First date with a celebrity

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So let's say a friend fixed you up with a celebrity, let's say Jennifer Anniston (yeah I know she's 40 something but I just watched Terrible Bosses and.....damn.)

Where would you take her? Should you try to keep it somewhat classy? Or just take her out for good street food? Or would that be too obvious that you're trying NOT to impress her. Or should you take her to a TGIF and make comments about "flair"?

And what should you talk about? I mean, you have to recognize that she is a celebrity, but on the other hand you're the damn man and you need to be directing the conversation, you know, be in charge a bit. So you can't just sit their fawning over her.

I was thinking you just take her to one of those hipster bistro/cafe places where she could get a light meal or a light salad or something bigger if she wanted, and for conversation starters ask her what she wanted to do before she got into TV/films.

I'm pretty sure she would be really enchanted by me and we would get married.


Well, here is my thing. If a celebrity was going to date me (say Jennifer Connelly. She is 1 year older than me) I would probably take her to one of my favorite restaurant. Celebrities (IMO) have probably been all the "high end" stuff and there is no way for me to shell out that kind of money. I would take her someplace fun and just enjoy the time.
I'd have to do something completely different and unrelated to TV/films. Probably take Scarlett skiing/snowboarding up at the local mountain, find a nice spot for a hot lunch near the top, and then ski down for jacuzzi/sauna time at the end of the day with a nice bottle of 1988 Pol Roger. She'd be too exhausted to go out dancing/clubbing which I'm not necessarily a fan of anyway.
No talk. No date.

Just sex.

If they were with an actor/actress before, they probably were too selfish of lovers. If they were with an everyday joe/sue, they were probably too intimidated to perform.

So yeah, best sex of her life. For days.
No talk. No date.

Just sex.

If they were with an actor/actress before, they probably were too selfish of lovers. If they were with an everyday joe/sue, they were probably too intimidated to perform.

So yeah, best sex of her life. For days.
And what will you be doing in the interim? ;)
You know, I've thought about this sort of thing, in the same way that I think of owning an Aston-Martin: something that would be amazing, that isn't going to happen.

What my thoughts have lead to is the inescapable conclusion that going on a date with someone famous, wealthy, and successful, would be horrifyingly awkward, honestly. I'm not a person with a lot to offer in the best of circumstances, and basically, I couldn't relate to anything in their daily life, and nothing I'd have to say would be even remotely interesting. So while it might be nice to daydream about meeting, for example, Olivia Wilde for lunch at the North End Grill in Battery Park, in all likelihood the reality would be a nightmare.


Oh look its a famous person! who shares none of my interests! "So, come here often?"

in all honesty I'd ask them what their favorite comfort food was what they felt like eating right then, and then base the place decision off that. Then I'd ask them what they'd do if they weren't a famous celebrity, only I'd say, "If you never had this job you're renowned for, what would you be doing?" Then I'd ask them about their charity work.
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