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Farmville on Facebook



Ok... I love these type of game and of course, my inner math (which is VERY small for an Asian*) comes out.

So. I was trying to figure out on Farmville on how to make money. I notice that a couple of us plays it so here is my thought. (please check my math)

The formula I'm using of course is (Sell Price - Cost - Plow Cost)/hours to produce = profit by hour.
Strawberries cost 10$ takes 4 hours and sell for 35$
Eggplant cost 25$ takes 48 hours (2 days) and sells for 88$
Pumpkin cost 30$ takes 8 hours and sells for 68$

So... the formula above I get
Strawberries 2.50$ profit/hr (assuming I come back every 4 hours and harvest to maximize my profit
Eggplant 1.00$ profit/hr (every 2 days)
Pumpkin is 2.88$ profit/hr (every 8 hours)

(pumpkin is the highest I have access for now. Here are the others

Wheat 0.90/hr (cost 35$, 3 days, sell 115$)
Soybeans 1.38/hr (cost 15$, 1 day, sell 63$)
artichoke 1.24/hr (cost 70$, 4 days, sell 119$)

Assuming that I check about "right time" and only lose a few minutes here and there looks like pumpkins are the way to go and only check once every 8 hours. or Soybeans when checking once a day.

Is my math correct?

*You know the stereotype. Asians are suppose to be good in math... I am only good up to algebra and then I just suck. I'm a broken Asian heheheheh.


If we're talking stereotypes, you should get a Jewish guy to help you with your finances. :rimshot:



Don't forget to factor in your labor. You can rack up cash with pumpkins, but that does mean you're back at the comp in 8-16 hours to do more work to make more pumpkins. Also, if you're not back at the comp in exactly 8 hours, you're not making that much. It's give and take. Right now I have a screen full of eggplants, chickens, and cows just waiting to be harvested. My farm looks like it's been engineered like a machine rather than grown like a living organism :)



I use strawberries to level. You will not get much profit off them. I do about 3 rounds per day then Pumpkins/Rice at night depending on how long I expect to sleep.

Right now, I'm level 18, and I layed my first major round of watermellons (130+10 cost to plant - 348 to sell - harvest 4 days). I did keep 40 plots free for strawberry/pumpkin leveling. Watermellons give 2XP per plant instead of 1.

To me, the game isn't so much about profit, as it is about leveling. Also, stay away from the animals. Unless they're given as gifts, they are simply not worth it.

Case in point.. chickens...

Chickens cost 400 coin. Harvest in 1 day, but give 9 coin from harvest. 16 chickens take up the same area as 1 plot. 16x9=144 coins per day. If you bought all the chickens you've spent 6.4k coins. It'll take about 45 (44.444444...) days to have gained enough profit to pay off that single plot of chickens.

Going back to look it over. I think I should switch to Peppers for my non XP grind.
Peppers sell for 162. Harvest in 1 day. Cost 70+10. That's a profit of 82 coins per plot. Over 4 days, that's 8 XP, 5 XP higher then Watermellons. Keep in mind, figures are including XP/Cost per plowing.


Joe Johnson

However, chickens are awesome. So, take that into account.



I don't have peppers yet :) I just got upgraded to rice. It is 12 hours (thus check twice a day and get 3$ profit per hours.

I do agree that animals is good since they don't have "upkeep" cost (for those who don't play farmville, every time you harvest, you must spend 15$ to plow the field again to plant the next seed. I see this as "upkeep cost". Animals you just buy it one time and you can "harvest" them usually once a day like chickens so ROI would be good on chicken in the long run.)




Chibibar said:
my ... (which is VERY small for an Asian*) comes out.
Let's just put that back, shall we?



Chibibar said:
I don't have peppers yet :) I just got upgraded to rice. It is 12 hours (thus check twice a day and get 3$ profit per hours.

I do agree that animals is good since they don't have "upkeep" cost (for those who don't play farmville, every time you harvest, you must spend 15$ to plow the field again to plant the next seed. I see this as "upkeep cost". Animals you just buy it one time and you can "harvest" them usually once a day like chickens so ROI would be good on chicken in the long run.)
The ROI on chickens (I should make another farmville and send myself a duck and some of the other animals to see how they work out) may work out in the long run, but 15c for each plot is worth it in the labor effect (clicking each chicken, clicking harvest). The chickens are cool for that army look. I've got a line of like 20 of them standing 2 abreast and they all bow at the same time.




