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French Toast




I was playing Sims 3, and my Char kept eating French Toast for breakfast, so I was thinking to myself, what is the fuss about this meal. Is it really that good?

So I went to the grocer and bought the things I need for French Toast:

2 Eggs
1/2 a Cup of Milk
Half a Pack of vanilla Sugar
A dash of Cinammon
Some Toast
and butter to fry them in.

Well,I was suprised, they are kinda pancake-ish from the texture. Are they supposed to be like that,or should they have more of a crispy texture?
Some help from the Americans who know the taste firsthand would be appreciated.




No, they'r enot supposed to be more crispy. Pancakey is pretty much right. And French Toast is awesome. Nom nom nom and all that. Now I'm hungry :-(




Yeah..they were pretty awsome. But is frying them in butter tight? or should I use oil?
They tasted great with Sausages. And scrambled eggs.




Butter's OK. ANd you're supposed to layer them with sugar or something :-P




The outside might have more of a little crisp to it after you've fried it. Otherwise it's pretty soft.





That's pretty fail.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Parts can be kind of crispy from the fry, but generally they're pretty soft.

And to put it a bit more politely, they are also delicious with syrup and you may be missing out on all the deliciousness by not having any.




My Diplomacy check is a -3.

I use Intimidation, I got +5 there.



I don't know why, but the biggest surprises I get on this forum (and those like it to an extent) is when someone talks about a meal that is so basic to my (near) everyday life. Sure, I understand there are different cultures with different foods and such, but when someone's talking about *my* food as if it's something completely new and different... it's just a much bigger 'shock' (for lack of a better word) then say, religious / political views.

It just makes me feel all warm and excited inside. Sure it's one thing when you're feeding your children something for the first time and get their reaction. However, when you see something like this, someone that's grown up and may or may not be inclined to do this kind of experimenting, it's just really cool. I know I never think to do it. I can't imagine playing a game and really wonder.. "What does this food taste like, and can I make it? It looks simple enough."

More on topic. It sounds like you're making them fine. Every recipe is slightly different. Mine is very basic..

2 - 3 eggs in a wide bottom bowl.
just enough milk to cover all the eggs except the yokes.
a dash of pure vanilla extract.
sometimes cinnamon when I'm craving the taste.
basic white bread dunked in batter and then put in a butter greased pan.
fry until relatively dry and brown.

Maple syrup (all this talk made me think, maybe syrup is something different in different parts of the world) to taste. Although my wife doesn't really use syrup.. other things work too. powered sugar, cinnamon at this point instead of during cooking.. fruit..




Make sure it's Canadian Maple Syrup. It's a godsend.




Wanted to buy Maple Syrup.But you cant get that only in special stores here in Germany.
Used Honey instead,which was kinda too sweet for my taste.
So it was Sausage and Scrambled Eggs with the Toast.


Wasabi Poptart

You don't have to fry it in butter. You only have to brush a light coating of butter on the pan to help keep the egg mixture from sticking. It won't be crispy. Kind of pancake-ish, I guess.

I usually make mine like Elph's recipe except I always add cinnamon. Sometimes instead of milk I'll use a flavored coffee creamer, like hazelnut. It's a nice change. The only thing that goes on top after it's cooked is maple syrup. Some people like powdered sugar or jelly.
My best friend makes a baked french toast. You prepare it the night before and refrigerate it so the bread soaks up all the egg. There is also a caramel syrup that you put on it. When you get up, you put it in the oven. It's very rich, but delicious. This is just about the same recipe (I'd copy hers for you, but I can't get to my kitchen atm).


* 1 (1 pound) loaf French bread, cut diagonally in 1 inch slices
* 8 eggs
* 2 cups milk
* 1 1/2 cups half-and-half cream
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 3/4 cup butter
* 1 1/3 cups brown sugar
* 3 tablespoons light corn syrup


1. Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange the slices of bread in the bottom. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Pour over bread slices, cover, and refrigerate overnight.
2. The next morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a small saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar and corn syrup; heat until bubbling. Pour over bread and egg mixture.
3. Bake in preheated oven, uncovered, for 40 minutes.




