Favorite Pet Names

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I've almost completely decided to adopt a kitten from the shelter (girl I am seeing was fostering it), and have decided to name it Scrambles: The Death Dealer (short name Scrambles). I think part of me wants to adopt the cat just because the name is so perfect for him. Made me think of what other people call their pets, or have heard other pets names and really liked it. So, what names have you liked?
My dogs name is Roofus. At first it seemed like a stupid name, but it's turned into my favorite. I've found that every person that meets him gets a chuckle out of the name, and comments on how well it fits him. Plus everyone feels the need to say it in a silly voice and emphasize the "roof", which makes me chuckle.


Our cat is named Lola.

She is spoiled.

"Whatever Lola wants...Lola gets."
My cat's name is batmanuel because he had ears that looked about as big as his head and the markings on his face reminded us of a cowl.
My family has a philosophy that dogs get people names.
So growing up, my dogs were Luke, Emma, and Luke. My sister's dogs are named Lucy and Charlie.

My sister has a friend who named their kitten Tom Hanks. IT turned out to be female so he's now the only one who calls it by its official name.

My gecko's name is Einstein, because when I got it I was about 12, and the pet store told me it was a male. It is infact a female, so now I usually just call her sweety, but my friend calls her Einsteena.
My brother's geckos are named Lex and Mercy, because Lex is really large for a gecko, and also not very brightly coloured for a leopard gecko, so he looks evil. Thus, Lex Luthor. Mercy got her name by simply being female and sharing a terrarium with Lex.
My brother had a dog named Dammit.

Dammit! come here!
Dammit! you peed on the floor.
Dammit! get out of here.

But the 5 year old twins boys next door heard us working with Dammit! and learned his name.

They ended up hanging from our cyclone fence screaming DAMMIT! for tens of minutes on end.

When their mom finally heard them swearing at our dog, we had to change his name.

My cat is named for Lili von Shtupp the Teutonic Tit-willow.


My pets are

Gwende- cat
Foster- cat
Evil- deceased cat

Millie- dog
Sissy- dog (we did not name this one my sister did.)

I also had guinea pigs named Tony and Gertie

I love my pets. ^.^
Used to name them after historical figures (Lee, Grant, Manfred etc)

Latest were kind of a hodge-podge. Mama cat was named Pixel (because her fur looked pixellated, like digital camouflage), which got bastardized to Pixie. Her first son was named Leonides (his father's name was Xerxes, named by my sister), her second was Momocheet (from a character that my wife and I had just discovered) and her daughter was named Data (because her fur was also "pixellated," and raw data is just about the only thing smaller than a pixel (It made sense in my mind, anyways! *grins*). Data went to my Mom, so we just have the three left.


Staff member
Never had a pet, but if I ever go through with my plan to get a kitten, I will name him/her something terribly inappropriate and geeky.

Wasabi Poptart

I had a ferret named Harley. I was living with my parents for a few months while between places. My dad didn't want me to get the ferret. Dad likes motorcycles. So I named him Harley-Davidson since I knew my dad would never get rid of one.

My other pets were adopted from other people or were family pets that I didn't get to name.

Philosopher B.

My cat's name is Max, short for Maxwell Edison.*

When I was younger, I had a hamster named Sam Sheesh. I apparently had the reputation of being a silly person, so I was literally ordered to give my pet a normal name, so at one point, after being badgered about what it was going to be, I yelled 'Sam! Sheesh.' And thus it stuck.

*[size=-8]((Majoring in medicine))[/size]
Have a Pug currently, his registered name is Prince Silk Kheldar, just called Silk. He's a fawn Pug with black markings. We still want to get a female black Pug and name her Velvet.

We had two cats before moving, both are currently with our respective mothers. Winkin (as in Winkin, Blinkin and Nod) is just a regular American Shorthair, the other is one of her kittens and looks like a "rag-doll" cat, black & white coloration, fluffy as all get out, and layered with muscle like you wouldn't believe. He was born with a broken tail that is curled into a hood at the end, you don't notice until you run a hand down his tail, and had such an over-sized head for his body as a kitten that he gained the name Gremlin. Last time he was weighed he topped out around 27 pounds, and none of it was excess fat.


Skipper - dog (after my favorite show at the time, Gilligan's Island)
Mandy - dog immediately after Skipper was run over. =(
Twerp - black and grey stripes cat - later renamed by my stepfather to Tigger; incidentally, we also thought he was a she at first and her/his first name was Sheba or something..
Paws - cat who earned her name by tickling my knees when she was petted and purred.
Jabez and Jezebel - two cockatiels (birds) my sister owned
Angel / Mama Kitty - our first cat - later nicknamed Drool Kitty due to a condition that came about because of an ear infection - after the infection whenever she purred (and she was a darling cat with wonderful velvety fur and loved to be petted!) she would drool uncontrollably.
As a little kid, I had some turtles (Michelangelo and Leonardo) and some birds, agaporni(?), called Michelangelo and April. Can you tell if I liked any cartoon shows? :p

I had some fish as a kid, but I can't remember their names. Just that my cousin wanted to eat them and I didn't want her to do that.
Right now, there's an aquarium at my house, but the fish are my sister's. She called them "Orange cow" (White fish with orange spots), "Princess" (Long semi transparent tail), "Ninja fish" (completely black) and "Arancione" (means orange in italian. The fish is completely orange)
my two buddy dogs are Pepper(short for pepperoni, i was 12 when we got him and i thought it would be fun) and Shadow Mookie Dog, who started as just shadow but as he grew on us as a family his name expanded. Mom and Dad call him shadow, I call him Mookie Woof Woof Dog. as to why, he is the one creature on this planet that could make me laugh when I was in a unbreakable depression, he kept me from attempting suicide as crazy as it sounds.

oh yeah pepper is a cocker-spaniel poodle mix, and shadow is a very large jack russel poodle mix.
For a long time I've thought I'd love to have a bulldog called "Bombur" or "Gloin" or some other appropiately sounding and nerdy name. But I lately think "Pato" (Duck in spanish) has to be one of the best possible names for dogs ever.
A black Tomcat in a house I lived in during college, it was a roommate's cat...

Homey Home-cheese Sly Feline Attack Panther Cat, Master of All He Surveys
I don't like normal pet names, never have.

Everybody always finds my lovely pet names weird, I love them.
Garrafa for example, well, I can't really translate it literally but a Garrafa is sort of a pitjar and people use it to make ice cream so of course it is a fabulous name n_n

I had a wonderful cat named Patopéz (which literally translates as Duckfish) and I want another cat so I can name him Tresmil (3000)
My "bandit" ferret was named Yuffie.
My cat's name was Freya.
Datschund was Tima.
My first cat was named Princess (because I didn't know Peach had a name back then.
Second cat was Zelda
Third cat was Kyo
First dog was Chula (not named by me)
Second dog was Chula (My parents weren't very creative)
Third dog was mine, named her Kitana.
Dachshund ;)

(which is kinda funny 'cause it means badger dog but Dach means roof so I always feel like it really means rooftop dog.)
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