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Freak Out If Your Email Account Got Nuked?




Apparantly it's a huge deal to alot of people. 17,000 emails and 10years worth of correspondance? Maybe I just don't care/rely on my email that much but really, is this common? How much important information do you store in your email? I can't fathom anything really in mine.



Heh, you should come to my work sometimes. We have email for about 20 years for our school. People have KEPT email that long. One of our users had a total rebuilt and she freaked out cause she lost everything that was 10+ years ago (we manage to get other stuff back)



The first time that ever happened to me I got upset but now I know to get important info off my email. Now, I don't care so much.




I keep it as a backup, with the advent of things like gmail. I wouldn't be insane or anything if I lost info, but I certainly wouldn't like it. The important stuff has been picked out, but occasionally, I find myself searching back 4 years in my mail.




Still no dates displayed on posts in blog view. Why would you leave the time, but not the date?


Joe Johnson

I think this is the larger concern for some people:

"What if the cloud fails?" one wondered in the help forum. "If, ultimately, Google does not make this right in a timely way and I lose the main record of the last 7 years of my life ... that will forever affect how I view trusting an anonymous server farm somewhere with my critical or even not-so-critical data."




My past emails are really useful. I have a lot of purchase receipts from my various online purchases. I could get by without them, but searching my email is usually the fastest way to figure out who long ago I bought my computer, when I replaced the batteries in my UPS and other stuff like that.
