Florida! - Updated Feb 16!

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So, I missed my first flight; direct flight from Toronto to Tampa. Had to take a later one that connected to Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale, then a 4 hour drive to Inverness. Oy. But I made it...and my 8 year old niece who adores her Uncle Nick was sleeping on the couch to make sure she was there when I came home. Hee.

Anyway, we're going to Universal Studios today. Gonna buy Shrek ears. Did some yoga this morning and my niece joined me:

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(Relaxation pose...not very relaxing! :p)

There shall be more to come. :) Going to Disney later this week, hoping going to Gatorland and possible Tree Ziplinging.



Staff member
Florida! (Pic Heavy; Updated!)

Urge to caption... rising... must... fight back... could...ruin... cute pictures...

Who's the baby, BTW? A prize from that sledgehammer thingie? =)
Florida! (Pic Heavy; Updated!)

Heh, long as they're fun, not insulting, I'm okay with captions. :)

And yeah, the baby was a prize. Universal has EVERYTHING these days. Or, you know, it's my sister's second daughter. :p
Florida! (Pic Heavy; Updated!)

kinda late but i feel compelled to make the following comment.

If any mascot tries to take your booze while at the park remember the lessons Bender has taught us.

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