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GOALS. The support thread!




Hello everyone!

I've set some goals for myself for the winter holiday. I hope I can meet them all. I find that it helps to let people know what you plan to do. That way they kind of keep tabs on you about it. 'Thought it might be fun to start a thread so that anyone with a short-term goal can write it here and keep us posted!

Here are mine:

-Read 1-3 new books before school starts again (have ideas about what I want to read, but we'll see...)

-Walk at least 20 minutes EVERY DAY.

-Write 10 or more chapters of any of the 3 books I'm working on... 10 chapters, period.... meaning I could do 3 here, 4 there, etc...

-Have a real heart-to-heart with my sister. We used to be a lot closer, and I want to use this time to reconnect.

-OOH and also schedule the Praxis II!

I have about 1 month to do all this. I'm not great about sticking to a schedule, but lately, as I feel my nice, long breaks slipping away, I get more frantic about using time wisely.

What about you guys? What do you hope to accomplish in the near future?




Survive the next week so I can go on a short vacation with my wife.




There we go, contributor #1. You CAN and WILL survive, espy, because you are awesome. :D And then you will have a fantastic vacation that you can write about here.




Get my MA Thesis done by Christmas. FINALLY!




Finish designing my new website
Cancle my plan with my old web host and move my old domain and files to the new one
draw the storyboards for my animated short project
Finish registering for classes for next semester
BONUS: register with the temp office and see if I can find a part-time job




WOOOOO, do it! Do it do it do it!.... and now I must go see to my own goals! Good luck to everyone who has posted and who will post!

Just as an added note, I did walk 30 minutes today.




Actually start on these loony, harebrained, schematics I keep dreaming up. :D



Frankie Williamson

Get all my vast backlog of paperwork done so I can head the fuck out of here for two weeks come my vacation and not have anything to worry about.




Hello everyone!

I've set some goals for myself for the winter holiday. I hope I can meet them all. I find that it helps to let people know what you plan to do. That way they kind of keep tabs on you about it. 'Thought it might be fun to start a thread so that anyone with a short-term goal can write it here and keep us posted!

Here are mine:

-Read 1-3 new books before school starts again (have ideas about what I want to read, but we'll see...)

-Walk at least 20 minutes EVERY DAY.

-Write 10 or more chapters of any of the 3 books I'm working on... 10 chapters, period.... meaning I could do 3 here, 4 there, etc...

-Have a real heart-to-heart with my sister. We used to be a lot closer, and I want to use this time to reconnect.

-OOH and also schedule the Praxis II!

I have about 1 month to do all this. I'm not great about sticking to a schedule, but lately, as I feel my nice, long breaks slipping away, I get more frantic about using time wisely.

What about you guys? What do you hope to accomplish in the near future?
You can do it! You've already written it down here, so now break it down into manageable steps and get started right away!

Go schedule a time with your sister!

Write a paragraph of each of the books, and whichever one draws you in right away, go with it!

Make a list of those books you want to read, and start at the top (or with the most available) !

Look at when the Praxis II is available, and plan your schedule accordingly!


(I promise I will list my short term goals shortly, after I straighten them out in my head)




Don't destroy the house while my wife is with her parents.


Chad Sexington


You know what? I don't know. I'll be done my class shortly, and waiting to go on practicum. I might use this free time to accomplish nothing at all and just relax for a change of pace.

So instead I will cheer all y'all on. Go win and succeed and ...unfail! Huzzah!

I am not known for ability to cheer well.




I hope you can effectively relax, Garb!

And Piotyr, I appreciate your enthusiasm. :D




- Finish my massive art project
- Don't eat any more take out food this week.
-Finish the script for the first "issue" of a comic I want to do.




I want to get a ton of work done in the lab to make up for this past semester. Also, get more organized in the lab (work wise).

I want to NOT eat out at all for the rest of the month.

That's pretty much it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am so good at setting goals and never meeting them at all




Graduate from college. :-/

One more semester until unemployment! :-D




I want to land a stable job so I can enter the new year and start building something rather then just hopping from job to job, place to place.

For the rest it's the usual stuff I always try, but eventually just return to my routine.

- Eat healthier.
- Work out more.
- Go out more.




Do awesome on finals!

Do awesome next semester!

Do awesome so I can transfer to a better college than this one!

Find a better job!

Spend more time with my little sister!

I can do it!




Yes, you CAN do it!





-Down the second boss in ICC (WoW)
-Get my hunter enchanted (WoW)
-SURVIVE TODAY: Two xmas programs to do today... my kids are ready, I am not. Hahaha!
-Get a xmas tree
-Register for a sub for next Friday
-Clean the apartment before the trip

And good luck on Praxis II. The PLT is a bitch, but I passed it with the minimum score and only having three crappy education classes before I took it. You will do well!




:thumbsup: 50 minutes of walking/ellipticalling today, 20 on campus and 30 at home. Now I'm about to do lunges. I started The Great Gatsby today, another one of my "always meant to" books. I'm so excited. It's great so far. I also completed a chapter this week after finishing my last exam!

How about everyone else?




Got some writing done! Didn't eat any take out! Actually got some drawing done but not in the BIG project....still! Drawing!








