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Google Wave


Rob King

Rob King

Someone made mention of this on my Facebook this morning. I got curious and started to read, and I wasn't that impressed.

But now, after watching an hour and twenty minute demo, I've been sold.

I cannot wait for this to become available. I am someone who likes the idea of collaboration. Google Wave looks like it'll make me happy.



I watched that video months ago. I still can't believe I watched it all. Presentation videos like that get boring fast.

Anyway, yeah, I was just as sold and I really don't email or socialize online as much. I do wish it was around when I had my admin job because it would have made things so much easier then going through Outlook or whatever the company stuck you with.



So... Firefly starts the wave of the future....

They sent wave transmissions in that show right? I'm a littly foggy at the moment




Sounds like the most awesome thing ever..... Will they have to pay royalties to the Whedonverse?




Watched most of it. I like it. It has a lot of cool potential. I like that they're open-sourcing it.




I liked this better when it was called ICQ and didn't record everything at Google.


Rob King

Rob King

Gmail and Google Docs/callendar really affected how I do my work and communicate. I can only believe that Google Wave will do the same.

I must re-state it. I am excited.




Anyone know where I could get an invite? :D



What Calleja said.