I like making banana french toast. You start with

1 egg per person*
pour an equal amount of milk to egg
1-2 people half banana 3-4 whole banana and so on
a teaspoon of vanilla
mix in a blender
*Most people like more eggs in their french toast than I do so add more eggs and less milk to fit your taste

I put out the bread before I start so it sits for 15 minutes and can soak up more batter

After cooking the french toast I spread a little coating of butter or margarine on which then melts and then sprinkle powdered sugar on so it makes a glaze :drool:




You guys all suck.

*goes to eat his leftover spaghetti for the third straight day*



mmm French Toast

you should eat it with Kinnekessuiker (lit. Children's sugar)

if you can find it over there, i guess it will be hard to find
it's a type of blond brown sugar




I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?




There's only so much a guy can take. Being a crazy bitch you can take for awhile but being a crazy bitch and making bad french toast to boot.
Well good day to you.




My best friend makes a baked french toast. You prepare it the night before and refrigerate it so the bread soaks up all the egg. There is also a caramel syrup that you put on it. When you get up, you put it in the oven. It's very rich, but delicious. This is just about the same recipe (I'd copy hers for you, but I can't get to my kitchen atm).
That is indeed a nice way to do it. It comes out almost like a warm custard! OM NOM.

I haven't had french toast in years. I will have to add it to my list for next week.



I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.




My Canadian recipe is :

1/2 cup butter (unsalted)
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
5 eggs
1 1/2 cups half-and-half cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon brandy-based orange liqueur (such as Grand Marnier)
1/4 teaspoon salt

Canadian Syrup
Toast (or in some cases, I use French Bagettes)




I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'd dump her too.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, meat sides... hell, even syrup! All negotiable. Vanilla? It's guillotine time.




I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.[/QUOTE]

Is it as bad as adding Beans to a Chili?








You needs the toast. You must haves the toast. You will gets the toast!




I know what I'm making for breakfast Saturday.




What the... VANILLA!?

gross. Seriously. I would not eat that.




*puts on helmet*



I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always so...so, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.




People getting offended over not using vanilla seems so adorable and naive to me, since it seems that only Jay and I are making it RIGHT using the proper syrup.




One day I'd like to 'French' just one side. Then on the other put some prickly pear jam on it. Maybe this weekend.




Well, it's true that in 1450, Maestro Martino in his work Libro de arte coquinaria suggested the use of rose water instead of vanilla, but that's simply because he was a heathen who didn't know any better....




I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always so...so, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.
imitation vanilla extract, just as good as real vanilla extract in dishes where vanilla is not the main flavor and much cheaper.



I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always so...so, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.
imitation vanilla extract, just as good as real vanilla extract in dishes where vanilla is not the main flavor and much cheaper.[/QUOTE]

For a time even that was too expensive for me. But yeah, that's what I use now when I need just a hint of vanilla. The real stuff when I need a real amount.




What the... VANILLA!?

gross. Seriously. I would not eat that.

Leigh, is that you?




You want to use a good soft bread thickly sliced for french Toast.

Typically challa if available...




Stale bread works well too.



*Hungers.....hungers for the french toast.



What the... VANILLA!?

gross. Seriously. I would not eat that.

I want to say this as nice as I can, but what the fuck is wrong with you?

You add a dash of vanilla extract, ground up, or whatever into the batter. Not to do so is almost as blasphemous as adding beans to chili.



You guys can add vanilla to your french toast all you want but I would never eat that.

I do not want eggs tasting like vanilla that is just blech. I like my french toast to taste like the egg mixture and bread and butter not vanilla.

In my entire life until I came on this forum this day, I have never known anyone who puts vanilla on his french toast. And that is a world I am glad I live in and this one is the one I just visit.




You guys can add vanilla to your french toast all you want but I would never eat that.

