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Finished my First Full-Length Novel




I had posted about this in the Epic Win thread, but the actual feeling that I'd written a full novel didn't actually hit me until yesterday.

It didn't fully hit me until the guy at the printing place handed me this stack of paper yesterday.

385 pages (double spaced, Courier font size 12). 70,000 words.

This is a huge milestone for me because, as a writer for years, I've always wanted to finish a novel. I've written a couple of novellas, but nothing of this girth.

Now, I've sent it off to about half a dozen of my most trusted friends who have read and edited my work previously. After that, I get to work on editing it and then hopefully sending it off to some publishers.




Woot! Good for you, man! I envy you!




Congrats man! Awesome!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I'm truly jealous.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm truly jealous.
Yeah, Nick, I have to admit that while I'm happy for you, I'm also jealous!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Nick: Sending you a PM of stuff you might already know but didn't feel like detailing.

Jealous people: If you really wanted to write a novel, you'd sit down and do it instead of whatever else fills up your free time.


Wasabi Poptart

Gratz! :)




Nice!! Congrats and good luck! :)




Nick: Sending you a PM of stuff you might already know but didn't feel like detailing.

Jealous people: If you really wanted to write a novel, you'd sit down and do it instead of whatever else fills up your free time.
Drinking, gambling, and fucking?

Congrats, Nick. Can we read it?



Buy a copy when he gets it published, ya cheap bastard!


Philosopher B.

I've written/started a shit-ton of stuff, but only ever finished two novels. Congrats! Few things feel as rad.

Will you be querying agents?




Buy a copy when he gets it published, ya cheap bastard!

Well, finishing a novel is one thing, but (no offense to Nick or any other unpublished writers) finishing a publishable novel is another.




Nick, you get that sucker in a form that can be bought and you got my (insert $ amount). I appreciate the support folks showed my band when we released our EP and I would damn well buy a book from you if you get it published or self published.



I agree, I will be in line for my purchase and signing -grin-




Congrats Nick. As a person who hates writing I'm not at all jealous, but am mightily impressed with your accomplishment.




I received a book in the mail last Thursday called "Things to Do in Denver When You're Un-Dead". Written by a guy named Mark Everett Stone. My best friend. A guy I've known since early high school. He was the best man at my wedding and I was the best man at his wedding. And he wrote a book that was published. The sequel comes out sometime this year as well.

Talk about jealous. In our circle of friends, each of us wanted to write a novel. We all talked about it. Mark is the only one who got off his ass and did it. This both depresses and inspires me. My wife - who has never really stood behind my hobbies - has told me that she knows I could do it, too. What's stopping me? Nothing. Maybe self-discipline. And WoW. Halforums. Reddit. Fallout 3. Etc.

I truly admire people who can finish the deal whether it's publishable or not! Nick got off his ass & finished it. I can bitch, I can moan, I can critique. But in the end, he did it and I have not. Mad, mad, MAD props to Nick and his truly awe-inspiring accomplishment.
