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Games you've purchased multiple times



Frankie Williamson

Throughout my life I've ended up giving away stuff or throwing away things or selling things I always regret later. Such as years ago when I gave my youngest brother my Playstation and hefty game collection (he was bored, poor and still in the beginning of high school so I felt bad for him and gave him some entertainment...I'm a damn good brother), which unfortunately, my middle younger brother during his pathetic junkie stage in life pawned the entirety of when my youngest brother wasn't home. Now, that's not really the point of what I'm getting at. The point is, I lost many a good game that day from Final Fantasies to rarities such as the Suikodens and Vandal Hearts (games that cost too fucking much money now). Which are the games throughout your life you've ended up purchasing multiple times, be it remakes, collections, rereleases on newer consoles etc.?

Man, I have honestly bought some games too God damn many times. Half Life 2 twice (regular version, then later Orange Box). Final Fantasy 3/6/whatever on the SNES twice I think and once on Playstation and once again on GBA...fuck. Mega Mans throughout the God damn ages from NES to the collection on the PS2. Star Control 2, I've probably owned 3 copies of this game over the last two decades, once on PC and twice on 3DO. Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation and then again about 10 minutes ago when I bought on the PSN store. Symphony of the Night would definitely be my worst, absolute worst weakness. It's almost pathetic how many times I've purchased it. Ok, I had the original copy on PS1, I lent it to someone, that person moved away. I bought it twice more on PS1 and both times it went missing or was stolen and sold (grrr). I bought it a while ago on XBLA but I gave my youngest brother (now on his own and safely out of my now psuedo-reformed middle brother's hands) and it red ringed moments after that. And now, again about 10 minutes ago I bought another version of it on PSN store. I'm sure there are many more I am forgetting.

Man, that's some pathetic shit right there.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You can buy PS1 games on the PSN store? Fuck I need a PS3... And then I feel dirty for it!

Final Fantasies, Chrono Trigger. I must've bought Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time three times already.

The worst has been Starcraft/Warcraft III. Starcraft happens often because someone will lose their original game and code because they only used the Brood War disc to play, and then we need a new one. Warcraft III because I bought it, sold it, bought it again, gave it to my brother, and then bought it again.




My pre-steam half life collection fucked up and I lost it, so the only games I've ever bought again are Counter Strike, Blue Shift and Opposing Forces (haven't gotten around getting HL1 again, eh).

Edit: Oh yeah, and Team Fortress Classic too, best multiplayer game ever.




I have 3 copies of Diablo 2 and it's expansions. I've never owned more than one computer at a time.




I was cosidering buying the entire first The Sims collection, costing 99 reais (brazillian currency), when I brought the game with only the basics + the first expasion it cost was 120 reais if I am not mistaken.

But then, I remembered how The Sims 2 was sooo much better =P




There are a few that got lost or damaged, that I have replaced. Diablo 2, Fallout 1, Wizardry 7, Heroes of Might and Magic 1, Final Fantasy 7. Those happened many years ago. If I lost or damaged cd now I would probably look for a online hacked version before buying a new one. Ogre Battle 64 stopped working for me a 2 years ago, I just downloaded an emulator along with the game instead of buying a new one. Mostly I my problem is that I still have the discs but lost the CD keys. Key-gens are usually easy to find though.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Broken games is one of those scenarios where I think emulation is fine. You did buy the game and you still own it. The lifespan limit should not hinder you from playing it.




Hmm... let's see:

- Final Fantasy Tactics. Played my first pressing of it to hell and back, then bought the Greatest Hits version 4-5 years ago.
- Castlevania: SotN. My brother pawned my first pressing without my permission.
- Morrowind. Got the Deluxe box a few years after the game came out on the cheap for the expansions.




I think Final Fantasy 7 was the only game I bought more than once, my first copy was really scuffed up because I was a stupid kid that would let anyone borrow my games. Fortunately this was still when you could find the game in any store for twenty bucks.


