Export thread



Rob King

Rob King

Since this thread is locked, here is another!

I finally received an invite for the Flattr beta last week, and after dicking around with Paypal bank transfers and whatnot, managed to 'activate' my account today. (An account with no balance is inactive, for obvious reasons) It's very beta, as I understand it. In fact, when I went to transfer funds on Monday, there was basically an apology note on the site because they were upgrading the payment options, so I had to wait a few days. I'm hopeful that this will take off, but a glance around the blogosphere reveals a few pockets of (reasonable) pessimism toward the service.

Has anybody else been following this Flattr thing since the last thread? Does anyone have any thoughts? And does anyone want an invite? I've got three invites, but I don't want to just throw them into the dark, especially since it's a paid service which will require a balance of at least a few Euros in your account.
