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Goodbye Threads


Rob King

Rob King

Just wondering what we think of goodbye threads. I don't think I've ever seen a goodbye thread where people don't jump in there and start bashing away. Perhaps I'm just forgetting the civil ones.

But I was thinking ... if circumstances took me away from this forum, I would like to sort of say goodbye, or offer an explanation. And there are people here, who if they were leaving for a significant period or for good, I would like a goodbye from them. You know. Like, if North Ranger just stopped posting without a goodbye, I would fear he died in a horrible pantless sauna battle with a Swede or something.

Now, I know there will be goodbye threads that deserve hating on. A certain current and hypocritical example comes to mind (although, the jury is still out on whether it's satire or genuine). But do we hate goodbye threads as a rule?




No, there have been many civil goodbye threads when people have said that they are going on sabatical, or their jobs are taking them away, or have personal reasons for leaving.

It's when the pull the attentionwhoring ZOMG U all ZUXXORZ!!!1!!!!!!111!!! That they get pounced on.




The only way to redeem a goodbye thread would be to post a pic of yourself looking over your shoulder and waving behind you as you walk off into the distance.

...or just you walking off into the distance.

...to wander the earth.

Bonus points if you're carrying a hobo stick.


Cuyval Dar

Have we ever had any goodbye threads that don't center around attention whoring?




The only way to redeem a goodbye thread would be to post a pic of yourself looking over your shoulder and waving behind you as you walk off into the distance.

...or just you walking off into the distance.

...to wander the earth.

Bonus points if you're carrying a hobo stick.
And post a link to the ending theme to the Incredible Hulk show to accompany said pic.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

The only way to redeem a goodbye thread would be to post a pic of yourself looking over your shoulder and waving behind you as you walk off into the distance.

...or just you walking off into the distance.

...to wander the earth.

Bonus points if you're carrying a hobo stick.
If I ever leave this place I'm totally doing this.


Rob King

Rob King

The only way to redeem a goodbye thread would be to post a pic of yourself looking over your shoulder and waving behind you as you walk off into the distance.

...or just you walking off into the distance.

...to wander the earth.

Bonus points if you're carrying a hobo stick.
If I ever leave this place I'm totally doing this.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing.




But do we hate goodbye threads as a rule?
Not me. I remember when I posted a goodbye thread back on Image, when I was too naive to know what might come of it. (And I'll give you one guess who was all over that thread flinging shit at me. JCM too. Good times.) I don't want to see that happen to other people for the most part.

In general, everyone here has some modicum of responsibility for how they're perceived on the forum. Lately I've been seeing a greater than usual number of people who are unhappy with that perception but manage to blame everyone except themselves for it. I'm not saying the forum doesn't get into a mob mentality at times and pile on, but in most cases there's a point where you have to ask yourself "So why DOES everyone seem to think I'm a jerk?"

Or, you just post a goodbye thread pointing out how it's everyone else's fault, which is not likely to change anyone's opinion of you.

In 98% of cases on this forum, a simple "I'm taking off" thread minus associated drama wouldn't spur anything but a "goodbye and good luck" from me. Definitely if regs are leaving for good, I agree, I'd like to know about it rather than wonder what the hell happened.

Have we ever had any goodbye threads that don't center around attention whoring?
Definitely yes, we have.







No. What I can't stand are "I'm not coming back because you're all meanies and assholes" goodbye threads. If someone was going on a long trip and/or just wouldn't have time for this place anymore, I'd want a chance to wish them well.




I think I actually made a goodbye thread back when I started my last job a few years ago and knew I wouldn't be posting that often.

I seem to recall nothing negative.



Because reciprocating the attitude is so much better...

If I'm gonna leave for good, I'm not sure if I'd post a goodbye thread or not.




Unfortunately many goodbye threads seem to come as results of forum drama, and then they are usually the "F*** you, guys, I'm leaving" variety. Personally I try not to pile onto these threads, and I generally hate seeing people leave :tear: I just hope that people - even pissed-off folks - come back once they have calmed down a bit, so we can all go back to enjoying our communal geekiness ;)

Also, trust me, I will let you know if I decide to drop below the radar for a while. And even then I'll be back. I'm like a bad rash that way...


Wasabi Poptart

I don't like the drama-fueled good-bye threads that are really saying "please tell me you want me to stay". They are like the internet's version of a temper tantrum. Don't get the warm fuzzies from the forum anymore? Then PM the people you wish to keep in touch with and move along.
If someone is genuinely leaving because of a real life issue then I don't see a problem with a little explanation about why they are dropping off the radar of a while.




If it includes a poll concerning the poster, nuke it from orbit.




If it includes a poll concerning the poster, nuke it from orbit.
This, I agree with.

EDIT: And of course now I'm thinking of the totally filthy and inappropriate poll I'm going to make in my goodbye thread.




I never believe someone has truly gone until they have posted proof they have deleted their account.





