From the WTF Department: Giant Jelly Fish Capsize Boat..

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/. said:
The Telegraph reports that the Japanese trawler Diasan Shinsho-maru has capsized off the coast of China, as its three-man crew dragged their net through a swarm of giant jellyfish (which can grow up to six feet in diameter and travel in packs) and tried to haul up a net that was too heavy. The crew was thrown into the sea when the vessel capsized, but the three men were rescued by another trawler.
Source -

Unrelated photos (depicting the size of a Nomura Jellyfish)

(no this isn't from this particular story but you can see how its possible...)

ohshitohshitohshit.. every year science reports stories like that this just reaffirm why humans should never venture into the oceans of the world
I remember as a kid watching the Discovery channel the week they documented the record-breaking giant jellyfish.

That shit is ridiculous.
We are so screwed if we find alien life somewhere and it resembles a jellyfish. Nobody wants that. It would be interstellar war from the word go.
The nomuras are a plague off the coast of Japan, mostly due to their method of reproduction. When Japanese fisherman catch them in nets, they slash them up so they die, doing so causes nomuras to expunge all of their eggs and sperm into the water breeding thousands more.
The nomuras are a plague off the coast of Japan, mostly due to their method of reproduction. When Japanese fisherman catch them in nets, they slash them up so they die, doing so causes nomuras to expunge all of their eggs and sperm into the water breeding thousands more.
But what a way to go! *swoon*
Jellyfish are the only things that make me reluctant to go swimming here in Hawaii.
Are they really that bad there?[/QUOTE]

Jellyfish stings aren't uncommon around here. Lifeguards are never surprised when a snorkeler or surfer gets zapped. People walking on shore will sometimes step on a beached jellyfish by mistake as well.

Portuguese Men O'War are found throughout warm Pacific waters, including Hawaii. Since they drift with the current, they tend to congregate in massive swarms. What's really bad is they are usually confused with jellyfish (they are actually siphonophores). As a result, people will treat stings by dousing them with vinegar which just makes it worse.

Fortunately, the swarms are fairly easy to spot because the "sail" part is visible on the surface. And since they are usually found in the hundreds people can see them from a long way off.


Staff member
Hmm... Japanese people + Giant, alien-looking life forms...

Maybe the nomura were just checkin' if they had any schoolgirls aboard.
The nomuras are a plague off the coast of Japan, mostly due to their method of reproduction. When Japanese fisherman catch them in nets, they slash them up so they die, doing so causes nomuras to expunge all of their eggs and sperm into the water breeding thousands more.
Wow, it's like they where just waiting for us to show up...

Fhtagn indeed.


This is my wallpaper :D

I love jellies. I think they are absolutely lovely. I grew up in the water, be it brackish river or ocean, so I have had to learn to deal with jellies early on. We have moon jellies,

comb jellies, (these are great- they don't sting and they glow in the dark when brush up against them!)

and man-o-war, and all sorts that I have no idea what they are- some look like cauliflower resting on the ocean or river bottom.

I did get wrapped up in a man-o-war when I was in the keys, and it was ..... unpleasant. In my attempt to knock anything off my body that was causing the FUCKING FIRE FIRE FIRE on my skin, I completely knocked off my bikini top, and neither noticed nor cared.

Ah well, I was out of the water for a day, and right back in the next. I don't hold the critters responsible- I'm in their backyard :)

I love the water and just about anything in it!


Before Juski has a chance...

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