Fascinating Mundane Things

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I was thinking today about all the things that come so naturally to us, and how a lot of them are actually pretty neat if you step back and have a look at it. So here's an exercise.

Put some effort into this, maybe over a day or two, and list a few things that are mundane, but kind of neat when you think about them.

The one that just hit me: Refrigerators. Basically environment-control closets. The German word for them, 'Kuhlshrank' literally translates to cold-closet.

I will very likely be back with more.


the cell phone.

you're hearing someone's voice that is countless miles away, with seemingly no kind of contact between you.

After having Guillain-Barré, the human body. It's amazing we live as long as we do considering the millions of possible ways the human body can fail us. Quite an amazing symphony of biology, we are.


Staff member
:rofl: Seriously, if you look close enough, it looks like land. Then you can imagine little hand-dwelling people walking through the vast arm-hair plain.
Awe, okay, sorry CG. If it makes you feel any better, I sometimes have the same strange fascination with my belly button.


The processor in my cell phone has more complexity than the road network of the entire city I live near.


Staff member
Actually, CG, the skin is quite wonderful if you consider its functions. It's regenerative, it is waterproof, the first layer of defense against outside bacteria.

Basically, it's nature's full-body condom.


Moving on...
Whenever I take a closer look at my iPhone and come to think of what it's capable of... I'm blown away. Imagine traveling back in time for, let's say, 20 years and show this device to someone... it would be like something straight from a sci-fi novell/movie...

"Oh, I touch it and it activates this program! OOOOhhh, it has a motion sensor in it... OOOOHHHHHH it vibrates!!!"
Whenever I take a closer look at my iPhone and come to think of what it's capable of... I'm blown away. Imagine traveling back in time for, let's say, 20 years and show this device to someone... it would be like something straight from a sci-fi novell/movie...

"Oh, I touch it and it activates this program! OOOOhhh, it has a motion sensor in it... OOOOHHHHHH it vibrates!!!"
20 years? I'd go down to 10. I still remember my shock when Jobs unveiled the iPhone. blew me away in terms of UI.
Awe, okay, sorry CG. If it makes you feel any better, I sometimes have the same strange fascination with my belly button.
Me too. You should see that thing.

Seriously cheesy, you should have that looked at.[/QUOTE]
Trying to consider the context in which you got a good, long look at his belly button is making me a little queasy.
Perhaps it's not all mundane, but I'm also struck by the idea of medicine. In all it's forms.

The fact that we can add different drugs to our bodies for a desired effect, or the fact that we can cut it open and look at it like a machine, repairing and replacing certain parts that have broken ... that's crazy.
I'm always fascinated by the possible origins of food. Take milk for example; how hungry was the first person who decided that they were going to suck that cow. Or blowfish, did they get the cut right on the first serving or did they have to test it several times.
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