I do not want eggs tasting like vanilla that is just blech. I like my french toast to taste like the egg mixture and bread and butter not vanilla.

In my entire life until I came on this forum this day, I have never known anyone who puts vanilla on his french toast. And that is a world I am glad I live in and this one is the one I just visit.
Vanilla is great, ON EVERYTHING. :thumbsup:



You guys can add vanilla to your french toast all you want but I would never eat that.

I do not want eggs tasting like vanilla that is just blech. I like my french toast to taste like the egg mixture and bread and butter not vanilla.

In my entire life until I came on this forum this day, I have never known anyone who puts vanilla on his french toast. And that is a world I am glad I live in and this one is the one I just visit.
Don't go to France...like ever...




Stale bread works well too.
Indeed, if you can plan ahead, leave the bread out overnight to dry.



I have been to France. but I didn't eat French toast there.

I dont think French toast is a staple of French cuisine because it was never offered for any of the breakfasts I had there. But I was only there for a week.




I have been to france too,and I didnt get to eat anything,cuz the Parisians hate germans!
Had to wait 3 hours for a Freaking Meal!!! Went to McD instead.




You guys can add vanilla to your french toast all you want but I would never eat that.

I do not want eggs tasting like vanilla that is just blech. I like my french toast to taste like the egg mixture and bread and butter not vanilla.

In my entire life until I came on this forum this day, I have never known anyone who puts vanilla on his french toast. And that is a world I am glad I live in and this one is the one I just visit.
I want to crush your puny insignificant vanilla-less world with my Canadian Iron Fist.



I have been to France. but I didn't eat French toast there.
pain perdu

but I'm sure you had all sorts of sauces that were concoctions of things like eggs and vanilla were mixed into them.

Really what's so bad about vanilla mixed with eggs? Haven't you ever made cake before?



i use vanilla in alot of things. and if the eggs are in something else fine but the eggs on french toast are too much just egg for me to want to make them sweet or vanilla-y.

I wouldnt put vanilla in scrambled eggs.




Am I the only person who likes scrambled eggs with syrup? :canada:




I haven't had French toast in years.

And now I want some.

And the shops are closed.


Also, fun fact: in Finnish, French toast is known as köyhät ritarit, 'poor knights'. Don't ask me why. Probably because it's relatively easy and cheap to make, yet has this rich quality to it.



i use vanilla in alot of things. and if the eggs are in something else fine but the eggs on french toast are too much just egg for me to want to make them sweet or vanilla-y.

I wouldnt put vanilla in scrambled eggs.
but you put powdered sugar or syrup on french toast...? Don't you? French toast isn't scrambled eggs on bread after all. You do mix your eggs with milk, butter before dipping the bread right? I wouldn't pour milk on scrambled eggs... That's the whole idea behind cooking. You can make different things with different ingredients.




That's interesting, NR... but now I must know why. I love those weird, lost-in-translation sort of things.




I don't put vanilla in french toast when I make it but I am sure I have had it with it.

Generally I just use eggs and milk and dip em in, then when cooked I coat with powdered sugar and syrup.




Am I the only person who likes scrambled eggs with syrup? :canada:

Hell no.

But if it's some kind of weird Canadian thing, I might have to reconsider.





It's not like vanilla in french toast is some kind of weird one-off phenomenon. It's a fairly standard concoction of the recipe




Am I the only person who likes scrambled eggs with syrup? :canada:
That's happened by accident when some of it ran over on the other side of my plate. It was good.



i use vanilla in alot of things. and if the eggs are in something else fine but the eggs on french toast are too much just egg for me to want to make them sweet or vanilla-y.

I wouldnt put vanilla in scrambled eggs.
but you put powdered sugar or syrup on french toast...? Don't you? French toast isn't scrambled eggs on bread after all. You do mix your eggs with milk, butter before dipping the bread right? I wouldn't pour milk on scrambled eggs... That's the whole idea behind cooking. You can make different things with different ingredients.[/QUOTE]

as far as i am concerned the eggs on french toast is basically a giant scrambled egg. I dont want it to taste like vanilla. If the syrup is on top then i like it but i wouldnt put syrup in the eggs and cook them.




it almost sounds like Makare's french toast is very near 'egg in a nest'.

