Fortune cookies - Halforums Style!

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Staff member
My wife and I went to lunch last week in the mall because it was close and had stuff we both liked. She went Chinese and I ate a Philly Cheesesteak. Mmmm...

Anyway, she gets her fortune cookie and reads it. I was hoping it would be funny and I could add "in bed" at the end for that extra bit of Freudian goodness. Instead, she got a quizzical look on her face and said, "I don't get it." I took it from her and read it and started laughing immediately.

It read:

Keep your goals away from the trolls.

Whomever wrote this obviously has the internet and has posted his hopes and dreams only to have them dashed by those who live for spreading misery and discord.

What ever happened to the vision of the stooped old Chinese man sitting on a mountain top and writing these bits of wisdom out on rice paper?


Staff member
Somewhere in China, a stooped old man sits on a mountain top. A goat comes to him with a piece of rice paper stuck in his horn. The man picks up the rice paper. It says "Whazzaa?".

The man looks to his left, at another peak nearby, and sees another stooped old man sitting there, waving at him.

"Stupid text messages", he grumbles.
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