Good Hiphop

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So my friend introduced me to this artist, Atmosphere, a few days ago. I'm not normally one for hiphop/rap (so forgive me if I miscategorize it as one or the other), but this song really got me. Listen to it all the way through, especially the last part.



Staff member
I like feel-good hiphop. My best friend listens to hiphop all the time so I've gotten exposed to a good bit of it.

You might like this:


I'll throw something else out there if I can think of something.

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:21 am --

This isn't feel good so much, but it's got a similar feel and I like it.



There's also a song by Trick Daddy called "I Wanna Sang" that's pretty uplifting, but I can't find a youtube of it. (Only mp3 I found was shit.)


And here's one for all the hard-workin' folks:

I'm not normally one for hiphop/rap (so forgive me if I miscategorize it as one or the other)
As i recall hip-hop = the style of music; rap = the words coming out of the rapper's mouth;

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:19 pm --

Also, it might not be feel good, but i like this one:



Two of my favourite hip-hop tracks though they have slight 'chill-out' leanings:



Steven Soderburgin

Kool Keith (and his alternate personas)
MF DOOM (Actually just DOOM now)
Danger Mouse


The song doesn't start until about 1:20 or so, but it's one of the best hiphop/rap songs in the last couple of decades.

Yes, this 43 year old white guy likes Tupac.

Philosopher B.

Mos Def
Jurassic 5
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien (and Deltron 330)
Eric B. and Rakim
My brother introduced me to this guy's music recently. His name is Lyrics Born, and he's from the Bay Area. His videos suck, but I do like his flow and his beats.

Callin' Out:

I Like It, I Love It:

Funky Hit Records (it's satirical):
Saul Williams and Mos Def are both fantastic. If you like harder music check out Saul's last album. Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) produced it and it's a really nice blend of heavy beats and synths and fantastic poetry from Saul.
If you ever wanted to hear Nine Inch Nails cover U2, this is about as close as you get (I don't normally care for most covers but I really like what they did with this one):
The Knux

Psyche Origami

Lupe Fiasco

Steven Soderburgin

Vagabond said:
Lupe Fiasco

Yes yes yes.

God, Lupe Fiasco is amazing



The Roots

Not to everyones taste (seems to be about him personally rather than his music) Kanye West

From this side of the pond...

Roots Manuva

Dizzee Rascal

@Endrondal its ok to be over 40 and into hip hop/rap remember we grew up with this stuff.

For example here is Jimi getting his rap on with The Last Poets

redapples said:
Not to everyones taste (seems to be about him personally rather than his music) Kanye West
But he's "the voice of this generation of this decade"... you have to like him...


Well I do, but I have heard people who seem to find him arrogant - which if it was a criteria for not listening to someones music I could pretty much sell my stereo, mp3, and all my CDs now.
I can't believe no one mentioned the Beastie Boys (perhaps it goes without saying though)

Nas too.



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