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Gov't force a company to recall toy dart gun..........read more




Cause the boys CHEW the end off and choked on it??? these are 9 and 10 year old. Why in the world are they CHEW the end of the a dart gun (suction cup) to force a recall? I know these guns. These are the similar that NERF uses them.

I can understand if the gun malfunction and cause harm, but chewing at the tips is not consider normal use.

I can understand if the toy was design for 5 and under. Those you would have to be careful of "choking" hazard item. McD has a special toy for 3 and under but I figure 9 and 10 would know better than to CHEW the tip of a dart gun.




1) You bought the toy at a dollar store.
2) Your paste-eating idiot kid is old enough to know better than to eat the fucking darts.
3) Accidents are accidents. Sometimes the person killed is at fault. Like these two cases.

I wonder how much the company is saving with a recall vs. lawsuits and will this even prevent a lawsuit.




How many darts did Sammy chew off, Dave? *ducks*




If she did and died I wouldn't sue the company. Maybe I would have when she was 2 or 3 but then it would have been MY fault for giving her an age-inappropriate toy.



Natural selection at its finest.




Stuff like this is why toys are boring now.




Man this is just retarded.

I mean I feel bad that some kids died but still they died by being stupid. Now I know everyone does stupid things and luckily we don't all die the first time we do something stupid but still accidents happen and you shouldn't panic becuase of them.



I am sad that the kids died, but at the same time it is silly to force a recall on a product that wasn't design to be eaten/chew on!




As an aside the the actual firearms I own, I have a Nerf double barrel shotgun, and a Nerf lever action rifle.



As an aside the the actual firearms I own, I have a Nerf double barrel shotgun, and a Nerf lever action rifle.
don't chew on the tips. It can be a chocking hazard item!




He loves chewing on the tips.



Man this is just retarded.

I mean I feel bad that some kids died but still they died by being stupid. Now I know everyone does stupid things and luckily we don't all die the first time we do something stupid but still accidents happen and you shouldn't panic becuase of them.
Right. They died in horrible freak accidents. Shit like this WILL happen in a species population of over 6 billion. It doesn't mean we need nanny-state regulations to force companies to change or stop selling their products because of these freak accidents.

Next thing we'll hear in the news is how 18 Volt cordless drills will have handgun-type safety locks installed on them because some kid drilled a hole in his head after wandering into his dad's garage. Kids ALL do really, really stupid shit. A lot of times they get away with things like broken bones and bruises, othertimes they die. It happens. It doesn't mean that everything needs to be fireproof and covered in bubble wrap.

I fucking hate this day and age where everyone thinks banning and destroying something that's potentially dangerous is the answer to all our child safety problems. Teach your kid not to be a dipshit and they won't eat dart gun suction cups.




I almost said that in my first post but didn't want to come off as an asshole because Sammy is cool.



Interesting ads for this topic: Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and Allstate Auto Insurance.




George Carlin about sums it up:

"Today's kids are way too soft. For one thing, there is too much emphasis on safety. Child proof medicine bottles, fire proof pajamas, child restrained car seats... and helmets! Baseball, bicycles, skateboard helmets. Kids have to wear helmets now for everything except jerking off! Grown-ups have taken all the fun from being a kid just to save a few thousand lives. It's pathetic. What's happening is that these soft fruity baby boomers are raising an entire generation of soft fruity kids who aren't allowed to have hazardous toys. Whatever happened to natural selection; survival of the fittest? The kid who swallowed too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own. Simple as that. Nature knows best. We're saving entirely too many lives in this country of all ages. Nature should be allowed to do its job of killing off the weak and sickly and ignorant people without interference from airbags and bating helmets. Just think of it as passive eugenics."
