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Groundhog's Day




So since today is Groundhog's Day - where Puxutawny Phil will refuse to come out of his hole because it's too fucking cold - I thought I'd mix the movie magic with my inner need to do something other than staring outside at the cold frozen tundra.

So here's what this thread is about: It's Groundhog's Day. You get to relive this day over and over and over. Unlike Bill Murray, you knew ahead of time this was going to happen so you can set it up the way you want.

What do you do? Do you go on vacation with your wife/husband/SO? Do you call in from work the night before so you can sleep in?

Where do you spend the day?
With whom do you spend it?
Is there anything else you'd do that you normally wouldn't?

And you have to explain your answers. Go!


Wasabi Poptart

I know this doesn't have to be a day you've already lived, but mine basically is. This day I'm reliving would be 8 years ago when my husband and I first met instead of now when we're married with two little kids. We originally spent this beautiful September day on a beach in Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, VA. Oh and it was a Friday the 13th! This time around it would be here, in Oahu, some place up on North Shore. The only other thing I'd change is that we'd remember to put sunscreen on the tops of his feet since they got pretty red. We spent the day sunbathing, listening to the waves, and enjoying each other's company. It was the first time I ever saw dolphins playing in the ocean. It is already one of the most perfect days in my entire life. It even beats our wedding day. The change in location and keeping his feet from being sunburned would make it absolutely the perfect day. I'd love to relive it.




Punxsutawney Phil said it's gonna be an early spring. I'm pretty sure he also said, "screw you Packers, and your cheese-eating, slovenly fanbase."