I wouldn't eat vanilla on that either.

But that's not french toast. French toast is supposed to be more custardy.

And guess what? Custard is made with eggs. And vanilla.



When I make french toast i take like three eggs, scramble them with milk, dip the bread in them and then cook the bread.

I know what french toast is.




clearly..you do not





My writing prof says that the use of the word clearly implies that it is not clear.




Am I the only person who likes scrambled eggs with syrup? :canada:

Hell no.

But if it's some kind of weird Canadian thing, I might have to reconsider.[/QUOTE]

Have you even tried it? :confused:




Am I the only person who likes scrambled eggs with syrup? :canada:

Hell no.

But if it's some kind of weird Canadian thing, I might have to reconsider.[/quote]

Have you even tried it? :confused:[/quote]

Yeah, I was trying to point out that you aren't the only person who likes them like that.

It's one of my favorite things to eat.

But when I eat them like that, I eat alone.




Things for people to try out on Sunday morning and to discuss later on. Have breakfast that consists of :

- French Toast (with Canadian syrup)
- Sideorder of Scrambles Eggs (with Canadian Syrup)
- 2 slices of Bacon

Choice of coffee or orange juice.

Make sure to shop ahead of time!



Things for people to try out on Sunday morning and to discuss later on. Have breakfast that consists of :

- French Toast (with Canadian syrup)
- Sideorder of Scrambles Eggs (with Canadian Syrup)
- 2 slices of Bacon

Choice of coffee or orange juice.

Make sure to shop ahead of time!
Do you ever top your syrup with syrup? Sometimes I have pancakes and I look at the plate and think, "You know what this needs? Another goddamn layer."




Don't you mean Freedom Toast?!




I prefer Canadian Toast myself. You know, it's the toast that sits in it's place properly and won't mistakenly drop a vanilla bomb on his allies, the bacon bits or the scrambled eggs. God damn, I'm terrible.

And yes, I put syrup on everything. Even women.




Don't you mean Freedom Toast?!




Ketchup on Eggs are good.

Hey SeriousJay I only have Vermont maple syrup, will that work?




Vermont is un-officially part of Canada. You have my blessing to consume said product.



When I make french toast i take like three eggs, scramble them with milk, dip the bread in them and then cook the bread.

I know what french toast is.

You only put in like 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract into that mix with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon. Unless you have some adverse hatred of vanilla flavor or cinnamon, it makes the flavor of the whole thing really stand out. Maybe you should actually try it before declaring it disgusting.

btw, three eggs is a shit ton of eggs for a single serving of french toast. You should use 1 egg per 4 slices. I think the problem is URE DOIN IT WRONG!




Don't you mean Freedom Toast?!

God,that pic made me do a Spit Take.



I prefer Canadian Toast myself. You know, it's the toast that sits in it's place properly and won't mistakenly drop a vanilla bomb on his allies, the bacon bits or the scrambled eggs. God damn, I'm terrible.

And yes, I put syrup on everything. Even women.

I fucking love homemade sausage patties with good Canadian maple syrup in the mix.




Chaz, we're like brothers from different mothers.



When I make french toast i take like three eggs, scramble them with milk, dip the bread in them and then cook the bread.

I know what french toast is.

You only put in like 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract into that mix with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon. Unless you have some adverse hatred of vanilla flavor or cinnamon, it makes the flavor of the whole thing really stand out. Maybe you should actually try it before declaring it disgusting.

btw, three eggs is a shit ton of eggs for a single serving of french toast. You should use 1 egg per 4 slices. I think the problem is URE DOIN IT WRONG![/QUOTE]

I don't think I have ever made french toast just for myself. That is how we make it for my family breakfast which can be 4 to 8 people depending on who my sister has over.

