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Find money. Keep it?



If you found 20 bucks on the street would you keep it?

How bout an unmarked wallet (no ID or credit cards) with a 1000 bucks in it?

My friend just posted on her facebook how she's pissed that she forgot to take her 40 bucks cashback from the self-checkout register, and someone took it. I say, tough titties. Money in the cashback shelf is equivalent to money on the street.

To answer both questions, I would keep 20 bucks and 1000 bucks if I found it. Call me a son of a bitch, but I would expect no more or no less from anyone else if they found my wallet with money in it. And no, I don't believe in Kharma or any of that shit.

Money in wallet with an I.D.? Yeah, I'd return that. So I'm not a total son of a bitch, I suppose...




I return it when I see who it belongs to, which is normally the case.

I returned at least $400 to a guy that dropped it at a concert, who was walking 10 yards ahead of me.




I think if they actually saw her forget it shame on them. Otherwise thems the breaks.




I'd probably keep it if there were no reasonable way to locate the rightful owner. If I knew/could find the owner, I'd return it.




If its just lying there with no way to ID the owner? Heck yes I'd keep it (and have). If it was in a wallet with ID or if I saw the person drop it I would return it (and have).




Keep the $20, take the wallet without ID to the police station (or other applicable authority) - but give them my contact information if no one comes to claim the grand. In either case if I've actually seen the person lose their money, I'd try to catch up with them and return their money - and in the case of Mr Grand-in-a-Wallet, ask for a finder's fee. Usually that's 10% of the monetary value.




I have a system for this kind of thing.

Wallet with ID - Always return it.
Wallet without ID - Lost and found. The person who lost it might be able to describe the wallet.
Loose cash, value more than $50 (assuming you didn't see it drop) - Lost and found.
Loose cash, value $50 or less - Keep it.
Coins - They're up for grabs.




I have a system for this kind of thing.

Wallet with ID - Always return it.
Wallet without ID - Lost and found. The person who lost it might be able to describe the wallet.
Loose cash, value more than $50 (assuming you didn't see it drop) - Lost and found.
Loose cash, value $50 or less - Keep it.
Coins - They're up for grabs.
Pretty much what the elf is saying ;)




I don't know what I would do if I found like a life changing amount of money, though. A duffle bag or something with a million dollars in it? Tough call.




At that point you do run into the issue of having to declare it on your taxes.




If no one is around to claim it and there is no identification than it is fair game.




You might want to actually check local law for the million-dollar one. You might actually be liable for something if you don't report it immediately.




I return it when I see who it belongs to, which is normally the case.

I returned at least $400 to a guy that dropped it at a concert, who was walking 10 yards ahead of me.
Oh yeah, the dick-head was so shocked that he did not thank me for handing him is roll of $20's. And the dudes laying next to the walking area questioned me on why I gave the bucks back.




I'm with you Chaz, and karma does play a part.

Due to various stories that I won't recount, I believe the universe owes me money.



I would keep the money on the street but not out of the self check out thing. They could figure out who lost it and it is more likely someone would come back to that place looking for it. Having the money wouldn't be worth feeling like a dick.




This is weird, but no matter the amount I wouldn't keep it if it were in a wallet, even if it were a wallet with no ID. Somebody could still identify the wallet as theirs by description and I'd like them to get it back. But I HAVE taken $20 bills I've found in the self checkout cashback tray. I used to find $5 bills lying around in parking lots and on the sidewalk pretty frequently, and they all contributed to my grocery fund. You can't prove that money is yours, unless you are Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man or River Tam from Firefly and memorized the serial number on the bill.

But, if I found $1000 or some other large sum of money loose, it'd depend on the situation. If someone has a LARGE sum of money out, they have a reason. There's something they're going to spend that on, and again I'd like for them to get it back. If it were in the store, I'd take it to the supervisor or manager. If it were at the bank, the bank teller. If it were in the middle of the street or a large parking lot with no way to discern the money's origin, then I might keep it.




$20 bucks? I'd keep it, unless I saw the person drop it.

$1000? Again, unless I saw the person drop it, I'd keep it. But who carries a grand around in loose bills?

A dufflebag with millions in it?

Man, fuck that shit. I'm not touching it.




If I found it with identification of who it belonged to (and could easily return it) I would do so. For example, if I found their drivers license I would have no problem mailing it back to them. But if I only had a name and it required effort on my part to track them down I'd say "screw it" and buy myself a steak dinner.



At that point you do run into the issue of having to declare it on your taxes.
Fuck that. That's what under the mattress is for.



My Karma is fantastic so taking it would only hinder it a little bit....I ain't gonna lie I'd take the money and walk away with a huge smile then i'd take myself shopping!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Yeah, taxes are for income, and you don't earn finding 1000 dollars.




I found a digital camera in the park yesterday. A really nice one. I asked around the area, no one knew who's it was. I waited around for and hour while the kid played...no one came. So I took it back to the car. I look through the picture and find nearly 500 pics on their detailing the birth of this persons kid up to the present day, nearly a years worth of pics.

So I have this persons kids first year of life in my hands...and I have no way of getting it back to them.

This actually makes my heart hurt.




For the camera I'd say put up a post on your areas craigslist. You never know, the owner or somebody who knows the owner might see it.




Did you notify the police? Someone may have filed a report already.




Regardless of the amount, whether it's a couple of coins, a handful of cash, or a million dollars in a burlap sack, I'd leave it.

I have no idea why.



Depending on where the unmarked wallet is would determine what I did with it (ie workplace I would send over to lost and found or page). Over 1k I'd probably donate 50% or more of it. I've done that with change and small bills in the past. I figure it's not my money it might as well go to a good cause (not including my beer fund).




