactly deny them.
I did.




"Sorry mom, I don't know why your friend request didn't go through. Computers, you know? They do weird stuff..."

*denies her request again*

I might feel bad lying to my mother, but it's the little lies that spare our relationship.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Actually, If you look for my real name on facebook, you'll find I have two accounts. Now, all I need is a plan to get the family I don't want on facebook to befriend this puppet account.

I still don't know how, so he lingers, with no friends.

I think I'll make me a friend of him, and say I'm in a relationship with myself. Wich is pretty accurate.




I don't really use facebook to post anything personal, mostly use it specifically to keep in touch with my family since I don't live near ANY of them and I really don't have any interest in calling each and every one of them constantly.




I have a ridiculous amount of "friends" because most of them are leftovers from when it was a just a student website. I just looking for anyone I'd went to school with, talked to a lot of them, and then kind of forgot they were there. I never bothered to clean it up, either... but I should. I blocked so many people from my front page after it got congested with stuff like: "GOINGGG OUTTT TONITE W/ MYYY BOYYFRREIIIIIIIND!!11! LUV YA BABE LOL!!!!!!!" and other things I generally just don't need to hear every Friday afternoon.




I'm facebook friends with my father and sister. I don't post much of a personal nature on there, so there's little to worry about. Considering the circumstances in our lives that kept my sister and I apart, Facebook has been great in helping us build our relationship. But, man, that girl has a mouth on her...and I thought *I* was bad.




I have a ridiculous amount of "friends" because most of them are leftovers from when it was a just a student website. I just looking for anyone I'd went to school with, talked to a lot of them, and then kind of forgot they were there. I never bothered to clean it up, either... but I should. I blocked so many people from my front page after it got congested with stuff like: "GOINGGG OUTTT TONITE W/ MYYY BOYYFRREIIIIIIIND!!11! LUV YA BABE LOL!!!!!!!" and other things I generally just don't need to hear every Friday afternoon.
What DO you need to hear on facebook?

Though yes, I have cleaned out my facebook friends from time to time with annoying people as well :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I clean up facebook friends every once in a while. A couple try to re-add me. I always wonder what goes through their mind if they get removed or rejected.

"What ho, this rejection has really set my monocle slightly off kilter. Indeed, now I can hardly enjoy my collection of Dickens. Now, Allen seems a fellow of good will, and surely if he had known just what kind of an angle he caused my monocle to take, he would not have so flippantly rejected my request. I will attempt to add him again, allowing him to correct his grievous error."



I clean up facebook friends every once in a while. A couple try to re-add me. I always wonder what goes through their mind if they get removed or rejected.

"What ho, this rejection has really set my monocle slightly off kilter. Indeed, now I can hardly enjoy my collection of Dickens. Now, Allen seems a fellow of good will, and surely if he had known just what kind of an angle he caused my monocle to take, he would not have so flippantly rejected my request. I will attempt to add him again, allowing him to correct his grievous error."
Oh man I need a monocle and a top hat.

Possibly as pipe that creates bubbles as well



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, the first time I got a facebook friend request from a guy I regularly arrest was the only excuse I needed to forever delete my account.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I'm bookmarking this for the next time someone asks me why I refuse to get a facebook/myspace/(insert other social masturbatory site here).




Yeah, the first time I got a facebook friend request from a guy I regularly arrest was the only excuse I needed to forever delete my account.
That's why I never write my whole name on the arrest forms. *grins* Or on ANY police documentation, for that matter. If I had my druthers, I'd remove my first name from my ID card, too. Mind you, no-one ever asks to see police ID.

Oh, wait...




Oh, wait...

Ugh. What is wrong with people? This is why I shouldn't be a cop. I can't argue with jackasses like that. I would've wanted to taze him just for being an ass.



If you have 200 facebook friends please stop lying to yourself :) Those aren't friends that's you grasping at straws. adding every classmate you had in college is really... stupid? Why do people do that? I just don't understand that.

I use facebook, and it's just one one the several ways people can keep in touch with others far away. I bug some facebook friends all the time about them having 200-300 friends, I like grabbing a random name and saying hey hows 'so-and-so' and they're like 'who??' and I'm all 'you just commented on them yesterday!' and they're all like 'whatever'
like yeah you know...

Oh and fuck you twitter. My halloween costume this year was twitter updates. Randomly yelling out what I was doing right then. No one got it.... you know why? NO ONE CARES.




I've added 2 of my cousins and my brother. I don't want to add my mom and she says she understands why. Probably when I'm out of college and stop updating it while drunk I might, but until then....





MySpace/Facebook/Twitter :rolleyes:




If you have 200 facebook friends please stop lying to yourself :) Those aren't friends that's you grasping at straws. adding every classmate you had in college is really... stupid? Why do people do that? I just don't understand that.

I use facebook, and it's just one one the several ways people can keep in touch with others far away. I bug some facebook friends all the time about them having 200-300 friends, I like grabbing a random name and saying hey hows 'so-and-so' and they're like 'who??' and I'm all 'you just commented on them yesterday!' and they're all like 'whatever'
like yeah you know...

Oh and fuck you twitter. My halloween costume this year was twitter updates. Randomly yelling out what I was doing right then. No one got it.... you know why? NO ONE CARES.



I clean up facebook friends every once in a while. A couple try to re-add me. I always wonder what goes through their mind if they get removed or rejected.
Actually, Facebook HAS gone all flooey from time to time. I've had friends message me goin' all, "Why you drop me, yo?" An' I'm like, "I di'int!" An' they're all, "Yuh-huh! I'm not on your f-list anymore!" An' I'm like, "So add me again, douche!"