I don't want to eat vanilla in french toast. It's not that big of a deal really.




Vermont is un-officially part of Canada. You have my blessing to consume said product.
I agree that Vermont syrup is worth using. It's that or Canadian for me as well, nothing else I've tried is even close to as tasty.



Chaz, we're like brothers from different mothers.

The only good syrup worth using is 10 dollars for a tiny 10 oz jar directly imported from Canada or Vermont, I always say!

---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

When I make french toast i take like three eggs, scramble them with milk, dip the bread in them and then cook the bread.

I know what french toast is.

You only put in like 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract into that mix with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon. Unless you have some adverse hatred of vanilla flavor or cinnamon, it makes the flavor of the whole thing really stand out. Maybe you should actually try it before declaring it disgusting.

btw, three eggs is a shit ton of eggs for a single serving of french toast. You should use 1 egg per 4 slices. I think the problem is URE DOIN IT WRONG![/quote]

I don't think I have ever made french toast just for myself. That is how we make it for my family breakfast which can be 4 to 8 people depending on who my sister has over.

I don't want to eat vanilla in french toast. It's not that big of a deal really.[/QUOTE]

No it's not a big deal, but I'm just saying you should try it. It won't kill you.




Ignore him, clearly he is beyond redemption.




Yeah,Canadian Maple Syrup cost a shitton of money here in Germany.But it's sooo delish.
Only for Special Pancake Evenings.



Ignore him, clearly he is beyond redemption.
Yeah he is, glad you agree.




Back on topic...
Does this imitation Vanilla work as well as normal Vanilla?




I'm so glad that the Annual Elmira Maple Syrup Festival is literally a 15 minute drive away.

It's like a very selective and very delicious form of Farmer's Market.



Ignore him, clearly he is beyond redemption.
Yeah he is, glad you agree.[/QUOTE]

SeriousJay is talking about you, peanut.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

Back on topic...
Does this imitation Vanilla work as well as normal Vanilla?
Yeah. I mean I wouldn't use it if I was trying to impress someone, but it's good to go.



Ignore him, clearly he is beyond redemption.
Yeah he is, glad you agree.[/QUOTE]

SeriousJay is talking about you, peanut.[/QUOTE]

Can't be talking about me. :heh:




Also I don't use vanilla either. Mostly because I'm lazy but also because my french toast is a little more savoury than sweet.




Also I don't use vanilla either. Mostly because I'm lazy but also because my french toast is a little more savoury than sweet.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I prefer Canadian Toast myself. You know, it's the toast that sits in it's place properly and won't mistakenly drop a vanilla bomb on his allies, the bacon bits or the scrambled eggs.
lahd hep me, I laughed so hard at this post



I haven't had French toast in years.

And now I want some.

And the shops are closed.


Also, fun fact: in Finnish, French toast is known as köyhät ritarit, 'poor knights'. Don't ask me why. Probably because it's relatively easy and cheap to make, yet has this rich quality to it.
Shops? Make some!



I haven't had French toast in years.

And now I want some.

And the shops are closed.


Also, fun fact: in Finnish, French toast is known as köyhät ritarit, 'poor knights'. Don't ask me why. Probably because it's relatively easy and cheap to make, yet has this rich quality to it.
Shops? Make some![/QUOTE]

I think he doesn't have the ingredients. And since it's 3 am next Tuesday over there in Fin-Town nobody is open for him to buy the stuff.




for those who say they don't like vanilla because they don't like sweet french toast:

VANILLA IS NOT SWEET! It's a flavor. It's no more sweet than cinnamon is sweet. If you think either one of those are sweet, I challenge you to eat a big ol' spoonful of the raw spice. You'll quickly learn otherwise. Hopefully you won't choke to death on the cinnamon powder. ;)

If you don't like sweet french toast, don't put sugar in the egg mix. I don't.





It's not like vanilla in french toast is some kind of weird one-off phenomenon. It's a fairly standard concoction of the recipe
Putting a bit of vanilla is tons of sweet dishes and baking happens all the time. Why are people surprised?