Mr. Lawface

I bought both Morrowind and Freedom Force a second time because I lost the discs. I am considering buying Diablo 2 again for the same reason.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you still have the cd-key, you can download blizzard games off their site.


Mr. Lawface

I do not still have the cd-key. It was lost with the disc.




I can't believe that the Wacraft 3 battlechest is still 40.00.

It's worth it, don't get me wrong, but It's rare that a PC game, even with expansions included can still legitimately ask for that price so long after release.




- Final Fantasy IV (2 US) for SNES and GBA, I'm also considering the DS version.
- Half Life 2 and Ep 1 got repurchased when I got the Orange Box (Yea! I finally gave away my extra copy of Ep1 recently!)
- Ocarina of Time (N64, 2x Gamecube) I'm not sure if this really counts as both GCN version were "free"
- Sim City 2000 (only time, thus far, I've repurchased a game I lost)

I may add The Secret of Monkey Island to that list when it's remake comes out this summer.




Diablo II, Diablo I, most of the C&C games (I bought the Decade stuff even though I owned every game on it except for Renegade...), HoMM 3, Sims 1, Dune 2 and 2K (it's basically the same game :p), Dungeon Keeper,...




Funny this thread should pop up, because I just bought Bioshock again to give it another go-around. Fun times.

Also, I buy Zelda every four years when it comes back out. BAZING :smug:


Philosopher B.

Scattergories, mothafucka.




There haven't been many games that I've had to re-buy seeing as I hold on to just about everything. I still have my original copies of Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Wolfenstein 3d, Dark Forces, Full Throttle, etc...




abes odyssey. god i love that game


I've kept buying the Infocom games or collections over the years, until they put out Masterpieces and that was the end. (Except for everything you can find online of course.)




Doom, Diablo II, Starcraft, Zelda: OoC



Jak and Daxter is the only game I can think of at the moment. I had to rebuy it, because I sold my PS2 and all my games a while ago, then rebought a PS2 a few years later.



Warcraft III. I lost my first copy when I threw away a damaged DVD drive. I was never sure, but I believe I must have left the disk in the drive when I got rid of it. Stupid mistake.



Recently re purchased Freelance for the PC since I lost my original copy and it seems to work on Vista does X-Wing Alliance work on Vista too?




PhantomShadow said:
Recently re purchased Freelance for the PC since I lost my original copy and it seems to work on Vista does X-Wing Alliance work on Vista too?
You mean Sam and Max, Freelance police, or Freelancer?




Krisken said:
I have 3 copies of Diablo 2 and it's expansions. I've never owned more than one computer at a time.

Also Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 10.



Freelance the space sim one




Doesn't really count, but I've downloaded many of my old PS1 games for emulation. I figure it's okay to download if it's not being sold anymore; not exactly a loss for anybody but Gamestop or eBay there.

I also have more than one Final Fantasy XI disk because the expansion pack bundle was cheaper than the expansion pack by itself.

My dad has bought both Flight Simulator X and Doom 3 multiple times for the soul reason of not being able to find the first ones he bought and being too lazy to thoroughly search for them :facepalm:




Super Mario Bros. 3

What's sad is that I've never bought it to replace a copy, and I'd probably be willing to buy it again. Its such a damn good game I have the need to own it on every system.




Final Fantasy IV
Game Boy Advance
Nintendo DS

Yes I own a Wonderswan game and not the system.
Final Fantasy I
Game Boy Advance


Le Quack


I kept getting banned for some reason.




Not really... i do have like 3 Starcraft cd-keys, only bought the game once though (and the 3rd one was gotten recently, for SC2 beta purposes).

Buying games isn't very big over here...



I bought a copy of C&C: Red Alert shortly after its original release. Always loved how they made it 2 disc so that you could easily play multiplayer with a friend.

Then I lost my copy, so I bought another (Either as a stand alone version or as part of a pack w/ expansions, I'm not sure).

Then...I lost that copy, so I bought yet another one (This time, it definitely was in a pack, I remember).

