I just watched the trailer... and I am pretty embarrassed to say, I cried. It's not actually that good a trailer, but having known Arthas since he first killed his Dad I found that the score adds a lot, tying together a lot of musical themes that have slowly built up since WarCraft III.
I definitely feel motivated to reactivate my account and finish the fight, but when I last played WoW I had just hit level 80 for the first time and didn't have any high level gear. I've never done any serious raiding. I'm sure the guild I was in at the time has long since kicked me out. How many times will I need to have done Ulduar and the Argent Colosseum thing before anyone would even consider grouping with me for Icecrown?
After realizing that I hated the game but loved the story, I'm going to wait for the videos of the fights to be released, enjoy those in high-def, then read through most of the important questlines/scripts released on WoWheads or MMO-Champion.
Frankly, I don't even think the story is that good. WarCraft III game out within a few months of Star Wars episode II and god, it was the exact same plot: brash, annoying blond kid throws a hissy fit at his red-beared uncle-figure and starts heading down a path of darkness, leaving his girlfriend behind blah blah.
What makes me want to come back is not the story itself, but the fact that I've been an active participant in that story from Day 1. The trailer is a bunch of clichés strung together, but damnit I feel like I've earned the right to enjoy those clichés guilt free.
I did think the WarCraft II manual's story was pretty awesome. Periodically I reread it to make sure I wasn't just appreciating it through childhood's rose colored glasses, and it really is awesome. Gul'Dan and Aegwynn (sp?) felt like real, interesting people. But I haven't seen anything since then that would have drawn me in if I wasn't already a WarCraft fan. The origin story of the orcs and draenei are pretty cool but were executed pretty mediocrely in most versions (books, gameplay, comics, etc) that I've seen.
Hate it all you like, I love the entire WarCraft Lore. I own ever novel, I've done every quest, read every tidbit of side info, etc.
So yeah, I'm a fangirl through and through.
Warcraft may not be original in just about any way, but they've crammed more personality into the Warcraft universe than half the rest of the high fantasy genre combined. Silvanus, Grom, Khadgar, Thrall, Jaina, Gul'dan, and Nher'zul are all simply badass characters. Their overall music choices, art direction, side productions, etc are just unmitigated and unabashed epicness. They've been setting the bar for pre-rendered cinematics for over a decade, more than Square or anyone else... although their machinima is pretty ugly =(
Really though, Warcraft has too many whiners in their villain lineup. I thought Illidan was a wanker and was glad to see him go, and I won't miss Arthas either. Let's see some badasses like Deathwing get expansions!
Deathwing's the main villain for the next xpac, Cataclysm.
I'm enjoying the new dungeons so far, and the storyline for this patch is slathered all over every 5 man and the raid. Pretty sweet so far.
I do think there's a lot to love about WarCraft, and for a very long time I was a serious fanboy. Leading up to WarCraft III I read every scrap of info I could find, assuming that the actual game would have enough new ideas and well written characters that I'd be impressed anyway. Instead it turned out I already knew every interesting thing that happened in the game. I officially gave up around the time I got the books "Rise of the Horde" and "Cycle of Hatred," which were perfectly decent ideas with some perfectly decent characters... but they just really didn't say anything new and the characters were essentially stock-personalities and they just weren't that well written. It was a pretty sad moment.
WarCraft is a much more colorful and interesting world than most other MMOs, but that says more about the quality (or lack thereof) of those other MMOs than about WarCraft. It's been getting better with Wrath of the Lich King. I'm actually kinda torn about Cataclysm - I am convinced the whole game will be solidly amazing afterwards, but the one thing that kept me from losing my entire life to WoW was that the early levels were such a grind. If Cataclysm is as awesome as I hope, I'd probably destroy my life if I started playing.
I didn't get the joke about Bronjahm in FoS until the second time I went through the instance.
I think you can safely say that they've moved on from that idea.
Whenever I read WoW wiki I enjoy the plot but the idea that each character is 10000 times more powerful than the next character who is like a god more powerful than the next character who created the universe is starting to get a little nuts... The power level is just insanely past epic.
and they still want me to get 40 walrus gizzards. Dude. Twenty levels ago I killed the essence of all that is fire. C'mon. And the worst part is 10 of those walruses could have probably killed ragnaros too. It just doesnt...make any sense......
I think you can safely say that they've moved on from that idea. [/QUOTE]
A pity too, it would be a good way to introduce a new status quo for WoW2...[/QUOTE]
There's no reason to currently do "WoW2", though. They can introduce whatever plot reasons they have with what they have now and make incremental additions and changes over time.
