Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Okay, now with context: what the fuck, how can you even make that comparison unless your entire brain has been dug out and replaced with cow shit?
Okay, now with context: what the fuck, how can you even make that comparison unless your entire brain has been dug out and replaced with cow shit?
Well; perhaps one viewpoint is that Devos is the person who is doing the right thing and is being unfairly targeted, just like the protagonist in the original picture.

Or a second viewpoint is one of gross frustration that Devos actually sees herself as the first viewpoint.
Boy, this certainly sheds a different light in retrospect. Look at his reaction. He's going on about "She has no idea whether it's Russian, China..." but he's not DENYING the allegations.

McCoy being a piece of shit, as is usual.

I love how he added the Anarchy symbol there... because obviously public education staying "pure" is a tenet of said ideology.[DOUBLEPOST=1487156819,1487156541][/DOUBLEPOST]
Boy, this certainly sheds a different light in retrospect. Look at his reaction. He's going on about "She has no idea whether it's Russian, China..." but he's not DENYING the allegations.
Didn't he literally say at a rally that the Russians should hack her, so everyone can see what she did?
Didn't he literally say at a rally that the Russians should hack her, so everyone can see what she did?
He sure did. That was all part of the "LOCK HER UP!" and "BUT HER E-MAILS!" campaign.

Apparently we should've been looking closer at him the whole time. Guy seems pretty adept at misdirection.
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The idea is not without merit, though not for the reasons Trump probably has for saying it.

America's spies anonymously took down Michael Flynn. That is deeply worrying.
The United States is much better off without Michael Flynn serving as national security adviser. But no one should be cheering the way he was brought down.
The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup (or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function.


Staff member
seeing as that's more or less how Trump was elected I find it pretty funny seeing him make this argument.

I do agree that this shouldn't be handled through leaks and rogue intelligence agents, but I don't think that's the issue here. I think there are protocols in place that are more or less being followed that are picking this up. The information is getting out through leaks, but it's being obtained through standard intelligence gathering methods.
Working theory is that the leak is Pence, who saw that Flynn needed to go and made the play to oust him. POTUS out of the loop entirely on the issue.
Working theory is that the leak is Pence, who saw that Flynn needed to go and made the play to oust him. POTUS out of the loop entirely on the issue.
But just this one, right? He's been deeply involved in the remainder of government?

Um well he likes his Intel briefings compressed from 50 concise pages to a half page of bullet points.

BUT he is definitely on top of how soft the towels are on Airforce 1.

Edit my god he is the living embodiment of Poes Law. You can't satirize him.
Oh, sure, now it's the time to worry, not almost two decades ago when you made it legal to spy on all your citizens because no one wanted to be against something called the Patriot Act. Or when Snowden actually provided the proof about the spying.

At least MK Ultra had the decency of being illegal.
I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock as to why people oppose their country turning into a police state, just that they do so, and push for policy and action that helps.