And then shortly after buying the 3rd set of discs...I found both of my previous copies again. To this day, I have 6 discs (3 Allied, 3 Soviet) of the original C&C: RA. Which worked out great for lan parties.



I have bought several of my old school NES games again on the Virtual Console.

The game i have purchased the most is the Baldur's Gate series for the PC. I am on my third copy at the moment. One got scratched so bad i can't play it and one was borrowed and never given back.
If it ever gets put up for sale on GOG.com i will by a download-able copy and that one will be my last.



I've done well with keeping and maintaining my games.

Except Starcraft.

I got the original game shortly after it came out, played it now and then till I got into a bit of a league with my college dorm, which was when it became a permanent part of my CD drive.

Then the expansion came out and I got that as well. About then we were in need of some variety, so I played other games, too, so the expansion disc ended up scraped and scratched repeatedly as I swaped discs out over hour or two, every day, for months.

Ultimately it became unreadable. But! Someone in the dorm had a CD-burner (something that was quite expensive at the time) and made me a copy.

It wasn't too long after that this disc went bad, too, but it was after I'd left college and was playing on b.net.

I'd lost the original game disc by then, so I figured 'why not' and went out to buy the package box for $40 so I'd have a fresh, new copy of each.

Over the next few years those got scratched to hell, too.

I'm presently on the 3rd burned disc since then, either copyed from the original or downloaded, but I kept my CD cases, so I still had the CD-keys.

Sadly, I could not located the Brood War case the last time I tried to find it, so I'm currently running a bad CD-key for the sake of single player, so I may have to go out and buy ANOTHER copy sometime when I'm feeling nostalgic again.




Brood War doesn't have a cd-key as i recall...

And SC was always playable with a burned cd as long as the key is kosher... and the lastest-ish patch made is so you don't need the cd at all (you do have to copy some .mpq files from the cd though).

If you have the cd-key you don't need another copy (also, you should register them on battle.net, it also lets you d/l the game if you do it).



Where all all the people who were so against Steam?

This thread is exactly why Steam rules!

btw, I bought a copy of WarcraftIII: Frozen throne because my friend took my original copy with him to Burma by mistake.


Chazwozel said:
Where all all the people who were so against Steam?

This thread is exactly why Steam rules!
^^^This. Although, I do see their argument in the event that Steam shuts down or something. Given the huge success of it and Valve's games, I HIGHLY doubt that's happening any time soon.

I'm sure there have been times that I've sold a game, only to buy it again a few years later. The Sims and Sims 2 were good examples of this. Half-Life 2 was bought before and then I got the Orange Box (does that count?).

Recently, I sold Civilization IV to get the big pack that came with all the expansions and Colonization. The expansions are fun and kind of worth it, but I don't think I needed Colonization. Though it's not a BAD game.



I bought at LEAST 10 copies of battlechest. I use to host local LAN party games at my house. I bought all the PC and monitor and have them setup (8 stations). Some of my friends bring their own rig and some use mine.

It was awesome.

Of course I can't find a single CD key :( so I might have to buy another copy.

Note: I do love Steam also.

edit: I lost my Evil Genius CD :( so I bought it again on Steam. I'm glad cause now I don't have to worry about my CD ;)




Pirates! PC-XT
Pirates Gold! x486
Pirates! Pentium 4

All the same game, generally same gameplay about 6 years apart on each.

Same with Gunship, Gunship 2000, and Civilization I, II, III

All my favorite games back then were MicroProse.




I've been a fan of steam since it first came out. The reason I originally got it was because the graphics card I bought at the time was supposed to come with HL2, but the release date was pushed back, so they did it via steam instead of hard copy.

I've been using it ever since.




Bowielee said:
I've been a fan of steam since it first came out. The reason I originally got it was because the graphics card I bought at the time was supposed to come with HL2, but the release date was pushed back, so they did it via steam instead of hard copy.

