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Green Vegetables and Fruits



As the best sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, there is no question that our body is craving for more of these type of foods. But it seems that our mind does not fully agree as we are addicted to meat and other processed foods.

I am right now putting the right discipline to make my body and mind in tune to nature. I want to be healthy and right. Green vegetables and fruits are the right food we need.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

.... I'm sensing a spammer.

An organic spammer.




Actually, friend, our bodies are evolutionarily designed to crave meat, fruit, and heavy carbohydrate laden foods. Vegetables are a terrible source of energy, and we're not cows - who sit in a field all day eating massive amounts of vegetation. The thing is every mammal's metabolism wants to do one thing, squeeze as much energy out of what you eat as it can. For humans, carbohydrates and meat have the best bang for your buck, in terms of the most energy available from the smallest portion sizes. If you want to lose weight, by all means, drop out the processed foods, but fruits and vegetables alone suck. I could argue that fruits make you fat from all the fructose, but I'm sensing you're a bot to begin with.








I have to agree. Something smells.




He's definitely NOT a spammer. I 100% guarantee it.




He's definitely NOT a spammer. I 100% guarantee it.
Is he just posting while on a sugar rush from too much fructose? ;)




Is green vegetables a term that indicates specific vegetables or inclusive of all of them? What about turnips? Nobody ever thinks about turnips yet they even have their own International Turnip Day (January 24).




Won't somebody please think of the turnips?!

Not me, though. I hate turnips.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'd tell you what my body craves, but we don't have a NSFW subforum anymore.




He's definitely NOT a spammer. I 100% guarantee it.
Is this one of your alts? ;)




Is green vegetables a term that indicates specific vegetables or inclusive of all of them? What about turnips? Nobody ever thinks about turnips yet they even have their own International Turnip Day (January 24).
You are far too obsessed with turnips, sir. I think you have a problem.


Philosopher B.

Dave has green hooties.




I smell a sock-puppet.


Philosopher B.

I'd tell you what my body craves, but we don't have a NSFW subforum anymore.
It's ducks, isn't it!







He's definitely NOT a spammer. I 100% guarantee it.
Is it a Google Translate Bot?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


Wasabi Poptart

I only eat Tasty Wheat. It tastes like chicken.




But... How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?



I only eat Tasty Wheat. It tastes like chicken.
Maybe what you think Tasty Wheat tastes like actually tastes like oatmeal, or tuna fish.




I will eat more vegetables when they make asparagus taste like steak, and not make your pee smell funny.




I will eat more vegetables when I can get through them before they die forgotten in my crisper.





I'd LIKE to eat more vegetables, but when lunch rolls around, it's simply time for a burger.

But at least it has lettuce.




I'd eat more vegetables if they didn't just taste like water and plant.




I will eat more vegetables when they make asparagus taste like steak, and not make your pee smell funny.
This raises the question: why are you taking a big whiff of your own pee?

Actually, scratch that, I really don't want to know.




This raises the question: why are you taking a big whiff of your own pee?

Actually, scratch that, I really don't want to know.
I guess asparagus pee has an especially strong odor that one can't miss even if one wants to.

Don't know that myself, but I do know that if you haven't been drinking enough, your pee will be darker and smellier than usual.

Also, I heard a lady friend once say that a man's diet reflects on his... ermm... okay, I'll just say sperm. Quantity and taste thereof, I hear. Once again, no personal experience in that front. Ladies?


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I support this thread. A good thread.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Did I miss something? Are green fruits and vegetables running for office or something?




To quote my daughter...

"I eat cows, cows eat green stuff, that's as close as I'll get to being a vegetarian."




Did I miss something? Are green fruits and vegetables running for office or something?
I'm a cumquat! Vote for me!




Also, I heard a lady friend once say that a man's diet reflects on his... ermm... okay, I'll just say sperm. Quantity and taste thereof, I hear. Once again, no personal experience in that front. Ladies?
I find that to be very true.
Guys, eat more fruits and vegetables.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I find that to be very true.
Guys, eat more fruits and vegetables.
When I get what I crave, I'll do that. In the mean time, give me some more steak!


Wasabi Poptart

Also, I heard a lady friend once say that a man's diet reflects on his... ermm... okay, I'll just say sperm. Quantity and taste thereof, I hear. Once again, no personal experience in that front. Ladies?
I've heard that pineapple makes it taste better. Don't know that for sure or if it's a wive's tale.




