Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I'm afraid my opinion is not as sanguine as yours, SR.

Sridhar, I hope for your sake there's a "/s" in there somewhere.

That has got to be the best deadpan comedic account out there, from the bio - Born Samuel Leghorne Clemens in rural MO, adopted the name Sridhar Ramesh out of riverboat gibberish - to the glib references to Father's Day and how unhappy his father was at his birth, because they looked nothing alike, until someone explained to his father that he too had once been a tiny baby, and just couldn't remember it. Please, please let it be a good deadpan comic.


Staff member
Republicans are whiny little babies.

"There are no rules about when you can make noise." Guess there needs to be now, since we can't expect even a base level of respect.
"We're not spending another dime on virus testing, but throw more money at the dead, ok? They vote for me! They voted for me last election, they'll vote for me this one, too!"


Staff member

The White House is claiming that neither Trump nor Pence was briefed about this bounty on US troops, which is still a huge scandal that is equally horrendous in terms of treasonous leadership.
So if anyone has evidence that they knew this, that would reveal Trump and Pence traitors to the country. My surprise is so low it's almost unregistable.
Someone's head is going to roll on this. Either Trump and Pence for knowing about it and doing nothing (because I don't fucking believe no one would have told them), or the intelligence officials that decided the President didn't need to know that a foreign power was openly trying to get our troops assassinated. This is just another blemish on the entire administration and its incompetence either way.
Someone's head is going to roll on this. Either Trump and Pence for knowing about it and doing nothing (because I don't fucking believe no one would have told them), or the intelligence officials that decided the President didn't need to know that a foreign power was openly trying to get our troops assassinated. This is just another blemish on the entire administration and its incompetence either way.
I mean, the question really is if someone is willing to take the hit for them. And seriously, why would anyone do so at this point? They've shown no loyalty to anyone but themselves. To agree to it at this point would be stupid. And I mean, STUPID.

But we've seen there has been no shortage of stupid people lately.


Staff member
Unless he’s voted out & investigates, nothing will happen. And his idiot base will STILL think he’s pro-military.
Less than 10 seconds into this video that Trump retweeted, one of the supporters he is thanking yells “white power”
Even if we believe the fact that Trump didn't know about the bounties until yesterday, the fact he decided the best thing to do is go golfing with Lindsay Graham says a whole lot.
“President Trump has the attention span of a gnat...he literally will not read briefings that are put on his desk” says Ben Shapiro, presented somehow as a defense of Trump?
“President Trump has the attention span of a gnat...he literally will not read briefings that are put on his desk” says Ben Shapiro, presented somehow as a defense of Trump?
"You can't expect the President of the United States to actually watch a 2-minute video all the way to the end" - to be clear, the "white power" cry is TEN SECONDS INTO THE VIDEO.

I'd get fired for retweeting something that said something disparaging about my boss. I'd get fired for retweeting that video as it's inciteful to hate.

The standards for Trump have been lowered so much, I'm...Well, I'm at a loss for words, really. It's just.....Gah.
"Weak" presidents who "don't know what they're doing": protect troops, go to war to get Bin Laden, honour fallen soldiers.
"Strong and stable Genius": don't evne react or care when his best friend is giving out money to shoot your troops.

Seriously, anyone claiming to be a patriot should be rising up against this president, and the Republicans really deserve a reconning for allowing this person to rise to and stay in power. Even for their own professed interests he's horrible.
The intel was known to cheeto in 2019...

Naturally the CIA is livid and they should be, policy can not be generated by CNN but rather internally.