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ooh, did I say love? I meant hate.

Not sure if this goes in the comics section or not?



Some online comic artists remind me of tenth grade girls, bitch bitch bitch.




Seriously, you're doing what you love, and more than likely at least one other person is reading it. If you're getting an income off it, too, that's even better! Why do they have to be such petty dickbags all the time?



having just read the page, I guess it was over something fairly recent .. or they'd probably let it go?




Coffman doesn't like Kurtz, vice versa, news at 11.




My guess is that the drama llama screwed Jade the day before and Scott was not pleased. Don't know that for sure but look at the comic from Friday.




Why do people persist in giving Kurtz such attention? If he wants to act like a spoiled child, just ignore him and move on.




Yeah, that's what's so funny about the guy's entry. He says that Kurtz should just ignore him and move on, but it's pointless to expect someone to do that when you won't do it yourself.



Why do people persist in giving Kurtz such attention?.....
...slow news day?




Yeah, that's what's so funny about the guy's entry. He says that Kurtz should just ignore him and move on, but it's pointless to expect someone to do that when you won't do it yourself.
Especially considering he wrote a fucking dissertation on him.




Yeah, that's what's so funny about the guy's entry. He says that Kurtz should just ignore him and move on, but it's pointless to expect someone to do that when you won't do it yourself.
Especially considering he wrote a fucking dissertation on him.[/QUOTE]

Thats what you do with tastemakers.




I err on the side of dislike for both of 'em and my tastes bring all the boys to the yard.



Element 117

are there ads on the bitching guys site?

if not maybe he's hoping the views will push his ad view chances up for supporters.

just sayin




lol, smart move on his part.




My guess is that the drama llama screwed Jade the day before and Scott was not pleased. Don't know that for sure but look at the comic from Friday.
Yeah, what a classy comic. Is Jade wearing a pearl necklace in that frame?


Element 117

My guess is that the drama llama screwed Jade the day before and Scott was not pleased. Don't know that for sure but look at the comic from Friday.
Yeah, what a classy comic. Is Jade wearing a pearl necklace in that frame?[/QUOTE]



Philosopher B.

Eh, that dude pretty much said nothing new, aside from maybe the Penny Arcade thwarting Buckely thing, which is completely unverified blather.

Also, that comic looks like it's mired in 1999.

Oh, and did this guy in the comments section used to post on Image?

April 19, 2010 at 12:12 pm | #
You are a standup guy Coffman. Ignore Kurtz’s bullshit. I love the fact that you have comments open here unlike that douchebag who pretty much hates his own fans or pulls communities down overnight without warning.
You also shake hands and hug at conventions and don’t bitch about getting sick afterward.
I'm pretty dang sure I recognize the username.




Oh, man.




All webcomic artists who hate on eachother are actually still pretty good friends and they pre-plan this drama because they've found it's a better way of cross-promoting than simply "hey, check out this cool comic by a friend of mine".


Occasional Poster

Christ, whan an asshole.




Christ, whan an asshole.
win. :laugh:




Didn't see anything on Kurtz's site about it, I think it's just Coffman being an asshole for the sake of being an "edgy" asshole. Nothing new there.

I remember the source of the bad blood between them, I think. Basically, Coffman had signed away the rights to one of his creations, and Kurtz had advised him not to. When the new owners decided not to develop that IP, at least not right away, Coffman asked them essentially what sort of deal they could work out to buy back his IP ownership. They weren't interested in making that deal at that time. Coffman erupted, badmouthed the company very publically, and came up with a whole "donate me money and I'll draw you a sketch" deal, half of which were slams against the owners of his IP. Kurtz said that Coffman was warned about giving over his ownership, and that the new owners weren't obligated to give him back what they had paid him for. A few more go arounds, and Kurtz said that Coffman was only hurting his chances of making a deal by being so public and insulting about a situation he'd basically gotten himself into. So Coffman started drawing sketches attacking Kurtz and PVP.




Eh, that dude pretty much said nothing new, aside from maybe the Penny Arcade thwarting Buckely thing, which is completely unverified blather.

Also, that comic looks like it's mired in 1999.

Oh, and did this guy in the comments section used to post on Image?

April 19, 2010 at 12:12 pm | #
You are a standup guy Coffman. Ignore Kurtz’s bullshit. I love the fact that you have comments open here unlike that douchebag who pretty much hates his own fans or pulls communities down overnight without warning.
You also shake hands and hug at conventions and don’t bitch about getting sick afterward.
I'm pretty dang sure I recognize the username.
Yeah, he had a Speed Racer avatar.




I think that that sums it up pretty well.

This just in, Kurtz is the calm adult in this battle. Good for Scott.


Element 117

Coffman excels at starting shit when he needs to raise his profile in the web comic universe for some sort of cash angle. Keeps his name in the minds of web comics fans.




Scott posted about this waaaay back in the day. I remember it being fairly calm, if cynical, and a bit accusatory towards Platinum. Dunno what occurred in private conversation, of course, but Coffman just comes off like a whiner, here.




Coffman excels at starting shit when he needs to raise his profile in the web comic universe for some sort of cash angle. Keeps his name in the minds of web comics fans.
Which is exactly what Kurtz did and does.


Element 117

Coffman excels at starting shit when he needs to raise his profile in the web comic universe for some sort of cash angle. Keeps his name in the minds of web comics fans.
Which is exactly what Kurtz did and does.[/QUOTE]

The exception being that Kurtz is profitable, yes?




We've had our problems with Teh Kurtz but this was kinda low.




It's low, it's childish, and it's unprovoked. At least User Friendly is crap enough to deserve the shit it gets.




Wait, was this the guy that drew skull being skull-fucked?

If that's the same guy, then fuck that guy.




Wait, was this the guy that drew skull being skull-fucked?

If that's the same guy, then fuck that guy.
It IS the same guy, and yeah, that was fucked.








Back when the bad blood between them was fresh, Coffman drew a picture of one of his characters sexually violating Skull the Troll.

Coffman is a classless douchebag.




Actually that was when Coffman was offering to draw anything (emphasis: ANYTHING) his fans suggested for $2 after, as Kurtz had long predicted, Platinum kicked him off his own IP.




Man, I'd forgotten all about that. Totally for Scott on this one.




Isn't Jade a idealized version of Scott's wife?

So fucking your wife while you're out of town, takes on a little more meaning.








Damn! There are 643 of those!



Kurtz is the level-headed party in a dispute? Man, Coffman must be all kinds of f'd up.




Ew, ew EEEEEW.




Kurtz is the level-headed party in a dispute? Man, Coffman must be all kinds of f'd up.
Coffman is probably a bigger ragenaut than Kurtz, Kurtz just has more visibility.

...That was basically the same thing I posted on HP during the big Draw-Anything-Skullfucking Fiasco. I just blew my own mind.



wasn't there someone who made a metaphor about a giant trying to stomp a goblin that stabbed it's foot, or something? And that convinced Kurtz to stop paying attention to Coffman?

Man, we were a good influence on the guy, weren't we?




wasn't there someone who made a metaphor about a giant trying to stomp a goblin that stabbed it's foot, or something? And that convinced Kurtz to stop paying attention to Coffman?

Man, we were a good influence on the guy, weren't we?
That was me. :)



wasn't there someone who made a metaphor about a giant trying to stomp a goblin that stabbed it's foot, or something? And that convinced Kurtz to stop paying attention to Coffman?

Man, we were a good influence on the guy, weren't we?
That was me. :)[/QUOTE]

All right, so you were a good influence on the guy.

The rest of us? Probably not.




Yeah for all the good it did.




I still miss the big guy. Yeah, there were times when we got under his skin and visa versa, but it was always interesting!


Element 117

I still miss the big guy. Yeah, there were times when we got under his skin and visa versa, but it was always interesting!
Go send him a loving email. I'll be mourning the loss of your shreds of dignity. :p




There's a bunch in there bagging on Kurtz - one asking for McPedro from GWS and Skull at SDCC had skull wearing a patch from being skullfucked, and one at a McDonalds featured a sign advertizing the "McKurtz", which came in "Boat Size" and had a penis in it.
