Fake pilot flies real plane for 13 years

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Fake pilot flies real plane

That is funny in a weird way. The reporter of the article is right on the fact that security (including in Europe) make the passenger go through hoops before getting on the plane. I remember when I was transferring in Berlin, I had to do TWO full checkin. Blah.
Well, he's not so much a fake pilot as an unlicensed pilot, I'd guess. Yeah, that's pretty crazy, and unfortunately I can just see a sleeper cell somewhere going "Really?" and using that.


13 years of flying with no incidents? Hell, I'd fly on his plane.
you know, that's kinda what I was thinking. Here's someone who was trained, live, IN the industry. He's flown, he has the experience, and has never messed up. Get the proper license, suspend him, and rehire him.


I care less about a piece of paper than I do about actual competence. While I understand the need for licensing and whatnot, having this guy flying doesn't bother me in the least.


I think he just wanted to be like DeCaprio from 'catch me if you can'.

...Retroactively, since the movie came out after he started his shenanigans

Honestly, it sounds like the one year suspension and small fine are fairly appropriate punishments. I hope the guy gets back up in the air as soon as he's able.
This guy is either the luckiest son of a bitch there ever was or piloting a plane is not that hard.

Joe Johnson

I care less about a piece of paper than I do about actual competence. While I understand the need for licensing and whatnot, having this guy flying doesn't bother me in the least.
Sounds like he knew how to fly a plane alright, but would he know what to do in case of an emergency?[/QUOTE]

Right, I wouldn't trust him to land in, say, the Hudson river.
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