...only not quite so stupid sounding. ;)





It's happened to me, too.

Or at least that's what I tell them >____>



If you have 200 facebook friends please stop lying to yourself :) Those aren't friends that's you grasping at straws. adding every classmate you had in college is really... stupid? Why do people do that? I just don't understand that.

I use facebook, and it's just one one the several ways people can keep in touch with others far away. I bug some facebook friends all the time about them having 200-300 friends, I like grabbing a random name and saying hey hows 'so-and-so' and they're like 'who??' and I'm all 'you just commented on them yesterday!' and they're all like 'whatever'
like yeah you know...

Oh and fuck you twitter. My halloween costume this year was twitter updates. Randomly yelling out what I was doing right then. No one got it.... you know why? NO ONE CARES.

Fuck you smart ass :)






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I clean up facebook friends every once in a while. A couple try to re-add me. I always wonder what goes through their mind if they get removed or rejected.
Actually, Facebook HAS gone all flooey from time to time. I've had friends message me goin' all, "Why you drop me, yo?" An' I'm like, "I di'int!" An' they're all, "Yuh-huh! I'm not on your f-list anymore!" An' I'm like, "So add me again, douche!"

...only not quite so stupid sounding. ;)


Some of them have tried to add or re-add me 3 or 4 times at this point though. I don't think it gets wonky that many times. :)

Either they collect friends and don't really care who they're adding, or they love it when facebook pages play hard to get.




To be fair about those people with 200-300 friends, a lot of their friends are only on the list for Mafia Wars, Farmville, and such and such.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

My resistance of their friend requests only serves to make their penises harder.




haha....so I just checked how many friends I have on a lark. 726 ^__^ IM SO COOL GUYS


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet







I have almost 200 friends, there are about fifteen of them who I don't consider friends.




If you have 200 facebook friends please stop lying to yourself :) Those aren't friends that's you grasping at straws. adding every classmate you had in college is really... stupid? Why do people do that? I just don't understand that.

I use facebook, and it's just one one the several ways people can keep in touch with others far away. I bug some facebook friends all the time about them having 200-300 friends, I like grabbing a random name and saying hey hows 'so-and-so' and they're like 'who??' and I'm all 'you just commented on them yesterday!' and they're all like 'whatever'
like yeah you know...

Oh and fuck you twitter. My halloween costume this year was twitter updates. Randomly yelling out what I was doing right then. No one got it.... you know why? NO ONE CARES.
Someone sat by themselves at lunch period.



Frankie Williamson


General Specific

General Specific

OK, just for that, everyone gets



"Christopher, did one of your dead beat friends just imply that my wife is a prostitute?"

Best one ever.



I was witness to a drunken verbal fight wherein a 36-year-old single female told a 41-year-old single male, "That's it! I'm going to de-Facebook friend you!"

The eyerolls from the other 30 people in the tailgate were audible two lots over.




I have a few hundred friends. If it weren't for Halforums and Mafia Wars I'd have like 3.



I just saw this on my facebook newsfeed, and had to share it.

I love my friends.




I don't mind my parents and other relatives being facebook friends. I don't post many updates myself, mainly kid pictures, and I'm only an asshat on other people's threads, so they don't see it.



If you have 200 facebook friends please stop lying to yourself :) Those aren't friends that's you grasping at straws. adding every classmate you had in college is really... stupid? Why do people do that? I just don't understand that.

I use facebook, and it's just one one the several ways people can keep in touch with others far away. I bug some facebook friends all the time about them having 200-300 friends, I like grabbing a random name and saying hey hows 'so-and-so' and they're like 'who??' and I'm all 'you just commented on them yesterday!' and they're all like 'whatever'
like yeah you know...

Oh and fuck you twitter. My halloween costume this year was twitter updates. Randomly yelling out what I was doing right then. No one got it.... you know why? NO ONE CARES.
Whose a bitter boy!? YOUUU AREEE YESSS YOU ARRRREEE[/quote]

Fuck you smart ass :)[/quote]

I have 239 facebook friends and I keep in touch with pretty much all of them. If you'd pick a random one I could tell you who they are, where I know them from, and how they currently are. If I was careless and grasped at straws for friends, I'd probably have 600. 200-300 facebook friends ain't that much. Some of us are a lot more social than others, so don't point your finger at me just because you prefer to have 10 close friends.

Twitter is pretty stupid though. I'll give you that.


Rob King

Rob King

I've got just over 400. It's been a while since I've gone through and culled them, but if I did that today it would probably only drop me down to 350 ish. Thing is that a lot of the people on my list are people I used to associate with closely, and have drifted from. I worked with 20ish people in North Carolina for 2 months at a summer camp that I don't see in my day-to-day back home. I don't message them or write on their walls that frequently, but every so often they'll pop up in my newsfeed and I'll remember them and perhaps drop them a line.

Or, I could remember them one day, send a message, and end up corresponding back and forth 40ish times over several months about everything from pickles to theology. It's possible to do that sort of thing over email, but I'd have never seen a status change or a new album on my gmail homepage that would prompt such an exchange. Which is why I love Facebook.




I argued with a cop a lot once. Best 110 bucks I ever spent. It was such a stupid stop. I got stopped by a bike cop on my bike....for going the wrong way on a street. On a college campus. Coming off of a closed road where I could only possibly ride on that side of the sidewalk. And I was in a line of bikes all doing the same thing. Just like they did every day.
