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Go see a doctor you fucking idiot!



So my best friend's sister (who's a complete moron), posts her kid's picture on facebook showing a nasty ass rash that's formed around the mouth and under the nose. Instead of going to a real doctor, she asks for everyone on Facebook their opinion on what the rash could be.

Are people this fucking stupid anymore? You took the fucking time to take a picture of your kid's face, posted on facebook, and waited two days to wait from input from your other (equally as retarded friends), instead of just going to the doctor.

I'm not one that rushes to the doctor for everything, but my rule of thumb is if I haven't experienced it before, I'm going to go to the doctor. If my kid had a nasty ass rash for the very first time ever, I'd go to the doctor asap, instead of asking moronic "web M.D.'s" what their opinions are. Am I the only one who hates it when people play doctor, instead of talking to a real one?




So my best friend's sister (who's a complete moron), posts her kid's picture on facebook showing a nasty ass rash that's formed around the mouth and under the nose. Instead of going to a real doctor, she asks for everyone on Facebook their opinion on what the rash could be.

Are people this fucking stupid anymore? You took the fucking time to take a picture of your kid's face, posted on facebook, and waited two days to wait from input from your other (equally as retarded friends), instead of just going to the doctor.

I'm not one that rushes to the doctor for everything, but my rule of thumb is if I haven't experienced it before, I'm going to go to the doctor. If my kid had a nasty ass rash for the very first time ever, I'd go to the doctor asap, instead of asking moronic "web M.D.'s" what their opinions are. Am I the only one who hates it when people play doctor, instead of talking to a real one?
If there's one thing I've learned from infomercials, there isn't one thing a certified, experienced professional can do that a regular stay-at-home parent can't try and sell me their version of.



Chaz: I follow the same rule. If it is new and I don't know what it is.... Doctor I go.




It took me breaking my arm at 8 before my mom would take me to the doctor. And even then after it was put in a sling, she was "It's only a fracture, we could have fixed you at home."




Man, when my kids get sick there is only one doc I will take them too:

Dr. Jenny McCarthy!




It took me breaking my arm at 8 before my mom would take me to the doctor. And even then after it was put in a sling, she was "It's only a fracture, we could have fixed you at home."
I broke my arm rollerskating around the same age. My parents made me wait till the next day to go to the doc. They wanted to make sure I was really hurt, and not exaggerating.




It took me breaking my arm at 8 before my mom would take me to the doctor. And even then after it was put in a sling, she was "It's only a fracture, we could have fixed you at home."
I broke my arm rollerskating around the same age. My parents made me wait till the next day to go to the doc. They wanted to make sure I was really hurt, and not exaggerating.[/QUOTE]

It happened on the way to school. I had slipped on an icy hill landed on my arm and that was that. I was actually closer to home than school, but I continued on, my limp arm hanging at my side, tears in my eyes, because I though I would get in trouble if I went home. A teacher noticed I was upset and asked if everything was all right and if she should call my stay-at-home mom. I actually said no.

She ended up picking me up but ribs me to this day about it.




I once fractured my wrist falling off a trampoline but didn't say anything because if I did it would mean that I couldn't go to Lasertag later that day. :)




Question to chaz: did you informed her of your opinion about how she handles her children's life?



Question to chaz: did you informed her of your opinion about how she handles her children's life?
My verbatim response: Just call the doctor instead of depending on second hand diagnosis! My rule of thumb is if it's not something you've seen before, you should call the doctor. It could be Herpes for all anyone knows...




Question to chaz: did you informed her of your opinion about how she handles her children's life?
My verbatim response: Just call the doctor instead of depending on second hand diagnosis! My rule of thumb is if it's not something you've seen before, you should call the doctor. It could be Herpes for all anyone knows...[/QUOTE]

I would love have seen her face while reading that xD



Question to chaz: did you informed her of your opinion about how she handles her children's life?
My verbatim response: Just call the doctor instead of depending on second hand diagnosis! My rule of thumb is if it's not something you've seen before, you should call the doctor. It could be Herpes for all anyone knows...[/QUOTE]

I would love have seen her face while reading that xD[/QUOTE]

I was dead serious. It could be Herpes.




Lets hope not. How old is this kid?




Why, does he go to Catholic school?