There needs to be empirical data to prove disprove this "wives tale..."

and I am willing to donate.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I once watched a sex expert on TV claim that a vegan diet makes it "sweet and nut-like". Even as a veggie, that somehow creeped me out.


Wasabi Poptart

But "nut-like" is really funny.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Exactly. Terrible choice of words.




I guess asparagus pee has an especially strong odor that one can't miss even if one wants to.
Well, it does, but only if you're both a detector and an eliminator. There's a compound in asparagus that does make your pee stink, but not everyone can smell it, and not everyone's body eliminates it as is via the urine. So there are people whose pee stinks after they eat asparagus, but they never realize it. There are people whose pee doesn't stink from asparagus. I'm one of the unlucky ones who is both an eliminator and a detector. Blech!

I still love asparagus, though. Veggies can be really tasty if they're good quality and cooked right. You'll never catch me going vegetarian, but I love to eat my greenies.




Wow, it almost sounds like someone actually studied the link between eating asparagus and having stinky pee.


Oh God, it means somebody also got funding to study that.




Oh God, it means somebody also got funding to study that.
You mean someone actually got money to study the human metabolism?! Perish the thought. There couldn't possibly be any importance to studying biochemistry and figuring out how various chemicals are processed by the body. Our sense of smell is just for show and should remain a mystery. Also, no one should bother looking at any chemicals besides the major vitamins and minerals, because if it's not an essential nutrient than it's obviously not important what the body does with it.

Sorry, I'm feeling ranty today. Just because the purpose of science isn't obvious doesn't make it frivolous.




Off Topic:

One time I was having some coffee and reading the newspaper when I flipped to the science section. It was there that I read an article where scientist had proven that ducls prefer standing the rain to swimming in a pond.

They gad a 50, 000 dollar grant to study this.

They basically came out with the finds that DUCKS LIKE WATER.

My mind was fucking blown.




Off Topic:

One time I was having some coffee and reading the newspaper when I flipped to the science section. It was there that I read an article where scientist had proven that ducls prefer standing the rain to swimming in a pond.

They gad a 50, 000 dollar grant to study this.

They basically came out with the finds that DUCKS LIKE WATER.

My mind was fucking blown.
And Popular Science explains why that study was important.

Baths, it turns out, are a bad idea. “Commercial duck producers would very much like to provide ducks with bathing water, but—and this is what is so often misunderstood—doing so brings health and welfare problems with it,” wrote one of the researchers, Marian Stamp Dawkins, after her study was ridiculed by British papers. Stagnant ponds can lead to bacterial and fecal contamination that can work its way up the food chain. Showers are better for the fowl and their keepers. “Their health was good,” Dawkins writes, “and they spend even more time in showers...when given the choice.”
This wasn't just a study on the preference of ducks. It was a study on how to best care for the health of commercially raised ducks.

Not that there isn't frivolous science. When my parents lived in Alaska one of their neighbors got a grant to "study the growth of pumpkins" or some bullshit. He threw the seeds on the ground, and recorded "no growth". It wasn't science, it was just bilking the government.




See, if the article explained ANY of that instead of just saying "LAWL DUCKS LIKE RAIN!" I would have been actually informed on something.

What shitty reporting.




Science reporting is some of the worst reporting there is. Most reporters (and their audience) are functionally science illiterate.


Wasabi Poptart

Not to mention much of what is reported by media outlets is there for the "shock and awe". It elicits more of a response to say 50,000 dollars were spent on a study that found out ducks prefer showers than to give the entire story. I have eczema. A few years ago there was a study that found use of corticosteroids could possibly increase the risk for skin cancer. The media took off with it. They made it sound like anyone using these medications were in immediate danger. The reality was that your skin can be more photosensitive when you use the medication long term, so you need to take more precautions when exposed to the sun. You didn't see that bit in the media though.




You mean someone actually got money to study the human metabolism?! Perish the thought. There couldn't possibly be any importance to studying biochemistry and figuring out how various chemicals are processed by the body. Our sense of smell is just for show and should remain a mystery. Also, no one should bother looking at any chemicals besides the major vitamins and minerals, because if it's not an essential nutrient than it's obviously not important what the body does with it.

Sorry, I'm feeling ranty today. Just because the purpose of science isn't obvious doesn't make it frivolous.
It was meant as a joke, figmentPez. Jesus, who pissed in your cereal today?

And did it smell?




When my parents lived in Alaska one of their neighbors got a grant to "study the growth of pumpkins" or some bullshit.
With its extremely long daytime during the Summer months, Alaska turns out some of the biggest vegetables on record, milk trick or not.

