Gel cuts HIV infections

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BBC News - Scientists say vaginal gel cuts HIV-infections by half

A vaginal gel has significantly cut the rate of women contracting HIV from infected partners in an experiment in South Africa, researchers said.

They said the gel, containing Aids drug tenofovir, cut infection rates among 889 women by 50% after one year of use, and by 39% after two and a half years.

If the results are confirmed it would be the first time that a microbicidal gel has been shown to be effective.
Pretty good news.


nap time for me.. or time to clean out my eyes..

first I thought it said "Gel GETS HIV infections" then I thought "Blog this" said "Blog tits"


..or I have sex on the brain today.

Either way, yes on OP, that's pretty good news!
Awesome! Kind of a backup plan if things go wrong, I suppose. It's interesting, I never would have expected a gel to be the newest advance in AIDS medicine.
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