Can a story that is less than 140 characters have genre stipulations?
David Malki! of Wondermark says yes, providing the following list
"Sweat dripped down her cheek as she made an incision. She had to perform surgery! On her wedding day!" [Medical Drama]
David Malki! of Wondermark says yes, providing the following list
I'd like to see if people here could write genre stories in less than 140 characters. You don't have to follow the "tear fell down her cheek. tragedy! on our wedding day!" format, but there is nothing stopping you if you want to.“A final tear dripped down her dying cheek. Cancer! On our wedding day!” [Drama/romance]
“A final tear dripped down her dying cheek. Tuberculosis! On our wedding day!” [Period romance]
“A final tear dripped down her dying cheek. Nanobots! On our wedding day!” [Sci-fi]
“A final acidic tear dripped down her dying, scaly cheek. Dragon cancer! On our wedding day!” [Fantasy]
“A sultry bead of sweat dripped down her heaving bosom. Lust! On our wedding day!” [Erotica]
“A bloody tear dripped down her already-rotting cheek. Zombies! On our wedding day!” [Horror]
“A final tear dripped down her bullet-riddled cheek. Mobsters! On our court date!” [Crime]
“A final tear dripped down her dying cheek. Cancer! On our gay wedding day!” [Gay/lesbian]
“A final tear dripped down her goggles to her sprocket-laden corset. Brass poisoning! On our wedding day!” [Steampunk]
"Sweat dripped down her cheek as she made an incision. She had to perform surgery! On her wedding day!" [Medical Drama]