Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I wish we could see an alternate reality where MLK wasn't killed if for no other reason than to see how he'd be fucking hated like every other black civil rights activist. (re: trump going off about al sharpton)
I saw a video earlier of a MAGA woman saying that Obama is what created all the racism in the country. Said he made black people feel "entitled" for things and them not making it in life is their own fault, then she complained how black people were having unwed babies and don't finish high school and "shoot up neighborhoods".

I slapped my head so hard I still have a hand print on my forehead.

I will admit one thing, and it's I feel the media, more so during my generation, didn't do much to help with these stereotypes. To some of these older people or people my age who only lived in isolated suburbia, the only window they had into "black life" was movies like Friday, Menace 2 Society, Boyz N The Hood, etc. They got painted a really one sided picture from only a few subsets of black culture and now that's all they see. It's why some poor black kid gets gunned down by police and people are quick to call him a "thug". We really needed more balance through the 90s then just dozens of gangsploitation films.

Anyways, back on topic, I really miss the days the president didn't have a social media presence. I am tired of his unfiltered rants appearing in the news.
To some of these older people or people my age who only lived in isolated suburbia, the only window they had into "black life" was movies like Friday, Menace 2 Society, Boyz N The Hood, etc.
Yeah, don't forget about the influence of movies like Soul Plane or Undercover Brother, too.

Okay, who had pretending to be a 9-11 first responder so he could make 9-11 jokes in the pool?

And who had locking up 9 year old American citizens for going to school?

Ooh I did! That's a bingo! Is that how you say it? That's a bingo?
This is a fantastic lie. Like, truly shameless. I wouldn't expect anything less from Jim "covered for a serial rapist for 20 years" Jordan.



Staff member
This has got to be satire, right? Obama and Biden on Air Force 1 in 2001? And Trump "running toward danger"? What?


Staff member
Not to mention all the Muslims that he saw standing on the roofs cheering. How did he see them if he was moving blocks of concrete?
He has since said he saw that on TV. But yeah, anyone who believes that Trump did ANYTHING at 9/11 is an idiot.


Staff member
Well, it's well known that the most unbelievable part of that - Obama on Air Force on in 2001 - has been said by idiots on the right before. So it's not a large leap that they'd make this statement. The base Trump voter isn't the most intelligent of animals.
It has several elements of a real republican quote. They have blamed Obama for the recession and bailout from before he was president. Not to mention backing up a blatant trump lie is par for the course.
We're gonna build a wall!

=starts furiously putting up welcome to Mexico signs along the Maine Newbrunswick border=
Obviously we should just enact similar legislation, but I do like the tacit admission that Canada's system is better, even though under all other circumstances it'd be called socialist horribleness.
Well this is about distraction. Bernie hit big pharma, cheeto needed a distraction from; Mueller, racism, Epstein, managing the Navy by Twitter, getting booed at his first public event, his children getting subpoenas, Democratic debates,.....
I do think it's hilarious that diabetes medicine would not be included in the meds being "allowed" to be imported from Canada. Because fuck you, pay 1000 dollars a month or die. But still, fuck off and stop dragging us down faster with you.
Man maybe i should start a new drug manufacturing company in Canada so I can charge low prices and get all that new American money.
Well you got a new UN ambassador guys. So that's good. Only been 7 months. It's your current ambassador to Canada, who when asked politely to explain why she thinks both sides of the climate change debate are true, refused to answer and then stayed at home until her new appointment.
Oh yeah cheeto had a lengthy phone call with Putin yesterday. Undocumented of course, and revealed to the world by Russia. Gosh, he truly is Putins bitch. Mitch must be jealous.