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Facebook Vs Netflix/Redbox/Amazon Streaming




I thought for a split second this might be a serious competition, till I saw the movie company wants to charge $3 for a 48hr "rental".

Yeah, so not going to happen against $7.99 unlimited streaming Netflix and $1 per movie rental Redbox.




It could if the studios decide to release streaming movies exclusively to Facebook, or before they do Netflix. They've said they prefer the pay per view charging model rather than the Netflix unlimited model. Sounds like they're testing the water to see if people will bite.




Facebook is starting to remind me a lot of Deep Space 9's interpretation of the Internet in 2024.




It could if the studios decide to release streaming movies exclusively to Facebook, or before they do Netflix. They've said they prefer the pay per view charging model rather than the Netflix unlimited model. Sounds like they're testing the water to see if people will bite.
This is my read as well. It's a good idea; assuming the technology works (a BIG question) whether it will actually work can really only be determined by trying it out. It does seem quite expensive, though, compared to the competition. I'm not enough of an FB user to judge whether the convenience of being able to watch (in a small window) and FB at the same time is a value-add. I agree with Shakey; it's going to come down to content exclusivity.




How else are the third party bots going to know what ads to ram down your throat unless they have the utter most specifics of your lifestyle?



Seriously, as long as they don't screw over Redbox or Netflix, I could care less. But if the only way I'm going to be able to stream/watch a new release is for $3 a pop? They're going to realize pretty quick why Blockbuster went bankrupt.