Question to chaz: did you informed her of your opinion about how she handles her children's life?
My verbatim response: Just call the doctor instead of depending on second hand diagnosis! My rule of thumb is if it's not something you've seen before, you should call the doctor. It could be Herpes for all anyone knows...[/QUOTE]

I would love have seen her face while reading that xD[/QUOTE]

I was dead serious. It could be Herpes.[/QUOTE]

And that was why I wanted to see her face.

Any development on this story, or Doctor MacWeb din't come up with a diagnostic yet?



Lets hope not. How old is this kid?

Uh 65% of the U.S. population has HSV 1 and like 99% have herpetic gingivostomatitis.

If your aunt Gertrude gives you a hug and kiss at Christmas time sporting a nasty cold sore, bam, you got Herpes.



yes people are this dense

it's not a comment on her parenting ability it's a comment on her lack of common sense. for me common sense dictates that the internet is not an expert.

I am curious how other family and friends and friends of friends enjoyed seeing the darling little angel covered in a rash




Lets hope not. How old is this kid?

Uh 65% of the U.S. population has HSV 1 and like 99% have herpetic gingivostomatitis.

If your aunt Gertrude gives you a hug and kiss at Christmas time sporting a nasty cold sore, bam, you got Herpes.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Which is why I have to deal with cold sores regularly since I was 5 years old (thanks, Grandma!). I hate that shit, and I hate that people instantly assume I got it by being a man-whore.

On topic, I agree 100% with you Chaz. I have no idea why people would rather consult people on FB instead of a doctor.




Yikes, I had no idea how common that was. I guess I've never heard much about Herpes other than the STD kind.



Yikes, I had no idea how common that was. I guess I've never heard much about Herpes other than the STD kind.

Chicken Pox is a caused by a Herpes virus.




Oh god, we need a link to that south park episode STAT.




Ask and ye shall receive.





So my best friend's sister (who's a complete moron), posts her kid's picture on facebook showing a nasty ass rash that's formed around the mouth and under the nose. Instead of going to a real doctor, she asks for everyone on Facebook their opinion on what the rash could be.

Are people this fucking stupid anymore? You took the fucking time to take a picture of your kid's face, posted on facebook, and waited two days to wait from input from your other (equally as retarded friends), instead of just going to the doctor.

Fucking natural selection... let it do its work man, stop interfering.


Wasabi Poptart

I can understand asking online only because of how our medical clinic works. No fever. No vomiting. No severe pain. Then you can wait 2 -3 days before getting in to be seen by a nurse practitioner. I want to know what's wrong with my kids ASAP and if someone out there can give me an idea of what I'm looking at, then I'm not going to worry so much over that 2 - 3 day wait. I don't take internet guesses as a definitive diagnosis though. I'd still take them to see a real doc.




Instead of going to a real doctor, she asks for everyone on Facebook their opinion on what the rash could be.
What, exactly, is wrong with crowdsourcing information? It's hundreds of times better than googling because, in theory at least, you know the people you are requesting help from.

When we face a non-life-threatening medical question, we sometimes call our parents, siblings and friends and find out what experiences they've had with such a situation.

Are you saying you've never asked a non-medical-professional if they've run into a medical problem you're having?

I wouldn't post my questions to facebook because I have a different set of friends on there than those I'd chat with about my or my family's medical needs. But I can see how she might feel comfortable with it.

Putting the medical community on a pedestal with the idea that one cannot and should not draw on the experiences of others is very shortsighted.



Instead of going to a real doctor, she asks for everyone on Facebook their opinion on what the rash could be.
What, exactly, is wrong with crowdsourcing information? It's hundreds of times better than googling because, in theory at least, you know the people you are requesting help from.

When we face a non-life-threatening medical question, we sometimes call our parents, siblings and friends and find out what experiences they've had with such a situation.

Are you saying you've never asked a non-medical-professional if they've run into a medical problem you're having?

I wouldn't post my questions to facebook because I have a different set of friends on there than those I'd chat with about my or my family's medical needs. But I can see how she might feel comfortable with it.

Putting the medical community on a pedestal with the idea that one cannot and should not draw on the experiences of others is very shortsighted.[/QUOTE]

If you have insurance, hop in the damn car, see a doctor, he tells you exactly what it is, pay 5 dollars, and be on your merry way.




See Jenny McCarthy and Autism.

