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Get to know Occasional Poster (AMA)


Occasional Poster

Good evening.

I figured that I would give you all the chance to get to know more about me. I feel that I know much more about most of you than you could possibly know about me, so it's only fair to give you the opportunity to ask me just about anything.

I'll start off with some basics, to get the ball rolling.
I am 23 years old.
I am trying to post more but doing so-so.
I am currently studying political science, after almost completing my bachelor's degree in English literature.
I am disturbed by how fast I am losing my English vocabulary while not using the language every day.
I love to use the first person singular form, probably over-compensating how I used to abuse the third person singular form before. I like to make it clear that I'm talking about how I feel or what I think.
I still feel the need to check how to spell 'occasional', fearing that I'll spell it 'ocassional'.

So hey, let the questions flow. I'll be sure to check on this thread at least every couple of days. :)

Edit: Of course, I create this thread while drunk, making spelling errors all around. ^^


Kitty Sinatra

So, on your days off are you a painting?

Man, I can't help it. Every time I see your name that silly poem runs through my head, and specifically that bit that goes something like "I have an occasional table . . . there it is over there. You can tell it's an occasional table; today's its day off - it's a chair"


Occasional Poster

Nothing much. Waiting for my coffee to percolate.

Gruebeard said:
So, on your days off are you a painting?

Man, I can't help it. Every time I see your name that silly poem runs through my head, and specifically that bit that goes something like "I have an occasional table . . . there it is over there. You can tell it's an occasional table; today's its day off - it's a chair"
I remember someone referencing that poem when I made my first post on the forum, but I'm not familiar with it. I should really look it up.




What's Sweden like?


Occasional Poster

What's Sweden like?
Hmm. It's currently quite cold, we had our first lasting snow a couple of days ago where I live.


Kitty Sinatra

I remember someone referencing that poem when I made my first post on the forum, but I'm not familiar with it. I should really look it up.
That was me.

Here's the video. It starts midway through the first line, unfortunately, but as I kinda typed it above, it should be followable:



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you post enough, will you rename yourself "Occasional Lurker"?


Occasional Poster

I remember someone referencing that poem when I made my first post on the forum, but I'm not familiar with it. I should really look it up.
That was me.

Here's the video. It starts midway through the first line, unfortunately, but as I kinda typed it above, it should be followable:


Thank you! :)

if you post enough, will you rename yourself \"Occasional Lurker\"?
I've thought about changing it to a 'proper' handle, but I'm getting quite fond of Occasional Poster. I don't have an alias and I would not want this forum to pop up during a google search for my real name. I feel that the handle got settled when JCM (I think) gave me an entry in the Halwiki.

Occasional Lurker does have a ring to it though. :)


Occasional Poster

What do you usually eat for breakfast?
I usually have oatmeal, often with sunflower seeds or cranberries in it. I grew up with porridge every single morning and today it is still what I consider a decent breakfast. Sandwiches are ok if I'm in a hurry or feeling lazy. Coffee is almost a must if I am to actually wake up in the morning. If I don't have any plans I sometimes like to bake scones.

Today feels like a scones day. :)


Occasional Poster

Wow, I cannot stand oatmeal myself, heh.

To continue, what about lunch?
Hmm, that's more tricky to answer. I often skip lunch and eat a larger dinner.

I usually can't afford (with good conscience) to buy lunch at any of the university cafeterias, though they have good salad. I might have prepared some leftovers from previous dinners, but I haven't been able to make it routine. A small sandwich with coffee if I missed breakfast.

If I have lunch at home I often go for tortellini from a nearby grocery store. It's reasonably priced, extremely easy to cook and can be varied by choosing different stuffings or adding vegetables or sausage.

At the moment I'm a bit financially impaired (no escaping the poor student stereotype here lol) so my diet is mostly rice with beans, pasta with beans, just pasta, rice with eggs etc. I'll eat better when my next student loan arrives. :)


Occasional Poster

I'm not a big fan of pasta, rarely, if ever, eat it.

If you could switch roles with anyone in the entire world for one day, who would it be?
You would literally be him/her but also have all your own thoughts and memories and free will.
No love for pasta? I might just have to walk over to your thread and find out what food you do like. :)

I've thought about the new question for longer than I thought I would, but my answer will have to be Kim Jong-il. First priority for the day would be to make any improvements for his citizens or foreign relations that I'm able to. I figure that it would be difficult since most changes could be revoked the next day, but taking steps with the UN for nuclear disarmament and opening up the country just might get the ball rolling enough that it cannot be stopped.

If that doesn't pan out the way I hope I will at least get some material for a book or a screenplay. I'm thinking something in the spirit of Harold and Kumar Possess Kim Jong-il or Freaky Supreme Leader Day. I know that I would read/watch that! :D


Occasional Poster

Hmm, let's see...

'Human nature' tends to irritate me, especially when it is used to excuse stupid behavior.


Occasional Poster

No, not really. More like, excusing xenophobia because it is human nature to fear strangers. Or excusing stealing because it is human nature to be greedy. That sort of thing.


Occasional Poster

I'm glad you understand what I meant. I was trying to clarify in an edit but found myself going in circles and making a mess of things. It's been a long week and I am currently having some trouble expressing myself clearly.