If it tastes like vanilla, you probably put way too much in. There should just be a hint of vanilla, if anything.

---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

for those who say they don't like vanilla because they don't like sweet french toast:

VANILLA IS NOT SWEET! It's a flavor. It's no more sweet than cinnamon is sweet. If you think either one of those are sweet, I challenge you to eat a big ol' spoonful of the raw spice. You'll quickly learn otherwise. Hopefully you won't choke to death on the cinnamon powder. ;)

If you don't like sweet french toast, don't put sugar in the egg mix. I don't.
Absolutely, and cinnamon and clove are used in savory dishes in Indian food. They are certainly not sweet.



I dont put vanilla it mine because I dont like vanilla-y french toast. I dont put sugar in the mix either but i might put it on top. but usually not.

my favorite way to eat french toast is in a monte cristo sandwich, without sugar on it. all savory. mmmm. now i am hungry.


Wasabi Poptart

Back on topic...
Does this imitation Vanilla work as well as normal Vanilla?
NO! Imitation vanilla is shit. Seriously. Bleh. Get pure vanilla extract.



I don't add vanilla to my french toast either. I have nothing againist it, I've just never really thought about it.

My french toast is super basic though. I just dip the bread in the egg & start cooking. Add syrup & it's ready.

The best thing though is french toast with a scoop of vanilla ice cream & hot syrup. More dessert than breakfast but it's damn good.




You're all making me mad that I've used up all of my brother in-law's homemade maple syrup. I'm going to have to make a trip up there and steal some more.




.......savory french toast!?


You put powdered sugar AND maple syrup LIBERALLY over the french toast. ALWAYS. There will be no talk of "french toast" in a motherfucking sandwich, that is not french toast that's... egged bread. Or something.




I dont put vanilla it mine because I dont like vanilla-y french toast. I dont put sugar in the mix either but i might put it on top. but usually not.

my favorite way to eat french toast is in a monte cristo sandwich, without sugar on it. all savory. mmmm. now i am hungry.

And you think vanilla is gross? You've got a fucked up palate hun.

Using french toast as sandwich bread... that's something Homer Simpson would do.



.......savory french toast!?


You put powdered sugar AND maple syrup LIBERALLY over the french toast. ALWAYS. There will be no talk of "french toast" in a motherfucking sandwich, that is not french toast that's... egged bread. Or something.

you're lucky you're sick....

and French toast and eggy bread are the same thing. So yeah it is egged bread.. damn good in a sandwich too. mmm MMMM.

you don't like it?
more for me!




Monte Cristos are good, but hard to find when you go out.



.......savory french toast!?


You put powdered sugar AND maple syrup LIBERALLY over the french toast. ALWAYS. There will be no talk of "french toast" in a motherfucking sandwich, that is not french toast that's... egged bread. Or something.

Yes, sir!

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ----------

.......savory french toast!?


You put powdered sugar AND maple syrup LIBERALLY over the french toast. ALWAYS. There will be no talk of "french toast" in a motherfucking sandwich, that is not french toast that's... egged bread. Or something.

you're lucky you're sick....

and French toast and eggy bread are the same thing. So yeah it is egged bread.. damn good in a sandwich too. mmm MMMM.

you don't like it?
more for me![/QUOTE]

No. That looks like a wannabe grilled cheese sandwich.



no? It is a grilled cheese sandwich with meat in it and instead of plain old toast, it has french toast.

you were the one who said that you can make different things with similar ingredients.

It is delicious. And fun to to make.



no? It is a grilled cheese sandwich with meat in it and instead of plain old toast, it has french toast.

you were the one who said that you can make different things with similar ingredients.

It is delicious. And fun to to make.
No thanks. I like my heart.



how is that worse for you heart than french toast with syrup and bacon?



mmmmmm french toast. Mine is soaked until the bread is just about to fall apart so it's chock full of that eggy-custardy goodness. Mine resembles bread pudding I make it so dense. Then yes.... the maple syrup.



