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Fingerprints? Dental Records? No Need, She's Got Implants!




Sound funny? Well it's not the punchline to a joke.

http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b140694 ... dd_by.html

:facepalm: :rofl:




Dammit... now i have to destroy the implants too... this is just getting to be too much work...



Huh. Even I knew that you could ID someone by their implants. They have serial numbers on them and the plastic surgeon records which #s go to which patient.



I wonder if Dexter will ever have to go through this situation?

(Been catching up on the third season of Dexter. Cant help but start thinking like him. :aaahhh: )




Man you go through all the trouble to yank the teeth and cut off the fingers and they still ID the body so easily? Wow that is a kick in the balls isn't it?

And she looks like a girl I dated in college... well once you dispose of the sweater cows.




Maybe they should enforce all woman to get implants so it would be easier to identify the bodies :unibrow:


That girl lived in my old neighborhood.




That girl had the most fucked up eyes. :bush:




SeriousJay said:
That girl had the most fucked up eyes. :bush:
Maybe that's why she got the implants, to keep people from looking at her eyes.


Thinking about it, my old neighborhood was really a magnet for weird shit. There were some certfied wackos in my building, for sure. Someone was found dead in her apartment up the street from mine and it turned out she was a porn star, if I remember that right. When Mr. ZM and I were dating we walked up to Santa Monica Blvd. to Astroburger and there was a rather portly gentleman in an apartment window facing the street, stark naked. Not good for the appetite.

And then there was the time a fucking plane crashed nearby.




ZenMonkey said:
And then there was the time a fucking plane crashed nearby.
Donny Darko lives near you?!


@Li3n said:
Donny Darko lives near you?!
Don't get me wrong, it was pretty horrible, but there may have been a few references to that movie thrown around my household. :paranoid:
