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For you guys: Get Star Trek on Blu Ray. A Must Have



For you guys out there I would so recommend this movie on Blu Ray this year. This with Up were my favorite movies of this year. I know that may seem like two lame movie choices but I thoroughly enjoyed Star Trek immensly.

Seriously I don't see the point of going to movies anymore when you can wait a couple of months to watch the thing in pure hi def.

This piece is stunning this way. I'll probably get Up on Blu Ray when I can afford it but seriously go out there and buy Star Trek.




I'll bet it looks amazing.

As for going to theatres, I still love the experience of it-- Going on a quiet afternoon when no one's there, sitting in a big dark room with a snack on my lap, staring up in awe like a kid. There's still something magical for me about being in that dark room and watching the story unfold. I also like sitting up top so I can hear the hum of the projector. Even if I ever choose to spend my disposable income on a really great TV, I think I'll always love going to the movies... even if the expense keeps me from going as often as I'd like. I agree that you can get a very good experience in the home nowadays with the kind of entertainment systems that are available.







Seriously I don't see the point of going to movies anymore when you can wait a couple of months to watch the thing in pure hi def.
Seeing it in IMAX was worth the price and the wait (I was out of country when it came out, and missed it during its two week run here, luckily was able to catch it in Boston after it had left regular cinemas). I plan to buy the Blu-Ray edition, though I have no surround sound system, so theater-experience wins on sound.




I pre-ordered Star Trek on Blu-Ray a few weeks ago from Amazon but sadly I won't get it in until the 19th.




I'll have to hold off on this till I start my new job, but it's definitely on my list of things to get.
