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Fix It! versus Reports




This is just a brief note to let you guys know how the Fix It! button will be used.

There are two types of issues that can be looked at by the Mods/Admins - technical and user driven.

For technical issues including site design/functionality and bug reporting, please use the Fix It button above and open a ticket. This sends Ame and I an email to let us know there's an issue and also lets you track progress on your issue.

For spam posts, threads in the wrong subboard, etc still use the reports. These will get seen by the mods who will do their thing.

The Board Request area will be going bye-bye in the near future so we can better utilize space and functionality.




I have brought back the Bug Requests board for now. The ticket system has...issues. Damn it.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

So, who opens a ticket on the ticket system?




So, who opens a ticket on the ticket system?

I did with the developer. He was...less than helpful.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

I'm noticing a trend...