One of my farmville creations :D



That's gotta be one of the top 10 necros of all time!

Love it :D




One of my farmville creations :D

I've seen some of the stuff they've been showing in the intro screens, some people just have too much time on their hands. (just hit level 34 yesterday, gotta love the new dairy farm buildings)







And THIS is why the only game I will ever pay to play will be WoW.




Well, duh. If you're paying for any FB game, you're doing it wrong.




I play those games sometimes.
I use http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ and a throwaway http://www.mailinator.com email account to do those stupid quizzes and shit when I want free points.




haven't paid a cent and haven't done a single survey or anything on farmville. Guess I'm just willing to work a little longer to gain levels than pay for it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

My mom LOVES Farmville.




you can put together a pretty simple spreadsheet to maximize your income. Also always hire people to harvest your stuff, you'll make more money. Be sure to set your farm so you can have 0 space between your crops, you'll add an extra row and column.



you can put together a pretty simple spreadsheet to maximize your income. Also always hire people to harvest your stuff, you'll make more money. Be sure to set your farm so you can have 0 space between your crops, you'll add an extra row and column.
are we talking about Farmville? I don't have an option to hire people to harvest my stuff :( (only vehicles) unless I'm missing it somewhere.




you can put together a pretty simple spreadsheet to maximize your income. Also always hire people to harvest your stuff, you'll make more money. Be sure to set your farm so you can have 0 space between your crops, you'll add an extra row and column.
are we talking about Farmville? I don't have an option to hire people to harvest my stuff :( (only vehicles) unless I'm missing it somewhere.[/QUOTE]

I think its farmville, unless it's farmtown. You go to the town square and you can hire other players. They get money and you get more money from harvesting. Brakes the rules of economics, but hey more money.




That's farm town, I guess. In farmville your friends can help clear weeds and fertilize crops, but that's it.

Oh! And you can use the tractor, seeder, and harvester if you have enough fuel.




That's farm town, I guess. In farmville your friends can help clear weeds and fertilize crops, but that's it.

Oh! And you can use the tractor, seeder, and harvester if you have enough fuel.
Which of course you have to pay real money for.




Fuel replenishes (edit: for free) over time, but you CAN use farmville bucks for it.

I just use the seeder to make sure that everything on HUGE plots gets planted at the same time. I always run out of fuel, but it always works out. I'm level 26 and I have NEVER taken a quiz/purchased money to advance. Just takes a little time :)

---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

And do you guys trap your farmers? It is MUCH faster and it eliminates ALL travel time used to harvest/plow/plant. Next time you go to the game, your farmer is standing in the middle. Just use 10 haybales to completely enclose your toon. Try it!




Fuel replenishes (edit: for free) over time, but you CAN use farmville bucks for it.

I just use the seeder to make sure that everything on HUGE plots gets planted at the same time. I always run out of fuel, but it always works out. I'm level 26 and I have NEVER taken a quiz/purchased money to advance. Just takes a little time :)

---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

And do you guys trap your farmers? It is MUCH faster and it eliminates ALL travel time used to harvest/plow/plant. Next time you go to the game, your farmer is standing in the middle. Just use 10 haybales to completely enclose your toon. Try it!
I've been doing that lately, but it's because of "trapping" the trees, hadn't thought about just surrounding dude with crap.

Takes about 6 hours to completely replenish the fuel tank from empty, but it is free.



Fuel replenishes (edit: for free) over time, but you CAN use farmville bucks for it.

I just use the seeder to make sure that everything on HUGE plots gets planted at the same time. I always run out of fuel, but it always works out. I'm level 26 and I have NEVER taken a quiz/purchased money to advance. Just takes a little time :)

---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

And do you guys trap your farmers? It is MUCH faster and it eliminates ALL travel time used to harvest/plow/plant. Next time you go to the game, your farmer is standing in the middle. Just use 10 haybales to completely enclose your toon. Try it!
I've been doing that lately, but it's because of "trapping" the trees, hadn't thought about just surrounding dude with crap.

Takes about 6 hours to completely replenish the fuel tank from empty, but it is free.[/QUOTE]

Yea. Wow Boxing works!
