Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Guys, remember when Trump tried to deflect from protests and Covid-19 by starting a feud with Twitter and going all in on China. Oh, that was only like 4 days ago.
2020 is going to be the longest year on record. I was legitimately shocked to hear that Game of Thrones ended a year ago. It has felt like 5 years.
Sooooo, the White House went dark and the president reportedly hid away in a bunker.

First joke: That's usual, since usually the lights are on but nobody's home.
Second joke: It didn't work out so well for the last despot who hid away in a bunker.
Honestly, this isn't his fault. Like, he certainly isn't helping, but police being horrible to black people has been a problem long before he got into politics and probably will be long after he's gone. A plan for how to reform the police would be nice, but its impossible to take that seriously from him.
Honestly, this isn't his fault. Like, he certainly isn't helping, but police being horrible to black people has been a problem long before he got into politics and probably will be long after he's gone. A plan for how to reform the police would be nice, but its impossible to take that seriously from him.
While true, Trump has enormously normalized and further re-institutionalized racism. It was slowly becoming not done to be racist under Obama. Now it's not done to be PC.
Honestly, this isn't his fault.
I disagree. He has been publicly signaling for violence for years now. He has actively dismantled programs which could have been beneficial. He has repeatedly looked the other way when he could've been intervening. He has obstructed and/or fired people who were trying to make a difference.
You may technically be correct that he did not plant the seeds, but he most certainly did fertilize and water them just about every chance he got.



Staff member
Oh, and antifa is a terrorist organization but not the proud boys or any of the other very fine people who are ACTUAL FUCKING ORGANIZATIONS.
Oh, and antifa is a terrorist organization but not the proud boys or any of the other very fine people who are ACTUAL FUCKING ORGANIZATIONS.
Right, they've said repeatedly that they can't legally designate any domestic group with the label "terrorist organization." As someone explained it elsewhere: "The laws that permit the federal government to deem entities terrorists and impose sanctions on them are limited to foreign groups. There is no domestic terrorism law, despite periodic proposals to create one."

He also wants to make flag burning a crime now that “we have a new court.”

And if anyone was concerned, don’t worry, he still had time to check in with Daddy.
I dont even know what thread to put stuff in anymore
You could easily file so many things going on in America under Trump, it's not even funny.

Hell, it's not even surprising anymore. Nothing he does surprises me anymore. Still appalled and disgusted, but I hear whatever new stupid thing he says or does and I just go, "Yep, that tracks."

If I looked out the window tomorrow and saw a mushroom cloud exploding in the distance and learn he launched nukes at everyone right before I died, I wouldn't be surprised.


Staff member
My military friends are very happy. The military people will have more training and restraint than poorly trained cops.
Military police fire tear gas on peaceful protestors to push them back right before Trump says he will deploy military if necessary to stop riots. Then he walks to a church for whatever this is.
...without his hand starting to smoke, you mean.

I was hoping for "book or Bible?" to which I would reply "Yes" because is reminds me of when Cookie Monster did an AMA on Reddit and it was the greatest AMA in history. "What is your favourite type of cookie, soft or crunchy?" His response "Yes"
It's already been leaked that the dispersing of the crowd for his "speech" and photo op were because he was upset that he was mocked for hiding in a bunker.

Yeah, real tough, shooting an elderly man with rubber bullets until he couldn't stand.