Glasses when you don't need them

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Staff member
My brother and his band members are visiting. They're arguing right now about whether or not it's okay to wear glasses when you don't need them--just for fun and style. One guy, Rev, is saying that he used to wear frames just for style, but now he doesn't because he thinks it's stupid to do that when you don't need them. The other guy says that they're a fashion accessory, and it doesn't matter.

I'm not getting into it, because I don't want to interrupt. I'm just listening intently. I generally don't care if people want to wear fake glasses. It seems a little silly to me; I can't imagine buying them when I don't need them. In the end, though, I think it's fine if people just want to wear them because they think it's fun and a good addition to their look. As long as people are having fun and enjoying themselves in a harmless way, it doesn't make much of a difference to me.

What do you think?

No poll. I don't like polls.


Yeah I don't have any negative feeling towards people who are wanting and willing to buy them. Except of course "but why?!" I sure do not wear them as fashion accessories. I loathe my glasses and if it wasn't for the fact that my eyes wont tolerate contacts every day I would never wear glasses.


Staff member
I think the more important question is what does CG have against polls, and why?
I've never really thought about it. That's always just been my reaction to poll threads. Here's my answer: I'd rather just ask a question and get an individual response from everyone than to guide people with prepared responses, no matter how obvious they might seem.
Added at: 21:08
Also, the Grue thing isn't funny anymore.
Aw, now I know the reason you always turn away when I smile at you.

Added at: 22:58
Speaking on topic, however, I'm thinking that wearing glasses as a fashion statement is somewhat like wearing a knee brace or insulin pump as a fashion statement:

Granted, eyeglasses are so common, and the companies that push them have spent decades and millions of dollars trying to make them appear fashionable that I can understand why someone who wouldn't normally need them might choose to wear them as part of their outfit. Like it or not, they also project a sense of intelligence for many people, which some find valuable, for verily, the geeks have inherited the earth, or at least those portions of it covered with internet service.
I see nothing wrong with it. You can argue they serve no purpose, but the same can be said for a lot of fashion accessories.

I personally think I look better without glasses, but I'm blind as a bat without, and I can't stand contact lenses.

Wasabi Poptart

Now here's how silly I am. I wear glasses. About 10 years ago I didn't like my frames, but couldn't afford new glasses. So I bought a pair of cheap, yet cute, frames from Claire's accessory store and wore them with my contacts in. Dur de dur.
I don't really have an issue with people wearing glasses when they don't need to. I don't really see the point (no pun intended) in doing so but if someone gets a thrill out of it than let them. I personally have warn glasses practically my whole life and recently I went and got contacts. It isn't becuase I hate my glasses (I actually rather like them) it is becuase I wanted a change. So basically as I originally stated if someone wants to wear them just for an accessory I have no problem with it.


Damn, I hit alot of those:

Old-School Chuck Taylors; White Boy Afro; Miller-High Life; Hoodie; Tall (though not 8 Foot);

I feel so... ironic.
Personally I think it's dumb to wear them if you don't need them... but that probably stems from the fact that my eyes suck and I need glasses all the time.


I have a theory that the guys in here who find chicks with glasses hot also find chicks without glasses hot.

The common denominator- chicks.
All I have to say is that, lurking somewhere, I have a photo of Olivia "Thirteen" Wilde, wearing glasses that makes her over 9000X hotter.

True, she was cosplaying as Baroness and holding a clarinet, so we're just wrapping up as many geek fetishes as possible, but still!


Staff member
I have a theory that the guys in here who find chicks with glasses hot also find chicks without glasses hot.

The common denominator- chicks.
True, but there are quite a few women I've found more attractive with glasses, than they are without.


All I have to say is that, lurking somewhere, I have a photo of Olivia "Thirteen" Wilde, wearing glasses that makes her over 9000X hotter.

True, she was cosplaying as Baroness and holding a clarinet, so we're just wrapping up as many geek fetishes as possible, but still!
Well anything to distract from her man jaw.
I have a theory that the guys in here who find chicks with glasses hot also find chicks without glasses hot.

The common denominator- chicks.
Wait, that can't be right.
Let (Glasses/Chicks) = (No Glasses/Chicks)

Chicks*(Glasses/Chicks) = Chicks*(No Glasses/Chicks)
Glasses = No Glasses
But Glasses != No Glasses

Therefore, Chicks can't be the common denominator

Wasabi Poptart

All I have to say is that, lurking somewhere, I have a photo of Olivia "Thirteen" Wilde, wearing glasses that makes her over 9000X hotter.

True, she was cosplaying as Baroness and holding a clarinet, so we're just wrapping up as many geek fetishes as possible, but still!
Like this one?
I think you guys are being overly judgmental. Personally, I wear a jeweled diaphragm for no reason other than it makes me feel pretty. I think that's enough.


I don't mind her facial features in general except that jaw. Cuddy on house is way hotter than she is.

I think you guys are being overly judgmental. Personally, I wear a jeweled diaphragm for no reason other than it makes me feel pretty. I think that's enough.
what the... ow
I have a theory that the guys in here who find chicks with glasses hot also find chicks without glasses hot.

The common denominator- chicks.
Human - check
Bewbage - check
Vagina - check
Glasses - check



Human - check
Bewbage - check
Vagina - check
Glasses - no

Added at: 16:40
Well anything to distract from her man jaw.


I thought I was the only one who thought she might be hiding an Adam's Apple around there.
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