Good news, Everyone! Beer is good for you!

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Well dunno bout Guinness, never could get a taste for it, but I got my Yuengling right here, what's left of it anyhow.

Philosopher B.

How can Guinness be good for you if it has those little faces on it.

*Cries in hiding under his bed*
Can you even imagine how terrifying that would be?

Edit: And it would also probably be hilarious. It might even be...hilarifying.
Is it just stout in general? Because I hate Guinness, but I like other stouts.
Its not just stouts, it's all beers. There are studies showing that 2 beers a day for men can reduce the occurance of strokes by 20%. Which of course is why I drink, every the dark (that also helps).....

while crying.[/QUOTE]

That article doesn't actually say what type of beer they're talking about, but the OP does specifically say
Drinking lager does not yield the same benefits, experts from University of Wisconsin told a conference in the US.
I send these links to my wife and tell her it's like taking a multivitamin or adding turmeric to our food. She just rolls her eyes at me.

Guinness is Mother's Milk.
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