Favorite Video Game Character

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Alright, I'm sure there's been enough of these threads in the past, but why not start a new one up just for the hell of it. I'll even go first.

Alright, I'm going to have to go with the cliche here... but I played all the games when I was a little one. I haven't really played any of the recent though, the last was the one on Super Nintendo which I'm sure is a problem. Still, I can't help but to say:

Yep. Zelda. He's awesome. People usually go with Mario or something for favorite Nintendo character, but I have to say Zelda is a lot better. Having to collect all of those gems gets to be a problem, but it's always worth it.


Alright, I'm sure there's been enough of these threads in the past, but why not start a new one up just for the hell of it. I'll even go first.

Alright, I'm going to have to go with the cliche here... but I played all the games when I was a little one. I haven't really played any of the recent though, the last was the one on Super Nintendo which I'm sure is a problem. Still, I can't help but to say:

Yep. Zelda. He's awesome. People usually go with Mario or something for favorite Nintendo character, but I have to say Zelda is a lot better. Having to collect all of those gems gets to be a problem, but it's always worth it.

I'm trying to determine whether this is accidental or if you need to go to 4chan/GameFAQs less.
you uh... you do realise that zelda isn't... well uh you see his.. actually....

okay, yeah i will just leave this alone...
I think this thread is perfect and alot of people can really chime in with their opinions:

My choice is always the same:

The Magic Emperor Himself

And his second appearance:

One of the best Anti-Heroes ever. Complex, intimidating, all powerful, and voiced by one of the most amazing game voices ever done:

Villain? Misunderstood savior of the world? My favorite game character ever? For sure.
Man, I loved the first Lunar game. I have the ps1 remake. It's hard as hell but so good.

As for my favorite, it's a toss-up between Cyan Garamonde of FF6 and Frog of Chrono Trigger. I've got a soft spot for the tragic knight. Not to mention tragic knights who kick all sorts of ass.


1.Link. Yes that green tunic wearing mute will always have a special place in my heart. A link to the past was on of the first nintendo games I really liked.

2.) Megaman. This game has got to be the ancestor of many capcom games. You can feel some of the ruthless difficulty and game play concepts in many a capcom product. The blue bomber may have retired but his spirit lives on.

3.) Kratos. Lots of videogames are violent. GoW makes it personal. You really feel like kratos isn't just doing those brutal take downs as a video game character he's doing it because he hates his enemies and wants them to die in the most horrible way available.

Edit: Apologies if this post sounds...er...reads weird. Its late and I should be in bed.
Recent: Wrex.

nominated: Morrigan and Alistair are already up there but i haven't finished that game yet.

Favourite char ever is the Nameless One.


Staff member
1) Protoman

2) Cecil (Final Fantasy 4)

3) Ashton (Star Ocean: the Second Story)

---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

Oh, and of course any of the Belmonts. That is a badass family of asskickers.



EDIT: Crap, I can't believe I forgot "Hero of Spielburg". I can't find a good picture of him, but he's definitely #1.
I hate having to list my favorites just because it's so hard to decide. But here are the ones off the top of my head.





Staff member
I hate having to list my favorites just because it's so hard to decide. But here are the ones off the top of my head.
This is true. Hard to choose. there are a bunch on there I did not list, hard to decide.

---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ----------


Shannow, you sir, get the reward for awesome! :thumb:
Star ocean 2 is in my top 5 games of all time. I almsot want to get a psp for the remake of it portable, but I still have the original that I bought for my ps1 at home that I can bust out on my ps2.
Number 1: Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4, for showing you don't need to be young to kick some serious, serious ass.

Number 2: The Razgriz Squadron, for showing surprising depth for characters hidden behind fighter jets. Since you can change their jets, I'll do the Squadron Emblem instead.

Number 3: Robo/Prometheus from Chrono Trigger. It was a toss up between Frog and Robo, but someone else already picked Frog, so Robo gets the props.
Robo has the best theme music in Chrono Trigger.
I hate to do it Gusto, but I've got to put Frog's theme up there as the best character theme from Chrono Trigger.

Rock version!

I also highly recommend that any fan of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack check out what the people at OCRemix did with the Chrono Symphonic. It is fantastic.
Ocelot. Young ocelot is the best, but older ocelot is cool, too. Or perhaps I should say..."Pretty good" *insert handgesture*

Also, Heavy Weapons Guy from TF2 has the best and hammiest voice ever.
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