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Favourite Podcasts?




So, I recently added a few podcasts to my subscription list, and I thought that there should be a thread dedicated to sharing our favourite podcasts with eachother. I checked and I couldn't find one. And I can't seem to slep tonight so I might as well start one.

My Subscription list is as follows:

The Animation Podcast - hasn't updated since 2008, but they're all great to listen to anyway.
Smodcast- Been listening to this one for ages now
John Hodgeman's Today In the Past- A daily dose of entirely fictional History
Stephen Fry's Podgrams- Sadly, these appear to be over as well

And I haven't had a chance to listen yet but I've begun downloading episodes of

The Ricky Gervais Podcast

And I just now subscribed to our own Halforums Podacst as well. I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't already done that, but the situation is rectified now.

What else is out there? What do you guys like?




"Get This: Richard Marsland Lives" is the current way to find it on iTunes. Get This was an Australian radio show that ran from 2007-2008. They get pretty geeky, with lots of movie and video game references, and plenty of well-scripted humor.



Frankie Williamson

Smodcast - Kevin Smith and friends talk about hilarious shit for an hour or two.
Retronauts - Jeremy Parish and company wax nostalgic about the old days of gaming
Irrational Behavior - Shawn Elliot's amazing humanization of the developers at Irrational Games
Media Burnout - A couple of Canadians mock pop culture
RBR Radio - 4 Guys bullshit about wrestling....I don't know why I still listen to this, I haven't watched wrestling in years, but it's part of my routine.
A Life Well Wasted - Robert Ashley (once in a blue) produces this heavily edited and masterfully put together interview program on why people play video games.
Alter Ego Comic Cast - Probably the best comics based podcast out there by a bunch of guys who run a comic shop. They always score fantastic interviews (Robert Kirkman etc.).


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

This American Life - best podcast ever. Just really interesting stories and perspectives I wouldn't see otherwise.
SModcast - I waffle between rolling my eyes at Kevin Smith's stupidity and laughing my ass off at the dick jokes every other minute.
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me - A weekly news quiz show that is very much not about the quizzes, and more about 3 humorists/comedians making fun of the week's news.
Creative Screenwriting Magazine - a weekly-ish or less long interview with the screenwriter to a recent movie. Usually spoiler-heavy, so I wouldn't listen to any of them if you haven't seen the movie in question.
The B.S. Report with Bill Simmons - my favorite Sportswriter, usually talking about sports, but often delving into pop culture and Television for whole episodes. 2-4 a week.
ESPN baseball today - self explanatory! Mostly daily now.
ESPN NBA toady - see above. for basketball.
TEDtalks - already mentioned! I am a fan.
Stuff you missed in history class - from how stuff works dot com. Short (15-30 minutes) little history nuggets that are pretty skin-deep. Not suuuper good, I pick and choose episodes based on things I've never heard of before.
Stuff you should know - the partner podcast to history class. Same length, about random topics like Body Armor, Comas, Money Laundering, Living off the grid, and Fascism to name a few random topics. I like these two guys better than the hosts of history class.



Skeptoid - a weekly 10-15 min podcast about one particular skeptical topic, and whether it holds up under scrutiny. Topics range from the popular (bigfoot, 9/11 truthers, Roswell) to the arcane (the Baigong pipes, the Free Tibet movement, reptoids). He reveals why the pop culture understanding of these phenomena (giant, hairy men living in the woods; 9/11 was an inside job by the U.S. government, it's immediately clear that China should give up Tibet, etc.) doesn't tend to make sense when you start really looking at it. He then gives the scientific explanation, which tends to be even cooler than the popular one.

The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe – a fabulous weekly dose of science and skepticism done by a highly talented panel of amateurs. It's a lot like Skeptoid, except it's five to six times as long, covers far more topics (though not as in-depth), and has a lot more general science stuff. The latest science news, interviews with people in the trenches fighting for science and skepticism, Guess the Logical Fallacy, and a game show where they give you three science news items and you have to guess which is the fake (they they go over all three in detail). Great, great stuff. Easily my favorite podcast.

The Dragonlance Canticle - I have to plug this, since I produce it. It's a monthly podcast about the D&D world and novel line of Dragonlance. Like Dragonlance? Check us out. It's put together by the folks at DLnexus.com.

Radio Lab - a wonderful show about the 'Big Questions'. Shows have fantastic production values and do a great job of explaining topics as varied as innate human understanding of mathematics, parasites, and the afterlife.






lol but seriously, I enjoy;

The Instance - WoW podcast, even though I dont play it anymore
Gateworld - all things Stargate
Hailing Frequency - all things Star Trek (not just STO)
Epileptic Gaming - all things video games

I know theres great quality podcast shows out there for just about any topic I just really only listen to those four, and mainly the first two on a weekly basis, the rest when I find free time.




The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe – a fabulous weekly dose of science and skepticism done by a highly talented panel of amateurs. It's a lot like Skeptoid, except it's five to six times as long, covers far more topics (though not as in-depth), and has a lot more general science stuff. The latest science news, interviews with people in the trenches fighting for science and skepticism, Guess the Logical Fallacy, and a game show where they give you three science news items and you have to guess which is the fake (they they go over all three in detail). Great, great stuff. Easily my favorite podcast.
You didn't tell them about "Who's that noisy" the skeptic's guide weekly contest identify a short sound clip of something science related.

I also listen to:

Quirks and Quarks: A weekly science news show from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC)

Ideas: Another CBC show on a wide variety topics such as: the arts, philosophy, and futurism.

Philosophy bites: A ten minute weekly show similar in concept to the things you missed in history class mentioned by the lovely boner.

I also used to listen another CBC show called Tapestry which is about religious and spiritual topics.


Steven Soderburgin

Filmspotting - Reviews, Top 5 lists, entertaining film discussion
The /Filmcast - News, reviews, more entertaining film discussion
The IFC.com Podcast - Discussion on various topics in film. A new topic each week.
Creative Screenwriting Magazine - In depth interviews with screenwriters
A.V. Talk - Folks from The A.V. Club discuss recent films
KCRW's The Treatment - Elvis Mitchell interviews filmmakers, film critics, and other figures in the film world
Critic's Picks with A.O. Scott - Video podcast of A.O. Scott talking about a classic film recommendation. Only a few minutes long.
Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's film reviews - It's... uh... Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's film reviews
The GreenCine Daily Podcast - Not actually daily. It's interviews with filmmakers, actors, and other figures in independent cinema
I Love Movies! - Comedian Doug Benson invites some of his friends - usually other comedians - to sit and chat about movies. They talk about recent movies, play movie trivia games, etc. It's pretty funny.

Other stuff:
The B.S. Report - Bill "The Sports Guy" Simmons' podcast
30 For 30 with Bill Simmons - ESPN's 30 for 30 is awesome, and this is Bill Simmons talking with the filmmakers behind the films
The Sound of Young America - Podcast interviewing comedians, actors, filmmakers, writers, musicians, basically any important figures in pop culture. Also features comedy and entertaining banter.
NPR's All Songs Considered - New music
A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon - It's the News from Lake Wobegon section of the weekly NPR show
Onion Radio News - self explanatory
Onion News Network - All the Onion video news segments

Stuff others have already mentioned:
This American Life
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
TED Talks
Today in the Past




I recently started listening to Weekend Confirmed from Shacknews writers Garnett Lee and Brian Leahy with Jeff Cannata (The Totally Rad Show) co-hosting. So far it's been really good gaming discussion. I love TRS, and Garnett is always fun when he guests on Tekzilla.




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