I never believe someone has truly gone until they have posted proof they have deleted their account.

And how would that work, exactly?

I never believe someone has truly gone until they get someone else to post proof they have deleted their account.




Wasabi Poptart

Which is why on two of the military spouse support boards I used to belong to they would ban people who made alts. One of the admins took it far enough that if you posted a dramatic good-bye, then you were perma-banned.


Kitty Sinatra

I am totally against the banning of alts. And especially the banning of Alt (singular, capitalized) . . . wait - is Alt even registered on Halforums (plural)?




If there was ever a time where I found it necessary to leave permanently, I think I'd post a goodbye thread. I love and respect you guys too much not to.


Kitty Sinatra

I've caught up on what happened, now.

JCM is gonna need some consoling. He'll be torn up about missing this.





Goodbye threads are an attempt to get the last word while, basically, leaving a big open space for everyone else to get the last word in, instead.

I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other, but I'm still around and ready to input my 2 cents when the inclination hits or to join in on furry bashing for lulz.

I figure no one would have anything to say to me, anyway, outside of more furry bashing dry wit.




Aww, but I like the Pojo. :(




I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other...




I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other...

Honestly, it's nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. It's quite bad some days, but it's usually pretty civil and it's rare it transfers outside of the thread it's in.


Rob King

Rob King

I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other...

Honestly, it's nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. It's quite bad some days, but it's usually pretty civil and it's rare it transfers outside of the thread it's in.[/QUOTE]

For proof, look at the G20 riot thread. I mean, for all the disagreement, that thread didn't go a lot of places it probably could have.




It's pretty funny when there's this supposed mentality that people are so vicious to each other and I'm considered the least negative person in most threads. :rofl:



Maybe I just have bad luck with the threads I take interest in turning into flame wars.

I can say that the topics of discussion have been less and less the kind I take interest in, too, so... *shrug*

I lurk, I'm just so sick of drama these days that what I've seen here has driven me away.




I haven't left or anything, I've just run out of interesting things to talk about I guess.

That or nothing really catches my attention, post-wise.




I can say that the topics of discussion have been less and less the kind I take interest in, too, so... *shrug*
If only there were some way to do something about that... :confused:

Today has been pretty educational on the manner in which people project things onto the forum.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

you know, I'm sad Chaz decided to leave. He makes a lot of good points although he goes about it the wrong way.
He left? I missed that, did he do a goodbye thread?

EDIT: oh, he did! as I said before, I missed that.


Kitty Sinatra

I still love that "chazzhattery" tag; it seemed like some fun spirited ribbing. Who coined it, anyway?



But attention whores need love too. That's why they are whores....errr...that crave attention. :D







I never believe someone has truly gone until they get someone else to post proof they have deleted their account.
I stand by my previous assertion. My ability to believe that someone is totally, irrevocably gone cannot start until my previously stated condition is met.

Or a body. Either way.





I never believe someone has truly gone until they get someone else to post proof they have deleted their account.
I stand by my previous assertion. My ability to believe that someone is totally, irrevocably gone cannot start until my previously stated condition is met.

Or a body. Either way.

But, if they delete their account, how are they supposed to post?




But, if they delete their account, how are they supposed to post?
If someone wanted to do this, they could contact me, and ask me to delete their account and then post about it.

I'd do it for them but I can only imagine the (most likely deserved) mockery that would ensue.

Of course if someone simply wanted their account gone quietly, I would do that too.



I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other,
Where you around on any of the old pvp forums?

This is probably the best the community has been in a long time... hell on the last pvp forum, it was completely impossible to have a discussion about anything, without most of the trolls turning the thread into a massive flame war, and dragging the argument across every single thread they bothered to post in.

I'm genuinely baffled at anyone sticking up for chaz either, as he was one of the main people fucking things up for everyone else... he wasn't capable of having a mature conversation with 90% of the community, and I honestly can't think of anything he brought to the table that Ill miss, as I can find immature, ignorant posts like his, anywhere on the internet.


Kitty Sinatra

he wasn't capable of having a mature conversation with 90% of the community,
Yeah, I don't think I've had a mature conversation with even 1% of the community.




I consider myself no longer a part of the halforum crowd since the focus turned to drama and spouting vitrol at each other,
Where you around on any of the old pvp forums?

This is probably the best the community has been in a long time... hell on the last pvp forum, it was completely impossible to have a discussion about anything, without most of the trolls turning the thread into a massive flame war, and dragging the argument across every single thread they bothered to post in.

I'm genuinely baffled at anyone sticking up for chaz either, as he was one of the main people fucking things up for everyone else... he wasn't capable of having a mature conversation with 90% of the community, and I honestly can't think of anything he brought to the table that Ill miss, as I can find immature, ignorant posts like his, anywhere on the internet.[/QUOTE]

diagree. i found he made good points a lot of the time.




