Fund raising ideas?

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It turns out a friend of mine needs to raise $9000 in the next two months to keep her moms house from foreclosing. I realize with all the hundreds of thousands of people losing their homes in Japan right now this isn't going to seem like any special cause and I'm not trying to doll it up to be, but she's my friend and I want to help her out however I can. Does anybody have any ideas that would help her pull it off?
One thing you could try is to set up a paypal that people can donate to and just try to get the story out there as much as possible. Places like Reddit are famous for their stories of generosity.

Something I've considered doing is getting into contact with famous webcomic/IRL comic artists and seeing if I could send them all one big piece of poster board or canvas to do a big collaborative piece on and sell that on ebay.

Outside of that I can't think of anything to raise that much money in such a small amount of time. I mean they're going to need to sell just about everything they own.
Good old fashioned yard sale.
Sell plasma.
If they are religious folk see if their parish can help.

Beyond that setup a paypal donate button and link it to all their facebook friends if they have any.

Check with the company they work for and see if they have something called a Flexible Spending Account allowing them to borrow from the company against their future earnings.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head...bottom line is they will probably have to swallow their pride on a lot of this. That is the biggest hurdle for some.
All good ideas especially the Bear's and perhaps any 401K or other benefits could be cashed out (the penalty paid may well be worth it). The Dodge ball tournament could certainly catch some attention, especially if it and the reason for it were advertised on a big painted sign in the front yard with a donations box. 4X8 sheets of plywood and posts are cheap, often easily found,, or could be donated. Take pictures of the sign, post online, use that paypal button and try as much of it as is possible.
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