I've been using it ever since.
STEAM: for all you idiots who can't keep track of your discs..... like me. :ninja:




Final Fantasy IV - I have the SNES and GBA versions.

Chrono Trigger - SNES and DS. I bought it the day it came out with the 80 bucks (yes 80 holy shit) I saved up over a summer job.

Final Fantasy X - Owned it, lost it. Bought the Greatest Hits later.

Diablo 1 and 2, and expansions - Dumbass friend broke my discs and never paid me for them.



ZenMonkey said:
I've kept buying the Infocom games or collections over the years, until they put out Masterpieces and that was the end. (Except for everything you can find online of course.)
I love text games! ^^

... well interactive fiction but you know, most people go ?_? at that.

The only game I've purchased after finishing is Diablo 2 Considered getting Heart of Darkness after a friend lost my copy before I had a chance to finish it. It *think* it might be too late now XD



Shegokigo said:
Bowielee said:
I've been a fan of steam since it first came out. The reason I originally got it was because the graphics card I bought at the time was supposed to come with HL2, but the release date was pushed back, so they did it via steam instead of hard copy.

I've been using it ever since.
STEAM: for all you idiots who can't keep track of your discs..... like me. :ninja:
I have no idea what you are talking about..... :ninja:


Fullmetal Blue

Final fantasy 4, 5 and 6(ps1 and gba) rogue galaxy, call of duty 4 and I have 2 copies of metal gear solid. one original ps1 copy and one im the essential collection. also I have 2 copies of front mission 3. there are probably more that I can't remember.



I've bought starcraft well over 9 times.



Frankie Williamson

Chazwozel said:
Where all all the people who were so against Steam?

This thread is exactly why Steam rules!

btw, I bought a copy of WarcraftIII: Frozen throne because my friend took my original copy with him to Burma by mistake.
Let me know when Steam starts selling old NES, SNES, PS1, PS2 and 3DO games and I'm there.

I buy a lot of PC games from Steam though.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Steam has existed forever!




Chazwozel said:
Where all all the people who were so against Steam?

This thread is exactly why Steam rules!

btw, I bought a copy of WarcraftIII: Frozen throne because my friend took my original copy with him to Burma by mistake.
Sure, if you're one of those forgetful old farts that can't hold on to a cd-key... :twisted:



Selgeron said:
I've bought starcraft well over 9 times.
Woo!! :) I'm not alone!




@Li3n said:
Sure, if you're one of those forgetful old farts that can't hold on to a cd-key... :twisted:
Or you know, the kind that would prefer not care about them, not to mention prices on STEAM tend to drop before retail copies of most games, oh not having to lug around CDs to friend's houses, or having to worry about having a disc if your friend wants to play your game 100 miles away, or etc etc etc.




Shegokigo said:
Final Fantasy IV
Game Boy Advance
Nintendo DS

Yes I own a Wonderswan game and not the system.
Exact same, minus the wonderswan (though I did get it emulated, but that does not count).

Castlevania: SoTN 3 times. Got it when it first hit on the PS1, that got lost, got it again a couple months later, that was destropyed by my brother acidentally...couple years later, got the greatest hits version.

Starcraft...quite a few times, between moves, and giving it to my brother, etc. Warcraft 2 and 3... a couple times over the years, Xenogears on 3 seperate occasons. Once due to it being broken, another cuz I was offered a lot for the game, and then i saw it used at a garage sale for 10 bucks. Star Ocean: the Second Story twice, because a friend lost it on me, MvC2...2 times ps2, once DC, and once xbox...will get for the 360. Still have one of the PS2s kicking around, and the dc one. WoW a few times, for selling accounts...original Half life was 3 times, before steam came around.

There are more....looking at that..I really should have taken care of those discs and keys.




Oh, someone reminded me. I did buy Castlevania: SoTN because I repurchased it on the PSN.



I have about 4copies of Half Life and I bought 4 different versions of Doom (Doom 1, ultimate Doom, Doom for the SNES and the GBA port)
