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Good beginners book(s) on Ethics and Logic?


Element 117

Do such volumes exist? Written in plain language? Please post recommendations/links below. Thanks in advance.


Kitty Sinatra

They exist. There's both a Dummies book and a Complete Idiot's Guide for Ethics. I'm sure there's others out there. Never read any of them so I'd have no idea what would be good, though.


Chad Sexington


Just to be clear: ethics and logic as one topic or books on either ethics or logic? My friend just finished a beginner's logic course, and I could get his recommendations if you like; but it had nothing to do with ethics.


Element 117

ideally beginners books on ethics and separately, logic but a blend would work.




Ethics: ''The Elements of Moral Philosophy'' Fifth Edition by Stuart Rachels
Logic: ''Modern Logic: A Text in Elementary Symbolic Logic'' by Graeme Forbes.

These are the ones I used in my Ethics and Logic 101 courses. Hope it helps


Element 117

Thanks Wahad :)
