Translation: "I can't because no information has ever been given about the game"
Just checked the game... XBONE 1 exclusive.
Stupid fuckers, just lost my money and a ton more from the PC market.
Gaming vids looked awesome.
I bet they're being run on PCs hidden behind the counter again.
Feel free to post that in the other thread.
Fuck, no news of Bannerlord yet.... zzzz....
Hailey Knight
Dark Souls 3 (on PS4)
I can't fucking wait. I'm trying to see as little as possible, but at the same time my eyes want to devour every scrap of info. I'm glad Miyazaki is being cryptic as hell about it, because I need someone else in control of that. Final entry of the series and hopefully will go out with a bang.
And I don't know beyond that. Everything feels like a mess release-wise, so I feel like I can't count on anything. A lot of stuff I thought I'd care about, I really don't anymore, and I'll probably just pick up out of desperation as opposed to genuine anticipation.