Cat/4.0 is probably the closest we're going to get to the "next" WoW, at this point in time.
The music in the zone warps slowly into a creepy funk beat, every item he drops references a James Brown song, and if you have sound on, listen to him when he attacks and gets hit. It's hilarious.
The music in the zone warps slowly into a creepy funk beat, every item he drops references a James Brown song, and if you have sound on, listen to him when he attacks and gets hit. It's hilarious.[/QUOTE]
I normally don't turn the sound on when I play WoW (except during raids), so I missed the music the first time, as well as his "Godfather of Souls" title.
The music in the zone warps slowly into a creepy funk beat, every item he drops references a James Brown song, and if you have sound on, listen to him when he attacks and gets hit. It's hilarious.[/QUOTE]
I normally don't turn the sound on when I play WoW (except during raids), so I missed the music the first time, as well as his "Godfather of Souls" title.[/QUOTE]
I had to look up the music and sounds, I've had mine off since the second week I started playing.
Everytime I beat him I yell out "You feel good now!? Huh!?" feels totally tasteless but makes me laugh.
Here is a little breakdown of resources for those that don't play, or have yet to play, and want to get the full scope of the reference.
Bronjham, The Godfather of Souls
This is actually one of the things I like about the WoW Universe. Sometimes it can take itself seriously and make character you really root for like Thrall, and then other times they simply don't take themselves seriously and make characters like Bronjham. I have no idea why I enjoy that so much.
Oh, and bonus... I bet you can easily get this reference.
God I wish they could have gotten Billy West for him.
I think you can safely say that they've moved on from that idea. [/quote]
A pity too, it would be a good way to introduce a new status quo for WoW2...[/quote]
There's no reason to currently do "WoW2", though. They can introduce whatever plot reasons they have with what they have now and make incremental additions and changes over time.
This is Blizzard... i'd be crazy to expect any sequels sooner then 10 years after they stopped putting out expansions for the game... so WC4 by 2020 was what i was thinking... but with Arthas dead it wouldn't feel enough like a continuation of 3.
Ah, I gotcha.
But they can probably safely assume that the folks who would buy WC4 will have played (or at least be familiar with the plot basics) of WoW, I imagine.
"Good news everyone!"
Blizzard always had and probably always will have the very best of trailers. I have no interest to play the game again but that trailer made me want to follow the storyline some more.
It's not like WC3 was that much of a continuation of WC2, either. If you didn't read the books you would be super confused why the tutorial mission has an orc that does not sound like a screaming axe murderer and why the orcs and humans, overall, barely even fight each other.
Also, it's not like Arthas is going to vanish. As you can probably tell, death in WarCraft is not something that will keep a good villian down. We know someone else is going to take the Lich King's crown and sword in order to save the world, and much like Ner'zhul is hiding in the back of Arthas consciousness, so will Arthas in whoever takes up the suit.
And had i actually managed to finish WC2 (and if the version i got had conematics) i'm sure it would have bothered me.
But really, i wanted to be able to kill the little emo myself...
Of course WC3 did pick up more or less after the ending of WC2 with the orcs defeated etc. and Thrall being new didn't affect that any more then any new saviour character would, while any WC4 game would take place after Cataclysm, in a very different world both geographically (which matters less) and politically (undead allied with orcs, night elves with the alliance, dranei, no Lich King etc.).
This is your new Arthas. Enjoy.
I don't know who to blame for that, but I'm going to go with furry anime fans.
Frostmourne: I HUNGER!
Arthas: You forgot your souls again today? Jeez, you’re such an idiot! How many times this week is that?! …..Well, if you’re too much of an idiot to eat your own souls, I guess I wouldn’t mind collecting one for you each day. Don’t get any wrong ideas! It’s not that I like you or anything! It’s…it’s just you’re too inanimate too do it yourself, and I can’t let you starve. Be grateful…
Frostmourne: Well, you do look cute in that armor.
Arthas: You think sooo~!?1!? Ner'zhul said it really brings out my skin tone ~_~ I am just so kawaii!! uguu~~
Frankie Williamson
Damn it, the picture's gone.
Tune in Saturdays 8AM for more Baka Neko no Frostmourne on Adult Swim!
Frankie Williamson
Are there any higher-rezzed versions of that?
I'm sure you're just going to use it to troll other WoW people. You just want it to look REALLY REALLY good when you do it.