People ask friends and family on medical issues because they want comfort, not answers. Comfort that it has happened before, comfort that someone else has gone through it before, comfort that something has been survived before. Had the history of humanity used crowdsourcing for solving medical issues, we'd still be bleeding people to cure fevers c




I used to be of the same opinion, but it turns out my mom, my mother-in-law, siblings, etc have a great deal of useful information.

I'm glad so many of you live in a situation where you can see a doctor and still be home in less than an hour with only a $5 charge. For those of us who don't live in medical utopia it costs more time and money, and often many medical issues can be resolved with only a little information and no visit to the doctor.

On the other hand I may merely be spoiled with a pharmacist in training as one sister in law, and a brother who is nearly done with medical school, so not all of my wife's information gathering is based solely on experience.




I recommend leaches, no matter what the ailment.

Oh, and pray.




I recommend leaches, no matter what the ailment.

Oh, and pray.
To the leeches?




I recommend leaches, no matter what the ailment.

Oh, and pray.
To the leeches?[/QUOTE]
Hey, couldn't hurt, right?




I recommend leaches, no matter what the ailment.

Oh, and pray.
To the leeches?[/QUOTE]
Hey, couldn't hurt, right?[/QUOTE]

Well no, their saliva is anesthetic after all.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Some people like to live on the edge, even when it comes to their kids. I recall one incident where a kid had a rash and high temperature, and the parents figured he'd be fine with rest and fluid, didn't bother with a doctor. Kid died, parents went to jail, so I guess everything worked out.

Oh no, wait, it didn't.




Some people like to live on the edge, even when it comes to their kids. I recall one incident where a kid had a rash and high temperature, and the parents figured he'd be fine with rest and fluid, didn't bother with a doctor. Kid died, parents went to jail, so I guess everything worked out.

Oh no, wait, it didn't.
Unless they didn't like him! Then it worked out for everyone!

(Except, I suppose, for the kid)




I'll have time to see a doctor when I'm dead.

Wait, do coroners count as doctors?


Fun Size

Fun Size

I was going to ask you guys about something, but now I'm feeling all self-conscious about it. Besides, uploading a picture is a pain, and what are the odds that any of you know what a chancre looks like anyway?




A canker sore? Almost everyone!

Edit: Oh my. Did not know that there was a difference. Chancres are syphilitic in nature. Please don't show that pic please :)



I used to be of the same opinion, but it turns out my mom, my mother-in-law, siblings, etc have a great deal of useful information.


On the other hand I am spoiled.
Nothing wrong with asking around. though in this case instead of mailing or privately showing said picture, it was posted where many people had access to it that had no reason or desire to be exposed to it(i.e. chaz).

Do you strip naked at the family reunion and say hai guyz wuts this puss filled sore on my ass? (not that there's anything wrong with that)

As for professional vs brother jim I don't care who you ask but do it with some tact.


Wasabi Poptart

If you have insurance, hop in the damn car, see a doctor, he tells you exactly what it is, pay 5 dollars, and be on your merry way.
Unfortunately, it isn't always that easy for everyone. We have insurance. I can't just hop in the car to see a doctor if my kid is sick. I have to get an appointment. If it isn't something urgent according to the clinic's criteria, then we have a few days to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. Even if it is more serious (not an emergency, but not a simple head cold I can take care of at home), I may not be able to get a same day appointment. I can't even take them to another doctor/clinic without prior approval. Seems simple enough to pay the $5 and get a diagnosis, but reality is that this is not how is works for many people.




If you have insurance, hop in the damn car, see a doctor, he tells you exactly what it is, pay 5 dollars, and be on your merry way.
Unfortunately, it isn't always that easy for everyone. We have insurance. I can't just hop in the car to see a doctor if my kid is sick. I have to get an appointment. If it isn't something urgent according to the clinic's criteria, then we have a few days to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. Even if it is more serious (not an emergency, but not a simple head cold I can take care of at home), I may not be able to get a same day appointment. I can't even take them to another doctor/clinic without prior approval. Seems simple enough to pay the $5 and get a diagnosis, but reality is that this is not how is works for many people.[/QUOTE]

I seem to recall saying the same thing at some point, and everyone thought I was nuts.




I seem to recall saying the same thing at some point, and everyone thought I was nuts.
Well, you have to admit that you are crazy, but that has nothing to do with this topic.