I found a digital camera in the park yesterday. A really nice one. I asked around the area, no one knew who's it was. I waited around for and hour while the kid played...no one came. So I took it back to the car. I look through the picture and find nearly 500 pics on their detailing the birth of this persons kid up to the present day, nearly a years worth of pics.

So I have this persons kids first year of life in my hands...and I have no way of getting it back to them.

This actually makes my heart hurt.
If the owner registered their camera, you can contact the manufacturer and they can trace the serial number back to the original owner. Or you can try a longshot and post a couple pics at ifoundyourcamera.net | Found Cameras and Orphan Pictures




If it had an ID in it, I'd take the money and return the wallet. No ID? Wow, a brand new wallet!




Did anyone lose a big wad of hundred dollar bills, wrapped in an elastic band?

Because I have this elastic band...




I would take the money and use my brilliance to invest it, creating wealth like the world has never seen, then, when I finally use that money to find the person who dropped their wallet give them the bank account number and say, "You're welcome" and walk away.




With an explosion at your back, 'cause that's the way you roll.




And I would walk SLOWLY.




While not looking back. And wearing sunglasses. While the wind blows your coat back.




Wait a minute, if you're walking waay from te person who lost the money originally, and there's an explosion behind you...

...Did you plant a bomb in that person's wallet?!





They would have 5 seconds to think, wow, he made me a ton of money, whats the catch?





I'm not having much luck finding the owner of this camera. :(

The cops were very unhelpful. I'm also beginning to think they may be out of towners...the hospital this baby in the picture was born in is in Edmonton.

However, I enalarged on of the pics can found a first and last name...its messy though. When I searched the names I got 40 matches in edmonton area. :(



As sad as that is LittleSin it's seriously awesome that you are trying. A lot of people wouldn't bother. kudos to you. :uhhuh:




I feel like an idiot.

FACEBOOK. Type in the name. Lots of newfoundlanders in Edmonton area...find one thats set as born in st. johns, moved to edmonton.

Guess what.

We have a match...and a baby girl in the profile pic that looks an awful lot like the one in the pics. Leet's see how this pans out!



Yay! Facebook saves the day.




Kudo's for trying to get that camera back to them. Losing the pictures of your baby would really suck, being irreplaceable and such.




They've gone a year and haven't downloaded the pictures from their camera? Idiots.

Glad that you got the camera associated with the owners though. Doesn't change that they're idiots though.



Well I have taken the photos of my camera but not removed them from the actual camera. They may have done that. Multiple copies kind of thing.




They've gone a year and haven't downloaded the pictures from their camera? Idiots.

Glad that you got the camera associated with the owners though. Doesn't change that they're idiots though.
You'd be surprised how much this happens. When I worked at the photolab, we'd get these people coming in with their camera, spend 4+ hrs sifting through thousands of photos on 3 different memory cards, and then get all indignant when we warned them that sending that many photos through was likely to crash to system. If it actually sent through fine, when we told them their 700 picture order was going to take a few hours to print they'd be SHOCKED that the pictures didn't print immediately. It was not a rare occurance at all. It was about every other day.

That's the problem with really huge memory cards. People just go longer and longer without uploading their photos or printing them out.


Joe Johnson

The other possibility is they DID back them up but not delete them. I've done that before, just so I have another place with pics saved in case of data loss on my HD.




That is awesome Littlesin. And yes as a computer support specialist. I can tell you with out a doubt, they do not have their pic's backed up.




I once tossed a computer into the recycling depot at the local landfill. Some enterprising computer nerd took it out of there and got it back up and running, with all the naughty pics of my wife intact.

Sometimes backing up pictures is a bad thing :(




I once tossed a computer into the recycling depot at the local landfill. Some enterprising computer nerd took it out of there and got it back up and running, with all the naughty pics of my wife intact.

Sometimes backing up pictures is a bad thing :(
Pics or it didn't happen.



I once tossed a computer into the recycling depot at the local landfill. Some enterprising computer nerd took it out of there and got it back up and running, with all the naughty pics of my wife intact.

Sometimes backing up pictures is a bad thing :(
How the heck did you figure out that he found the pictures (or even got the PC working)?


Oh shit...




I once tossed a computer into the recycling depot at the local landfill. Some enterprising computer nerd took it out of there and got it back up and running, with all the naughty pics of my wife intact.

Sometimes backing up pictures is a bad thing :(
Yikes man... that's not good...

As to Chaz's original question. I will always make an effort to return money found in a wallet as long as I have some kind of ID to work from. If there's no ID... well... that depends on where I found the wallet. I might turn it in to a lost and found or something if it's applicable... otherwise... finders keepers!




I once tossed a computer into the recycling depot at the local landfill. Some enterprising computer nerd took it out of there and got it back up and running, with all the naughty pics of my wife intact.

Sometimes backing up pictures is a bad thing :(
How the heck did you figure out that he found the pictures (or even got the PC working)?


Oh shit...[/QUOTE]

He called to let me know that he had recovered my PC and that there were pictures on there that I might want to have back *hint hint*. I just told him to wipe it, but I'm sure it's in someone's spankbank at this point. He tracked me down through my meticulous naming system, making sure everyone's name is in the name of the picture. He knew a friend of a friend that knew a person in my picture - they talked to him, he told them who I was and they called me up.

Lesson learned.



my pics all have numbers.




my pics all have numbers.
It's a work habit. All pictures get names, locations and dates in case we have to use any and need to get rights signed off for publication.




Havenèt heard from the lady via facebook.

This is looking grim.

Itès putting me in a terrible mood to because Ièm getting all kinds of phone calls from people looking for their lost cameras...and some of these stories are terrible.

This one lady has terminal cancer. She came back to Newfoundland to do a video for her infant daughter, something to show her where her mom grew up. Something to share.

Then someone stole the camera.