:thumbsup: 50 minutes of walking/ellipticalling today, 20 on campus and 30 at home. Now I'm about to do lunges. I started The Great Gatsby today, another one of my "always meant to" books. I'm so excited. It's great so far. I also completed a chapter this week after finishing my last exam!

How about everyone else?

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

My short term goals:

- Spend at least 10 quality minutes with my wife every day (which is tougher than it sounds)
- Spend one hour each night doing activities with my son
- Get at least 20 minutes of exercise in a day
- Get started on my MCITP certifications
- Get through at least another chapter of self-learning a programming language.
- Finish up an online game guide I'm working on.




:D Go for it!

What kinds of things do you and your son like to do? Is he a really little'un?




:D Go for it!

What kinds of things do you and your son like to do? Is he a really little'un?

He's about 2 and a half now.

Tonight we went out to McDonalds together because he wanted to order at the window, then we made chocolate pretzels with sprinkles, and then we played mini basketball for a while. And now it'll be a chore to get him to bed.




Ohhhhhh my God! Halforumites have such adorable children!

:) He sounds like such a sweetheart. God, you people and your cute offspring make me almost want one of my own.




Tonight: Finish my test prep for the kids tomorrow then watch every episode on the SEason one disc of Dexter we got while eating cheese and drinking a bottle of wine.





Go man, go!




Actually start on these loony, harebrained, schematics I keep dreaming up. :D
Wait, you wouldn't happen to be talking about electronic schematics would you?

What kinds of things do you and your son like to do?


(he's a cutie)




Have any of you got any of that shit finished??? Huh? Huh? What you waitin' fer, a damned written invitation?? You should feel ashamed of yourself. Tsk. Tsk.

I'm going to turn this into the guilt-trip thread!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

As long as you put the time into it, I'm sure you'll be able to turn this into the guilt-trip thread. Just keep working at it.




I believe in you, Nutsy.

Ohhhhh man here we go. Graveyard shift from 1am-6am. I'm so creeped out by campus at that hour, but I know I can be brave!




Go man, go!
I did! Stayed up till 2am but it was worth it! Dextar!!!!!!! Wooo!!




As long as you put the time into it, I'm sure you'll be able to turn this into the guilt-trip thread. Just keep working at it.
Thanks, buddy!

Now, all you sluggards get to work!! :whip:




Actually start on these loony, harebrained, schematics I keep dreaming up. :D
Wait, you wouldn't happen to be talking about electronic schematics would you?

Think along the lines of Wile E. Coyote. ;)




Over the Christmas break I'm gonna create a comicblog for LITTOS.





1) Clean the damn kitchen.
2) Buy groceries for holiday baking.
3) Do holiday baking - I have a list of cookies, soft caramels, hard butterscotch candies, toffee, truffles, and a couple of sweet breads to get done, plus dipped pretzels, peppermint bark, and possibly more.
4) Hit up the international market and try to find Wonton skins.
5) Do all of my prep for egg rolls, teriyaki steak and chicken, and fried rice; which mainly just means getting the chicken breasts thawed out and getting them and the steaks in their marinade.

In short - fill the fridge and freezer with cooked food instead of raw ingredients and fill the house with cookies and candies and all of the wonderful smells that go with it, and get back into the Christmas mood.


Rob King

Rob King

Two days ago, I wouldn't think it would be a problem, but my goal is now to keep my blog going every weekday until January 8th with the possible exception of Christmas week (which I have off)

Yesterday I was so freaking exhausted I got home and took a nap. Then at 6, I got up and went out to a movie with friends, completely forgetting I even had a blog, let alone the fact that I owed it a post. Since my intended publish schedule has been Mon-Fri before 6:00 P.M. this is actually a bit distressing to me. I know I'm not a professional, but missing a post like that makes me feel so ... amateur.

Other goal is to start budgeting my money better. I'm flat broke now, and I don't get paid again until Tuesday. I didn't think I was cutting it this close, but apparently I was.

And sometime in the new year, I have a few others:
- Get into better shape, with the intention of joining a rowing team in the Regatta this year
- Attempt to sell one of the short stories I have finished. Also, finish more short stories




Didn't walk yesterday because of the rain, but I AM getting my 20+ minutes of exercise.





-Read 1-3 new books before school starts again (have ideas about what I want to read, but we'll see...)
*I've only read one new book... or only finished one new book. I had to cook so much in the past 2 weeks it got away from me. So I've reached the minimum but today I'm starting one of the books I got for Christmas.

-Walk at least 20 minutes EVERY DAY.
*Well, this hasn't worked out too well. I fell out of it for about a week after Christmas. I did a little with weights or took a stroll here or there, but that's all. However, I've restarted recently. I've been walking between 1.5 miles and 3 miles a day, plus Jake has been helping me do weights and some of his old football drills. Fun stuff. :)

-Write 10 or more chapters of any of the 3 books I'm working on... 10 chapters, period.... meaning I could do 3 here, 4 there, etc...
*3 finished. It's taking me a LONG time, but I'm putting out better stuff at least.

-Have a real heart-to-heart with my sister. We used to be a lot closer, and I want to use this time to reconnect.
*Kinda did this, but she's been so busy moving into her new house that there's not too much time for that. I did help her organize her new kitchen and gave her some french bread.

-OOH and also schedule the Praxis II!
*Doing that this week.

I have until the 14th or 15th to complete all my goals. How about y'all?