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Mine is soaked until the bread is just about to fall apart so it's chock full of that eggy-custardy goodness.




Ah french toast. The only thing I can make better than anyone else I know. Granted, I've never tried with vanilla or sugar or cinnammon. I usually just make it with egg and milk batter and smother it with butter. I'll have to give your guys methods a shot this weekend.




I have never had vanilla in french toast either.

Gonna remedy that tomorrow morning!



for those who say they don't like vanilla because they don't like sweet french toast:

VANILLA IS NOT SWEET! It's a flavor. It's no more sweet than cinnamon is sweet. If you think either one of those are sweet, I challenge you to eat a big ol' spoonful of the raw spice. You'll quickly learn otherwise. Hopefully you won't choke to death on the cinnamon powder. ;)

If you don't like sweet french toast, don't put sugar in the egg mix. I don't.

People eat french toast with maple syrup and or powered sugar, how the hell is it not sweet to begin with?

As for that Monte Cristo sandwich, it's seriously like something Homer Simpson would devise. You might as well use pop-tarts as sandwich bread. I read that the Monte Cristo originates from the French dish Croque-Monsieur, which does look like it would be good. It's a butter toasted ham and cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top. Leave it to the American's to fuck up a good French dish. I'm guessing the guy who created the Monte Cristo is an ancestor of the guy who invented fried Twinkies and Oreo.



*shrug* It's basically just a grilled cheese with egg. Nowhere near as unhealthy as a cheeseburger. Actually it isn't much different from adding a dressing to bread when making a sandwich, just a different way of treating bread.

I don't care if you eat one or not but I find it funny that you harp at me for not wanting to have vanilla, which I am very familiar with, in french toast because I might like it but you aren't willing to try a food combination you are unfamiliar with because you are sure you won't like it. And then claim health reasons in a thread about french toast.




I've always wanted to have a Monte Cristo and never have.

And I'm again not sure why the hungry Dave is coming into this thread.



*shrug* It's basically just a grilled cheese with egg. Nowhere near as unhealthy as a cheeseburger. Actually it isn't much different from adding a dressing to bread when making a sandwich, just a different way of treating bread.

I don't care if you eat one or not but I find it funny that you harp at me for not wanting to have vanilla, which I am very familiar with, in french toast because I might like it but you aren't willing to try a food combination you are unfamiliar with because you are sure you won't like it. And then claim health reasons in a thread about french toast.
Mine is an ingredient in a recipe. Your french toast won't taste like vanilla ice cream.

I know what a ham sandwich tastes like. I know what french toast tastes like. Combining the two is like putting butter on french fries or ketchup on popcorn. Health reasons: Dude, you're throwing cheese and ham into an already high calorie thing. No, I don't eat bacon, sausage the whole works with french toast. Just the french toast.

Then again, you eat rare steak and beans in your chili. Why do I bother? I...I..think you're the polar opposite of what I find attractive in the opposite sex (good food appreciation). I really didn't think that was possible.



*shrug* It's basically just a grilled cheese with egg. Nowhere near as unhealthy as a cheeseburger. Actually it isn't much different from adding a dressing to bread when making a sandwich, just a different way of treating bread.

I don't care if you eat one or not but I find it funny that you harp at me for not wanting to have vanilla, which I am very familiar with, in french toast because I might like it but you aren't willing to try a food combination you are unfamiliar with because you are sure you won't like it. And then claim health reasons in a thread about french toast.
Mine is an ingredient in a recipe. Your french toast won't taste like vanilla ice cream.

I know what a ham sandwich tastes like. I know what french toast tastes like. Combining the two is like putting butter on french fries or ketchup on popcorn. Health reasons: Dude, you're throwing cheese and ham into an already high calorie thing. No, I don't eat bacon, sausage the whole works with french toast. Just the french toast.