Chaz will be back. This isn't his first "goodbye thread", and likely won't be his last.


Kitty Sinatra

I don't know. Aside from a hockey thread or two, I can't recall seeing Chaz really enjoying his posting here. As much as one can register enjoyment in a post, that is.



I've caught up on what happened, now.

JCM is gonna need some consoling. He'll be torn up about missing this.
Nah.... itw as worth missing it to see Ney Matogrosso live.

But another Chaz good bye thread?
*adds Chaz to the long list of former forum flamers with L33t/Computergate, Major Khaos, Janissary, Rightwinger, and the rest.

I'd ad more, but Tiq as usual is pretty much right in his oppinion (even of me)

---------- Post added at 02:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 AM ----------

And I'll give you one guess who was all over that thread flinging shit at me. JCM too.
You do need medication, fair Zen, because the only Goodbye thread I ever laughed at were Crone's (due to the numerous number of them), and Chaz' for laughing and insulting at goodbye threads, then making one himself.

Maybe you got him and me confused? :confused:




No sarcasm in this: I knew when I wrote that someone (maybe you, maybe not) would say their memory was different than mine, because it was a long time ago. But that's my memory of it and if you disagree, that's fine. It really is water under the bridge and I don't hold grudges from back then.

Only from now.




Only from now.
*returns Zen's "back massager"*




Chaz will be back. This isn't his first "goodbye thread", and likely won't be his last.
Wait when did you start posting again A Troll?!?!?! I have not seen you in awhile.




some people who posted in the adios thread are way worse than Chazz ever was or will be.

I liked his posts and i'll leave it at that.

He'll be back and we'll mock him for it though.




*returns Zen's "back massager"*
*bleaches it clean*

I'll be in my bunk.




Who coined it, anyway?



He is still in the halforum wiki :D




Chaz will be back. This isn't his first "goodbye thread", and likely won't be his last.
Wait when did you start posting again A Troll?!?!?! I have not seen you in awhile.[/QUOTE]

I just went into lurk mode for a while. I'm always reading, just not always posting.




It's nice to see you when you poke your nose out.




But, if they delete their account, how are they supposed to post?
Yes, that's exactly my point. Lemme 'splain.

-If he never posts proof, then I have no proof, and I won't believe it.
-If he posts proof, then he hasn't left, and I won't believe it.
-If he has someone else post proof, then he hasn't posted it himself, and I won't believe it.

In short, unless there's a body, I never believe that anyone has ever permanently left.



Kitty Sinatra

I can't tell if y'all aren't getting PatrThom's joke or if y'all are playing it straight just to smurf with me.



I can't tell if y'all aren't getting PatrThom's joke or if y'all are playing it straight just to smurf with me.
Everything we do, we do to smurf with you. :unibrow:



Goodbye threads may be a necessary evil at times. I think I've told this story before, but what the hell...

I used to visit an editing community for a bloody long time, learned all about the Internet and all there. Had some good times posting and chatting there, and getting to know some of the folks there. Then at some point, I got bored with it. Too much anger was thrown around at times, memes becoming some insufferable, people trying their damn hardest to project a fake personality... feh, I just upped and left. Didn't make a goodbye thread or anything, just left. Have to admit that it was a bit difficult not to visit the daily forums and chat room, but I was quite happy that I left.

Then a few years later, I get a call from an unknown number on my mobile. I still don't know how they managed to, but one of the English blokes there had managed to get my number and gave me a call to see wether I was still alive. Apparantly, the lot of them had assumed that I had died somehow. So I visited the site, and to my utter surprise, there was a memorial thread dedicated to me. One of the forum visitors had apparantly found a newsclipping of an accident that had happened near a city I used to visit back then, and they deduced that I had passed away.

The memorial thread was... interesting... humbling... and downright creepy. Kind of like being at your own funeral. Also made me realise why I decided not to get too involved with online communities.

All that, just because I hadn't posted a goodbye thread.




All that, just because I hadn't posted a goodbye thread.

Yeah, I think we've agreed the drama-free "I'm moving on for now" threads are fine. And I've always been in favor of that compared with your (and your community's) experience.

I didn't want to explain why I left Facebook because it would be TEH DRAMA LLAMA so I simply posted a notice that I was leaving, and gave my contact info. That has worked out well.



Eeeh.. I dunno. Maybe I'm just having bad luck reading threads that turn sour.

I've been feeling pretty depressed and anti-social lately, too, so that doesn't help my point-of-view of things.

I sure won't be going away, I just don't feel my contribution has been worth anything here lately.




Is that a real Buckley strip?

If so, he's really getting better. :D



No, I actually made it myself as a variation of an existing edit.



No, I actually made it myself as a variation of an existing edit.
It's awesome.[/QUOTE]Seconded




No, I actually made it myself as a variation of an existing edit.
Srsly? That's awesome.



Epic derail :p
