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Fox producer caught rallying crowd...




while she stood by the cameras she was in charge of in order to get more reaction from the crowd.

Fox news says the producer was yelled at for being a bit overzealous. You can see the Fox airing and the view of the producer rallying the crowd at the link I provided.






Kitty Sinatra





Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you guys.




I'm shocked. Shocked.




Yeah. Shocking.

Also: Huffpo? Really? Don't you guys just freak out when people use Fox as a credible news source and people are linking to the site that makes MSNBC look "fair and balanced"?




Yeah. Shocking.

Also: Huffpo? Really? Don't you guys just freak out when people use Fox as a credible news source and people are linking to the site that makes MSNBC look "fair and balanced"?
At this point, I just don't care. The videos aren't doctored, they were both there to view, and it was easier to just link there than go to the source sites.

Edit: Ok, that was harsher than I wanted (what I'm editing out). I just get to the point where I don't want to post anything because it just gets silly. I'd understand if it was about the writers opinion (or some crappy opinion piece with no facts), but that's really not the case.

Oh, and if you don't like the comments below the story, they're pretty easy to avoid.




Pfff, people on this board bitch and moan all the time about horrible biased right wing extremist "I can't take you seriously if you read this conservative website" blahblahblah. I have no problem finding the general hypocrisy funny.

I agree with the general sentiment of the article, be sure, it's everything I expect from such a lovely news outlet like Fox (or any of the cable networks). But the irony of using the Huffpo to call out Fox is about as good as you get.




Oh noes! Say it isn't so!




Pfff, people on this board bitch and moan all the time about horrible biased right wing extremist "I can't take you seriously if you read this conservative website" blahblahblah. I have no problem finding the general hypocrisy funny.

I agree with the general sentiment of the article, be sure, it's everything I expect from such a lovely news outlet like Fox (or any of the cable networks). But the irony of using the Huffpo to call out Fox is about as good as you get.
As I said, I just don't care anymore.




No? It was just a few days ago you were ragging on GB for a source he used.

Seriously, I don't care what sources anyone here uses. Left or right, I'd rather know the bias, but if you are going to use a less than credible site like Fox or Huffpo you can't get angry when someone takes it less than seriously or laughs at it.

On topic though: Did anyone hear Obama call out the cable networks today for focusing on the crazies? He gets much respect from me for that.




No? It was just a few days ago you were ragging on GB for a source he used.

Seriously, I don't care what sources anyone here uses. Left or right, I'd rather know the bias, but if you are going to use a less than credible site like Fox or Huffpo you can't get angry when someone takes it less than seriously or laughs at it.

On topic though: Did anyone hear Obama call out the cable networks today for focusing on the crazies? He gets much respect from me for that.
Are you really comparing Huffpo to Free Republic? i guess I don't see them as the same thing. If I was posting Think Progress, FireDogLake, or Crooks and Liars, sure, but I think you're comparing apples and oranges here.

Didn't hear about it, but good on him.

Oh, by the way, love the colored language of "raging". That doesn't cause me to feel inclined to hear your point of view on it.




I'm not even offended by this... I'm just embarrassed for FOX News. Honestly... I expect better deceit from them.




No? It was just a few days ago you were ragging on GB for a source he used.
Oh, by the way, love the colored language of "raging". That doesn't cause me to feel inclined to hear your point of view on it.[/quote]

I might agree if I had said "raging".;)




No? It was just a few days ago you were ragging on GB for a source he used.
Oh, by the way, love the colored language of "raging". That doesn't cause me to feel inclined to hear your point of view on it.[/quote]

I might agree if I had said "raging".;)[/QUOTE]
My mistake. On this point, I apologize.



After seeing that "Outfoxed" docuemtary thing, I'm not surprised.

Fox is scum and I feel bad for people who trust them as a news site.




Yeah, agree with Espy. I immediately thought "-cred points for legitimacy", even though I'm a democrat. But at the same time, it is a funny, if unsurprising story in light of the whole "only true news source" bit.




What I am surprised about it that there was no mention of the reporter egging on the crowd either.




Tell ya what, since people are sensitive about the site reporting the incident, I'll just post up the video here from youtube.




Their pitiful excuses that she was 'young and experienced' aside, fuck Fox Newsertainment.

The whole 'Tea Party' was just one big advertising gong show (How many signs did you see talking Fox News...a WHOOOOLE bunch) and then they have the nerve to put an ad in the Washington Post berating the other networks for missing the story.

It was a created story by you cockflossers!




Wow, that is annoying to listen to.




Rick's going for that good ol' manufactured outrage that Keith Olbermann does so well.



Their pitiful excuses that she was 'young and experienced' aside, fuck Fox Newsertainment.

The whole 'Tea Party' was just one big advertising gong show (How many signs did you see talking Fox News...a WHOOOOLE bunch) and then they have the nerve to put an ad in the Washington Post berating the other networks for missing the story.

It was a created story by you cockflossers!
Inexperienced, you mean?

Sorry. Pedant.




Seriously, the cable news networks just need to die. The 24 hours news thing is, as Obama said, just nutjobs looking for their 15 minutes.
I used to enjoy perusing those channels when I travelled for business until I realized, if it isn't a pundit screaming about something inane then it's the same news stories over and over on repeat until it's time for another pundit to scream about something else.
The only way that formula changes is if "RICH WHITE GIRL" is missing.
Throw in a heavy does of your favorite political bias and BAM! Instant 24 hour news.




I miss the Fox News story when they pissed off all of Canada.




I miss the Fox News story when they pissed off all of Canada.
Sorry Sheg, wasn't much of an outroar here, just a collective facepalm from Canadian citizens. Most of us know better than to trust the tripe that comes from Fox News.



Rick's going for that good ol' manufactured outrage that Keith Olbermann does so well.
I have CNN on in the background, and I caught Sanchez acting appalled (APPALLED!!!) that Michael Steele would "continue to attempt to take down the President, politically of course.")

So let me get this straight: it's supposed to shock the crap out of us that the Chairman of the RNC would be attacking Obama? I guess I can't muster up the OUUUUUUUTRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEE that Sanchez wants me to. Admittedly, it's hard for me to go full-tilt on Sanchez, seeing as how he's also a Minnesota Gopher fan. Ski-u-mah.




:rofl: Can you say reality check... mate? That was a perfect moment for the "Dr. Evil" finger.




It was pure manufacture, but if Rick Sanchez is now going to start regularly calling out Fox and the rest on their bull, I really can't argue with that.

Be nice if he didn't Olbermann it in, though.