Then again, you eat rare steak and beans in your chili. Why do I bother? I...I..think you're the polar opposite of what I find attractive in the opposite sex (good food appreciation). I really didn't think that was possible.[/QUOTE]

If good food appreciation were even one of the things i look for in the opposite sex I might feel the same way about you. But I don't think either of us would consider the other a potential mate regardless.

Enjoy your food and I'll Enjoy mine.

Also I never said that my chili has to have beans I said I had never had chili without beans.



for those who say they don't like vanilla because they don't like sweet french toast:

VANILLA IS NOT SWEET! It's a flavor. It's no more sweet than cinnamon is sweet. If you think either one of those are sweet, I challenge you to eat a big ol' spoonful of the raw spice. You'll quickly learn otherwise. Hopefully you won't choke to death on the cinnamon powder. ;)

If you don't like sweet french toast, don't put sugar in the egg mix. I don't.

People eat french toast with maple syrup and or powered sugar, how the hell is it not sweet to begin with?

As for that Monte Cristo sandwich, it's seriously like something Homer Simpson would devise. You might as well use pop-tarts as sandwich bread. I read that the Monte Cristo originates from the French dish Croque-Monsieur, which does look like it would be good. It's a butter toasted ham and cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top. Leave it to the American's to fuck up a good French dish. I'm guessing the guy who created the Monte Cristo is an ancestor of the guy who invented fried Twinkies and Oreo.[/QUOTE]

no no, a real croque-monsieur doesn't have a egg on it, that's a croque-madame.



for those who say they don't like vanilla because they don't like sweet french toast:

VANILLA IS NOT SWEET! It's a flavor. It's no more sweet than cinnamon is sweet. If you think either one of those are sweet, I challenge you to eat a big ol' spoonful of the raw spice. You'll quickly learn otherwise. Hopefully you won't choke to death on the cinnamon powder. ;)

If you don't like sweet french toast, don't put sugar in the egg mix. I don't.

People eat french toast with maple syrup and or powered sugar, how the hell is it not sweet to begin with?

As for that Monte Cristo sandwich, it's seriously like something Homer Simpson would devise. You might as well use pop-tarts as sandwich bread. I read that the Monte Cristo originates from the French dish Croque-Monsieur, which does look like it would be good. It's a butter toasted ham and cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top. Leave it to the American's to fuck up a good French dish. I'm guessing the guy who created the Monte Cristo is an ancestor of the guy who invented fried Twinkies and Oreo.[/quote]

no no, a real croque-monsieur doesn't have a egg on it, that's a croque-madame.[/QUOTE]

Well fine then! Speaking of fried eggs on things. You know what's good? Fried egg on top of a breaded porkchop.


Wasabi Poptart

Mmm...fried eggs, scrapple, and rye toast with grape jelly. There's a breakfast that I could live with right about now.



Mmm...fried eggs, scrapple, and rye toast with grape jelly. There's a breakfast that I could live with right about now.

Oh no! Scrapple!! My wife loves that shit; it's alright but man is it horrible to look at.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Without fail, whenever someone is talking about Scrapple in text form, I read it as Scrabble and I'm really confused for a couple minutes.


Wasabi Poptart

Mmm...fried eggs, scrapple, and rye toast with grape jelly. There's a breakfast that I could live with right about now.

Oh no! Scrapple!! My wife loves that shit; it's alright but man is it horrible to look at.[/QUOTE]

It's horrible to think about what goes in it, too. LOL


General Specific

General Specific

Without fail, whenever someone is talking about Scrapple in text form, I read it as Scrabble and I'm really confused for a couple minutes.
Triple Word Score, yummy!



Frankie Williamson

Things for people to try out on Sunday morning and to discuss later on. Have breakfast that consists of :

- French Toast (with Canadian syrup)
- Sideorder of Scrambles Eggs (with Canadian Syrup)
- 2 slices of Bacon

Choice of coffee or orange juice.

Make sure to shop ahead of time!
I prefer milk with things I put syrup on but otherwise, fuck yeah!




"Hey guys...hows it going....Have you been up all night talking about food!!!"

